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Everything posted by Designer1

  1. I reckon once everyone is 60 (its getting close) we will be able to walk places like Dire Maul. Last nights venture into DM East proved that we all seem to know exactly what were doing now and if it wasnt for the soppy Warrior leaving to go to the pub :winkold: we would have cleared the whole instance. The next few weeks should be very interesting.
  2. Respec in da area nOOObZ!
  3. OmFG!! NerF Lockz!! They R OverPOWEREd!!!
  4. There is a real art to tanking and it to it well takes lots of practice. Most high lvl Warriors are either PvP build or Tank build but it is possible to tank with a varying degree of success with a PvP build. Most of it is getting used to doing certain things at certain times and making sure that the other people in the group are being protected whilst they fire off their high dmg spells etc. Using shouts, sundering the crap out of the mobs armour and taunting will always casue them to turn attention to you BUT the big challenge is keeping them there. MT’s (Main Tanks) doing intstances like MC will almost certainly be Prot specced and have decent 1H and Shields. ST’s (secondary Tanks) are usually more of a cookie cutter build (Arms/Fury like me) and will concentrate more on dmg dealing but still with a view to protect clothies etc. A good tank also needs co-operation from his group, waiting for sunders etc before attacking. Dont go into an instance with a Tank who uses 2H unless you have more than 1 (i.e MT and ST). He wont be doing his job right (I’ve tried to tank with 2h and you cant hold aggro as well) Also look out for some people who try to just take one mob down at a time, this is bad tanking and will result in wiping more often than not. What i try to do is tag each mob and gain aggro with sunders and taunts. Tanks are not there to get great dmg (usually we do ok) so if thats all your tank wants he’s not doing his job right. Personally I’ll never be a MT in a large Instance (MC for instance) because I hate Prot spec (I’m not the only one read the Warrior forums for ten mins) So I would rather be a decent all round Warrior who can tank the 5-10 man instances (with my 1h and shield) and still do well in PvP (with 2h). Bit long winded answer but I thought I’d try to explain from my point of view.
  5. An Orc and an Undead are talking in a pub in Brill. Orc: So, where you going on holiday this year? Undead: Amsterdam. Orc: Oh right, why's that then? Undead: For the whores! I'll get me cloak.
  6. ^^^I see. Ta. I havent been up since I dinged 60 so I wouldnt know tbh.
  7. ^^^Dont' understand how a patch can 'bring' more ganking? do you mean the guards in the neautral camp are easier to by-pass etc?
  8. ^^^Dont understand what you mean?
  9. The best part about Silithus for me (apart from the stunning graphics) was there seemed to be hardly any ganking. Which was nice.
  10. Ahhhh, the memories. Here's my first screenie from the time when Sion was indeed still a Mage... And this is priceless! Check out the text. Lvl 15 Hardbastards! Must be why my alt is on a PvE server :wink:
  11. ^^^Mine is on Draenor and he's only lvl 12 so come and join me. Be cool if we could all get on the same server again.
  12. You are more than welcome to come and join me mate. :winkold:
  13. Well the lull is officially over as I predicted it would be. Basically I started a new alt (yes another one but this is my 'proper' alt honest :winkold: ) on a PvE server and so i can now split my time between caning AV for rep and honour for Sion and questing using the alt (he's ally :oops: ) Have to say it's worked a treat so far. 8)
  14. Lol. Nayson will tell you of an EXACT same conversation i had with him before i got it. After you've been on it for an hour or two its more a case of "£9? bastard cheap if you ask me!"
  15. ^^^£9 per month. But its cheaper if you have say three months subscription instead (£25.17). Oh, and I havent played a single other game since I bought it months ago, so basically - its worth it.
  16. Must say I've hit a little bit of a lull in WoW this week. I've been caning BG which is fine and lots of fun but I do miss the questing aspect. I even did all the Blacksmithing/Armour making quests to keep me occupied :winkold: Certain classes do seem to have more to do in terms of questing when reaching 60 though. Theres no Warrior lvl 60 quest which would have been nice and I know Nays has been doing his Epic Mount quest so I wonder why Blizzard missed us out? I would have thought a 60 quest to get high level weapon or armour would have been perfect. Oh well ho hum.
  17. The patch hasnt affected me too much as i haven't used any talent points in Enrage as Its more of a Fury/arms Warrior talent rather than Arms/Fury. I respecced recently to bank more points into tactical mastery and its paid dividends in BG. i can retain Rage for a loooong time now and thats always useful when surrounded by groups of alliance who all desperately require destroying. :winkold: Undercity will definitely be my new home btw. Always preferred it to Orgri anyway and now the AH is there there really is no excuse.
  18. Ok then... My pikcha!
  19. Well, its a duel yes but theres no 'Sunder' armour icons anywhere (they stack to a maximum of 5 btw). Regardless, its bloody impressive.
  20. Something for me to aim for... :shock: :shock: :shock:
  21. Exactly. Thats why I'm there, to get Exhalted with Frostwolf Clan and get some items for doing so. Once thats done I'm going AB big style and getting the Hall of Legends for more good armour etc.
  22. Yep, I've got a similar mod for my stances (Defensive, Berseker and Battle) I basically hit the buttons and the mod changes the weapon sets too, so If i'm down to low health I hit the Defense stance and it switches over to sword and shield which gives me a couple of k extra armour and helps me survive a bit longer while I'm running off in BG Oh and Nays...did it die? :winkold:
  23. Dont suppose anyone picked up any special feathers in ST? Need them for Warrior q. If not, I'll tag along next time you go.
  24. Few nice screenies from today... Festive fun with a 'partner'... Just thought this was a nice shot... How big? :shock: And this last one was a classic. I was wondering through some of the areas I hadnt fully unlocked and came across two low lvl Hunters. Feeling in the Xmas mood i decided to say hello as oppose to wiping the floor with them. I started to ride off after pleasantries had been exchanged and I see the Hunters Mark on me! Then a concussion shot hits me so I quickly dismounted and killed them both in about 3 hits. Some people are just **** dumb.
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