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Everything posted by Designer1

  1. It's great isn't it? From a songwriting POV It doesn't quite reach the heights of 90 Bisodol (Left Lyrics In Practice Room and Fix It So She Dreams Of Me are up there with their best work) but lyrically he just seems to get better and better. I struggle to think of someone whose lyrics I enjoy more than Blackwell's to be honest. Best song on the new album for me is Adam Boyle Has Cast Lad Rock Aside, which is an absolute corker.
  2. First showing on a Sunday is my usual time. Regardless of what film you usually have the screen to yourself pretty much.
  3. I think i've mentioned this before, but a few years ago I was watching a movie at the Showcase in Dudley and this utter word removed and his missus hadn't stopped talking (loud, not whispering) since they had sat down. About twenty minutes in, i'd had enough and made like I was getting up to go to the loo but instead just stood up and stayed where I was. Sure enough, after 10 seconds or so Mr.Chatty Bollox says 'can you sit down?' to which I turned and replied 'yeah of course mate, as soon as you shut the **** up'. After a brief grumble to his missus he shut up and I sat back down. Job done.
  4. Nice spoilers there for people who haven't seen the film. Cheers for that.
  5. What? You didn't enjoy the unintentional hilarity and borderline racism Mike? In an 'ironic' way, I suppose I did. Sadly, it wasn't quite bad enough to fall into the 'so bad it's good' category. Just... crap. I thought it was a load of twaddle to be honest, but I can understand how people like it from a 'switch off your brain' point of view.
  6. What? You didn't enjoy the unintentional hilarity and borderline racism Mike?
  7. Order of best for me is one, three then two. They're all great anyway.
  8. She's the only one in the family who doesn't have a character on the game
  9. Something else worth a mention was the sound design. Very important in the horror genre and it was excellent
  10. Pretty much bang on for me Dave. I went with my eldest daughter to see it and as we're both huge horror fans we're still dissecting it now (and probably will be for a while). The acting as you say was superb (particularly the young lad) and the whole film had a wonderfully uneasy, bleak quality which really got under the skin. As for the story, It didn't spell anything out and there's a lot that is left to interpretation which was fine by me. As with the best horror films it's a very good movie in it's own rights, rather than relying on any of the usual horror tropes. Looking forward to watching it again and I just hope it isn't spoilt by sequels.
  11. Good - I haven't been on it at all since I first bought it because of the lack of online stability.
  12. I would like to second these sentiments. Looks proper. I watched the trailer with trepidation, hoping for not too many spoilers. There is an unnecessary reveal, but it does a great job of selling the film. Cinema then home to sleep with the lights on I reckon. Can't wait. Looks great. I've said before that horror is a funny one with me. Generally I don't like it, because I think horror is so so easy to do badly, and so 95% of horror films put there are crap. But when its done right, it's fantastic. Going to see this tonight. Genuinely excited.
  13. Interesting. Looks like it could be much darker in tone than Avengers Assemble, which is no bad thing.
  14. Pffft, you like it that much you can't even spell it correctly
  15. That's really interesting. Cheers for that.
  16. Just getting back to your point about the accuracy. I seem to recall one of the reasons it was praised on release was that the research had been pretty exhaustive and the events were pretty much bang on. Agree with Ghost re.Michael B. Jordan too - he was superb.
  17. I think you're assuming everyone has really good memories and watches the news every day. Just saying like.
  18. ^^^ Might be worth adding a spoiler there Mr.Leemond.
  19. Ali Campbell once walked into a pub in Brum when I was having a beer, went straight up to the jukebox and i'm not kidding...put a UB40 song on. Self important, talentless tit. Anyway, those UKIP nutters...
  20. 'But, but how can I be racist? I have loads of black friends' (or chums)
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