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Everything posted by Designer1

  1. I thought OGF was great. It IS an arthouse movie and it has a very limited narrative but it kept me entertained and it's superbly directed. It's also one that nags at the back of your mind after you've seen it, which is usually a good thing in my opinion.
  2. So you'd definitely poke her face then?
  3. She looks like she smells like Grimsby Pier.
  4. Waltz was great in Carnage too. Mind you, they all were.
  5. If only I could click 'Like This' more than once.
  6. Great soundtrack too. Tragic story though, although having read a little more about the real life version of events, he (McCandless) came across a little less sympathetic.
  7. I know Michael Douglas is the main focus of Falling Down, but Duvall is absolutely brilliant in that.
  8. Saw Wolverine last night. It's OK, it has a good first hour but I thought the second hour went a bit too OTT and daft.
  9. Because they are safe money spinners and unfortunately people keep watching them.
  10. See, butter wouldn't melt (just bird innards)...
  11. Bit of a cheat as i'm listening to the album version, but this is such a beautiful live version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zl-Fa4cr91U
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeBE4YVD-yA
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqwvNmG651Q
  14. Mine seems to be in full on hunter mode at the moment. Woke up the other morning, went into the kitchen (barefoot) and stepped on a lovely little pile of what I assume were bird guts. I say I assume as there was a severed beak next to them. To look at her you wouldn't think she was capable, the docile little bugger. She is great though.
  15. Berberian Sound Studio is genius imo. The Giallo influence, Toby Jones performance, the use of sound (obv) it's all so well done. Regarding the meaning, well the letters are certainly a big part of that. But it's clever enough to leave itself open to different interpretations.
  16. Agree with this 100%. As the old man said to me a few weeks ago 'would you like to try and work all day with old bacon face perched on your shoulder?'
  17. I've had a theory a few years now about the psychological effect of Fergie, and how his mere presence has helped some distinctly average Man U sides win certain matches. I certainly think the old cliches about most of the match being played 'in the mind' and 'beaten before the first kick' came into play when he was around. The influence (read fear factor) he had over refs will be lost too. Hopefully the aura has dissipated and we can get a few points off them now and again. That would be nice wouldn't it?
  18. Coincidentally just started listening to that.
  19. Haha - Vertigo is one of my favourite tracks on it Yeah, there's definite black metal touches to it, but I think the shoegaze, and post rock elements make it a really expansive album.
  20. I'm starting to think 8pints might be a couple of pints short of his quota.
  21. Really enjoyed the Worlds End. If you go in expecting another SOTD or Hot Fuzz then you will be disappointed as it's tone and pacing is quite different. There are some textbook E.Wright moments but his usual style has been cut back considerably and replaced with some great little nods to directors like early J.Carpenter. A big plus is Nick Frost, who gives his best performance to date.
  22. Epic post-rock, shoegaze album. One of the best this year.
  23. The Dark Knight Returns is one of my favourite graphic novels so I have to say i'm pretty excited to hear the news.
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