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Everything posted by Designer1

  1. If I had to toss up between the two... I'd be a happy man.
  2. Designer1

    John Terry

    I would find chants of 'Please! Please! Please! Please!' much funnier tbh. He may have been found not guilty, but that sort of thickness should haunt him for the rest of his playing days.
  3. Got this yesterday in the Steam sale (Arma II Combined Operations) Looking forward to getting it installed and having a blast over the weekend. After watching a few of the gameplay videos it looks like it's going to be quite the tense affair.
  4. Just got back from watching... Gloriously twisted, funny, violent and absolutely brilliant. One of my favourites from 2012. Couple of things though, first i'm never going to be able to look at another KFC the same way and second, if M.McConaughey keeps up this level of acting performance people might just begin to mistake him for an actor.
  5. God I love Steam. Total War Shogun 2 for £7.99 - GTFI! ***EDIT*** Nearly £40 spent on the first day. Going to be broke by the end of the sale
  6. Really nice to hear. This is a movie that I really, really want to be good. The potential for filming some of the classic Dredd stories (Cursed Earth, Judge Death, Apocalypse War, City of the Damned, Judgment Day etc) is phenomenal. It will probably never happen, but Drokk it I can dream can't I?
  7. Great film and a massively dysfunctional family. Watched that a few years ago and can definitely echo the positive reviews.
  8. Well, i'm a kid of the 70's and agree with every word. Always had a soft spot for Forest as they're one of the reasons i'm such a big football fan to this day.
  9. Keep getting tempted to pick that up but then hearing how many clearings in the woods there are playing it is putting me off a bit. Suppose it's the same with most online games but I really can't do with it.
  10. Finally going to see it tomorrow night. I've been hyped up about watching it for a few months now. Can't wait!
  11. Nice one Mike. Got just over 8 years left on mine. Be nice to have it payed off before I'm 50 though.
  12. Did you never do the bachelor pad thing? Nope. Although when I first bought the house with the good lady wife, of the three bedrooms we had one was my music room (guitars, keyboards etc) and the other was my entertainment room (two walls full of videos, game console, TV etc). They are now my two daughters rooms, but I do like to remind them occasionally what I gave up for them
  13. As a kid (parental homes) - 2 As a married man - 1 Total = 3
  14. :!: Didn't have you pegged as a Rory fan, Si. Liked him for a few years now Mike. Really regret not seeing him play live.
  15. Didn't get a ticket in the end so I'm massively, massively jealous Damian.
  16. Fassbender cast in the upcoming Assassins Creed movie
  17. He's really good in Children of Men actually. I also thought he was great in Closer.
  18. I loved Children of Men. The look and feel of the whole thing is just so spot on, and the cinematography during the action scenes is glorious. Great concept for the story too.
  19. Revisited this gem... One of Lumet's best.
  20. If she likes theme parks what about the Alton Towers Hotel?
  21. There was another stress test last night and the game really is shaping up into something special. Can't wait.
  22. Presumably some sort of puritanical Super Villain?
  23. I'm over in Spain from tomorrow so i'm hoping they make it to the final and win. I have a feeling the celebrations could be quite epic
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