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Everything posted by Designer1

  1. No it's definitely not just you, that's one of my big ones too. I've very much in the 'A to B in comfort is quite enough thanks' camp. I'm the same with the Halo series.
  2. Goddamn right. If their full on MMO is half as good as their CORPG it will be a massive hit. The art design looks especially beautiful, add in the the bonus of it being no-subscription will no doubt attract a wealth of players.
  3. After about 7 hours play last night it's all looking good at the moment. The two main differences to most MMO's that stand out so far are the storyline and the quest cut scenes. They definitely make you feel more involved with the overall story and there's more than a hint of Mass Effect 2 in there (which is no bad thing). The combat, although very similar to the classic MMO keybind setup is also very satisfying, but I think that's mostly down to the fact that I'm runnning around with a laser gun and not a fireball/sword for a change. A good start.
  4. My two big ones have always been James Bond and Elvis. Particularly the latter.
  5. I'm on Ahto City server if anyone wants to add me. Biafra.
  6. Wait until you get to the end of ep7... :shock:
  7. Finally getting on this tonight. Very much looking forward to it too.
  8. That theme tune brings back memories. Regarding Steam. It does seem to get a lot of unwarranted bad press, but for the life of me I can't see why. Never had a minutes trouble with it since install and some of the sales are absolutely mind blowingly cheap.
  9. I bought Magicka on there for £1.99 and it's bleeding splendid. The last £1.99 game I bought was probably Kick Start 2 on the C64.
  10. Absolutely awful. I thought that McLeish's strengths were supposed to be a strong well organised defence and a difficult to break down team? We are so far from that it's untrue and we don't even have the counterbalance of a creative attacking bias. We can't defend AND we don't look like scoring. Just woeful. Beginning to fear relegation I really am.
  11. Very subdued VP. Feel sorry for the fans who paid to watch this shambles.
  12. Well that was shit. Even worse than I feared it would be.
  13. I'd say that's a very good example of 'things that piss you off that shouldn't'. Based on the fact that it's so fecking rare
  14. But...but...you...Ayoade...Oh my GOD! No no, that was two seperate points; The films I listed are my picks for the year, but I was lamenting that I hadn't watched the likes of Drive, Cedar Rapids et cetera yet. Ah, you see that makes sense. I did a sizeable double take when I read your original post.
  15. well, you'd certainly like to think so.
  16. But...but...you...Ayoade...Oh my GOD!
  17. What's everyone's initial thoughts then? Is it 'WoW with a Star Wars coat on' or is there a little but more too it than that? I'll be starting it on Tuesday. Looking forward to it I must say.
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