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Everything posted by Designer1

  1. I take it totally legal downloads count? If so... The absolutely beautiful
  2. Hated, hated, hated it. Biggest disappointment of the gaming year for me.
  3. Haneke is one of my favourite directors Mike. This, Piano Teacher, Cache, Code Unknown, Funny Games and White Ribbon are all superb imo.
  4. Without giving anything away, some of the devices and ammunition you get later in the game make for some seriously entertaining (and bloody) mayhem.
  5. Went to see this tonight and it surpassed even my high expectations. Great performances from the two leads, especially Olivia Colman who deserves all the plaudits she will no doubt receive. Dark, gritty and powerful stuff as expected from Considine.
  6. You see that's just made me want to get it now.
  7. Hmmm, I might have to steer clear in that case. As much as I love RPG's, I fear for my sanity if it's too frustrating.
  8. I love Resi 4, it has some of the most innovative and thrilling boss battles i've ever encountered and it's one of only two games I have ever bought a system just to play. Mind you, the Gamecube was a hell of a lot cheaper than the Pentium 133 I spunked £1800 on just to play Syndicate Wars. :oops:
  9. ^^^It's produced by Roger Corman. 'Nuff said.
  10. I wonder if I'll be playing through this three times like I did with Oblivion? From the looks of it, I probably will. If this manages to top Oblivion it will be my GOTY, it's that simple. I also think with this, SR3 and SWTOR all coming out before the end of the year, 2011 will have been quite an epic year for games.
  11. This is definitely on my radar for a future purchase, I just have too many other games to get through at the moment. Question re.difficulty, Is is frustratingly difficult? As in if you die you have to play through the last ten minutes or so again to get back to where you died? Or just difficult as in, the fights are super tough to begin with but after awhile it all clicks into place? Which I don't have an issue with at all. Reason I ask is twofold. One, I'm a big video game fan but only an average video game player and two, the one thing I hate in games is having to go back ten/fifteen minutes to get to the same spot only to die again (I'm looking at you GTA4).
  12. 13 hours in and it hasn't lost a single bit of pace or enjoyment. Coupled with a few genuine laugh out loud moments, this is definitely in my top 5 for the year so far.
  13. Has anyone else done Mutant Bash TV yet? How superb is the design of that section? Like a cross between a Simon Bisley drawing and a Rob Zombie movie. Just needed Captain Spaulding as the host and it would have been perfect It gets even better mate
  14. Great film and a beautiful poster, I adore a bit of Saul Bass.
  15. About three hours in and it's a belter. Only gripe is the lack of autosave, other than that it's very enjoyable indeed.
  16. As I'm a big Achievement/Trophy whore I wondered how the other gamers on the site felt about them. For me, they extend the enjoyment of a game a massive amount and encourage replay which to me adds value. I also believe they are here to stay and have now become an integral part of gaming. So, a few questions... 1) Love them? Hate them? Not bothered either way? 2) Most satisfying Trophy/Achievement gained? 3) Most ridiculous Trophy/Achievement seen in a game or achieved?
  17. Anyone else picked up Rage yet? Played the first hour last night (PS3) and so far it's quite impressive. Graphically it's superb, with everything running along at a good speed and some lovely post-apocalyptic settings. The combat so far is very solid too, as you would expect from id. Looking forward to getting a bit further into it over the weekend. Official site
  18. That's one of the best ever. The reverse version being one of the worst feelings ever. The old 'wake up thinking it's the weekend then it dawns on you it's bloody Monday'
  19. Especially as/apart from when he's* Pinocchio. *Delete according to level of drugs.
  20. I was overjoyed to hear that the father of Apple had died. But imagine my disappointment when I found out that Chris Martin is still alive.
  21. Wonderful news. But one episode a week just doesn't cut, I'm going to wait til the end then watch it at my pace. Yep, same for me. Can't be doing with the weeks waiting to be honest, as I prefer to watch two or three episodes a night for a week. I'll do the same with the second series of Boardwalk Empire too. Really looking forward to that.
  22. Catapulted into one of my favourite games ever, absolutely loved it. Yeah, the bosses were a bit pants (though very quickly bypassable with a couple rounds from the Typhoon 8)) but better a game that's brilliant everywhere save for a few shite boss battles as opposed to a game that's shite everywhere save for a few brilliant boss battles. Goddammit, what if your character doesn't have the Typhoon aug?! Mine didn't and I still pissed the bosses (particularly the last one...)
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