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Everything posted by Designer1

  1. Can't see me bothering unless there's a Mass Transit Incident mode
  2. If you do get it, i'll jump on for a bit of co-op with you. Hopefully hit 70 tonight on my imba Crusader
  3. People who have online 'personas' when posting on forums. I'm not talking about those that turn up the volume on their personality a little for effect (comedic or otherwise) that's all well and good, but why not just be yourself? I just can't fathom it as it's so obvious and gets boring very quickly. It probably shouldn't piss me off (so it's perfect for this thread) but there you go.
  4. I watched Blue Velvet again a few weeks ago - still as wonderfully deranged as ever.
  5. I recommend it. Watched this last night - Great recommendation Mr.Pints, very enjoyable indeed
  6. Colin Farrell confirmed for True Detective series 2. Fine by me, he's more than capable of great performances when he puts his mind to it.
  7. It says something that the best game i've played so far on PS4 is a game i've been playing on PC for a couple of years It works so well on console though, and 'couch co-op' is great fun. I would get the difficulty as high as possible as soon as possible as the drops and extra XP are well worth the effort - ive just beaten Diablo and moved onto the expansion phase and i'm playing it on Master.
  8. Watched the first two episodes, I like it so far. It's got a very, very dark tone hasn't it? I like how they've used the over saturated / high contrast visual style to give the whole thing an upbeat look which contradicts the story. The cast is good (although I think Fiona O'Shaughnessy overdoes it a bit) and Neil Maskell does unbalanced psychopath very well.
  9. Going to give Utopia a go. I've heard good things.
  10. I had the misfortune of having to sit through one of their live performances once. Although the lady I was dating at the time (she was a huge fan) was quite the stunner, in no way shape or form was she worth that two hours of drudgery.
  11. I still need to beat Kel'Thuzad - found that an incredibly difficult encounter even with the suggested decks so I gave up after about ten attempts. Any tips from those that have beat him? (either mode btw)
  12. Donnie mentioned that he didn't like people who used brackets in their posts as he thought they were trying to be smarty pants. So as he's training to be a moderator we all thought it would be a good idea to apologise to him when (if the occasion arises) (sorry donnie) we used them.
  13. I can heartily recommend it. I've ploughed hundreds of hours into the PC version and still wanted to play it on console. After a shaky launch and some bad decisions (real money Auction House i'm looking at you) (sorry donnie) it's now the game it should have been when it (the PC version) (sorry again donnie) was first launched. And as I said, the PS4 version is as polished as **** and translates beautifully.
  14. The PS4 version is superb. That is all.
  15. 100% this. I've met so many arsehole pretentious phonies that only like obscure music because it's obscure. I hate people like that. I think the unfortunate effect of that sort of wanky behaviour is that people who are genuinely into certain non-mainstream bands/genres can be labelled as 'pretentious'. Even when their reasons for liking the bands are musical and nowt to do with how many people have heard of them. I've had the same conversation many times about movies too.
  16. Well jel. Need to get that bastard seen as soon as possible.
  17. If you pretend to be into a band just because they are 'obscure' and a little off-the-beaten track then you are a far, far bigger word removed in my eyes than someone who genuinely enjoys mainstream chart music. Personally I couldn't give a **** about where is comes from, or if it's popular, if it floats your boat then so be it.
  18. Interesting thoughts on Locke - personally found it incredible, I was mesmerised by Hardy from the off as it was such a nuanced performance of someone in utter inner turmoil. As far as the other voice actors, I thought Olivia Colman, Ruth Wilson and particularly Andrew Scott were great. Different strokes and all that.
  19. Designer1

    Ice rink

    Whilst looking for an image for a new website design I came across this cool fella...
  20. Trading mine in for D3 tomorrow.
  21. Fixed. He's good, but he's a pretentious bugger. I'd love to go and see him though. The arrogant, pretentiousness is just his 'act'. In 'real' life he is nothing like his on stage persona. The on stage Lee is like Partridge is to Coogan. I was just going to post the same thing. I remember an interview with him recently where he said he was still amazed that people came up and chatted to him expecting him to be the same character off stage.
  22. Yeah, especially that Iranian one all she does is talk about Iran.
  23. Yes. It was one of the first times I ever thought to myself 'That Affleck can actually act'.
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