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Everything posted by Designer1

  1. Watch Haneke's original, not his pointless shot for shot remake.
  2. Don't think anyone was near him mate.
  3. That's terrible news. Hope he's ok.
  4. I hope to god they never, ever remake Battle Royale.
  5. Donation sent mate. Might be worth asking a mod if they can sticky this too.
  6. In my top five books of all time, absolutely brilliant stuff.
  7. Is that a really, really thick Drum?
  8. Yes but be fair, he did hit the shot in the first place! Very good sir.
  9. No, my sub ran out the end of January. The one thing it did do though was spike my interest in MMO's again, so I re-subbed to WoW at the beginning of Feb and have been enjoying finally seeing all the Cata content. Regarding Old Republic, I didn't manage to get to level cap but from what I've read the endgame content leaves much to be desired. I still think it will be around for a good while yet though and i may re-sub when the first expansion comes out.
  10. Designer1


    This every time. I have one before going to bed and have never had a hangover since. The blue 'Extra' sachets are particularly effective.
  11. You need Visitor Q in your life.
  12. I'd recommend keeping an eye on twitchfilm.com if you're getting into the Korean movies. It's also a great source for movies that are a little bit more 'off the beaten track'. Well worth a check on from time to time as i've unearthed some real gems after reading about them on there.
  13. Yeah, I recommended I Saw the Devil a few times earlier in this thread, it really is a masterpiece. If you enjoyed that Dave, I would definitely have a look at Cold Fish and Bedevilled (if you haven't already of course).
  14. "I mean to have you, even it must be burglary!".
  15. Agent Side Grinder - Look Within If there are any fans of Front 242 reading the thread then they should definitely check out ASG, as their sound (ASG's) is hugely influenced by them.
  16. Incredibly poorly acted, awfully written, pacing all over the shop, badly directed, cliche ridden and an absolute dog of an ending. The docu-style is supposed to give the whole thing a look of realism, but it just adds unintentional poe-faced hilarity to the awfulness. There you go.
  17. Easily one of the worst movies I've seen in a long time. Had a free ticket to see it, and I'm soooo glad I didn't pay. Absolute awful stuff.
  18. 90 Bisodol is yet another work of genius. Superb album.
  19. One of the best noir movies ever imo. Highly recommended.
  20. I also made the mistake of reading the books before the lazy git gets off his arse and finishes the series. Advice to anyone thinking of reading the books: Wait until the old bugger has bloody well finished writing them. The latest book leaves you hanging even more than the other books, so you will gain nothing by not waiting, except frustration. My bet is that he pops his clogs before he wraps things up. Unfortunately he's about 68 and is a dodger of salads, to look at him. If he does not finish the series, I will dance on his grave. Yeah, I've said the same thing, more or less, further back in this thread (or maybe there is a GOT thread I said it in). Based on past performance the word removed might knock out the next one by about 2015 and the one after that about six years later. What's the betting the piece of shit leaves the second one hanging as well? I'm sure the fat old cock jockey has Schubert Syndrome. Doubtless I'll watch the second series because the first one was good shit. The books are great reads too but his lack of industry and application pisses me off. You're a writer you fat old word removed so **** write! Just started a Feast for Crows. The 'Red Wedding' section from the last book literally made my jaw drop. Wonderful, wonderful books but yes, hurry the **** up and get another one out. Really looking forward to the new series, it's out on April 1st iirc.
  21. Designer1

    Stewart Lee

    Genius. King of the pregnant pause. Going to see him again this month and can't wait.
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