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Everything posted by Designer1

  1. And a certain Mage alt of mine? :winkold:
  2. Scout Heelfaction is starting to look quite good...
  3. Nice Idea Daniel San... Best Area: Desolace Worst Area: Hillsbrad (gank city) Best Instance: Still Shadow Fang Keep for me. Visually stunning. Worst Instance: Wailing Caverns Best Drop: Gold Pearl (Got 18g for it) Best Q: The super Q of free XP in Azshara! (Agree with Dan) Worst Q: The one in Tanaris with the sample collections. Grrrrr!! Toughest class come across: Druids and Priests seem to **** me over quicker than most. Warlocks are tough too, but as Nays has said there arent that many of them so I havent been killed by too many. Easiest class come across: Rogues and Hunters for me, Rogues because they are a melee class too so we can have a real blokes fight instead of getting done by a range caster, and Hunters because I can get close to them and once the pet has had Intimidating Shout cast I can kill the owner (sometimes :winkold: ) I'll bet most people will have Warrior on this one. Best Bat ride: Silverpine to Undercity (first one is still the best) Funniest moment: Risso and me in our 'cliff diving' episode. Still makes me giggle now. Oh and the night me, Nays and Sie quested with a frenchman (we were on TS too) who was quite clearly mad. Monitor through the Window Moment: Most of the time spent in Hillsbrad. It just takes the piss regarding ganking. Best Moment: Dinging 40 and getting the mount.
  4. Its those bloody 2k+ crits of yours. :winkold:
  5. A mile in about 6 minutes if you chase her.
  6. ^^^And why would that be Mr.R?
  7. For some reason this made me giggle. :winkold:
  8. You can turn someone into a sheep as well Al. Must be the Welsh coders working overtime.
  9. Its just nice to have a crack at both sorts of characters tbh. The Warrior is ace for just steaming in and shouting 'whose next bastards?!' while the Mage is ace for just standing there laughing whilst delivering a huge fireball up the ass of some poor unfortunate who he's frozen to the ground. Just shows the wonderful scope of the game.
  10. btw, While Sion gets some rest XP, Heelfaction just got 35 HK's in WG in one sitting. I like Mages alot. 8)
  11. ^^^Was that the same Raid Group that I saw in Ratchet Nays? The XR ones? If so...lmao!
  12. And kill it we did...
  13. We are at the stage now (as shown last night) where most of us can help out and join in on each others quests which is a massive bonus. It was great being around Tanaris with Dan and Tarj and generally kicking the shit out of the mobs. I bet that Alliance Hunter that we came across and ganked really hates us though
  14. Good luck tomorrow mate. Hope it all goes well for you and you end up with a beauty like my pair of angels.
  15. You cut to the quick. :cry:
  16. 23 minute queue to get on. Well ****-a-Doodle-Doo.
  17. **** hell Nays, that is class.
  18. I reckon I will level the Mage much quicker than I did before. Having a high lvl alt on the same server has massive advantages due to money and connections with players you have quested with before (case in question last night asking Nayson to help me with RFC). Plus, its such a big game that one character does not do it justice and I'm still determined to get my Alliance (spit) character up to a reasonable level.
  19. Good point, I actually think you should try a Shamen as I believe the mixture of style would suit you and it would be nice to have a little bit of armour. Just my opinion. Shamen appealed to me but I wanted a pure caster as a good counter to my melee char.
  20. Nayson helped me take my low level Mage alt (Heelfaction) through RFC last night. Must say even at this low lvl some of the abilities the Mage have are quite astonishing. I did a couple of quite difficult quests last night solo as I was able to exploit Polymorph and Frost blast (thats the one that freezes things to the spot) and some of the fireball damage is quite excessive for a lvl 13 :winkold: I'll probably play him now and again until the Warrior hits 60 and then try and get him to 60 too (another 6 months lost then )
  21. Me and Rev joined up with a guy last night who was a lvl 52 Warrior BUT he also had a lvl 60 Shamen and lvl 60 Priest! Now that is someone who really does have too much spare time and no life. I feel like a real social animal again now. 8) He also pointed out that Warriors are not the greatest in PvP against casters...No Shit Sherlock! Hadnt worked that out in Battlegrounds then! :roll: :winkold: Actually he was a top bloke and had the most amazing memory for quests etc.
  22. ^^^Alterac Valley is the shiznit innit. 8)
  23. How wonderfully elitist of you.
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