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Everything posted by Designer1

  1. Yep, this is unacceptable at the moment.
  2. Get some Pro Plus while you're at it.
  3. Hell of a pair of Binoculars you have there Andy.
  4. Apart from the hour queue to get on the server I haven't had a single problem tonight. Smooth as butter.
  5. Thanks for all the kind words chaps. I did wonder about posting anything at all, but sometimes it helps.
  6. Yeah, my mate was diagnosed and then had the chemo and was in remission. He found out yesterday that he has secondary tumours and now it's terminal. He's got two young kids, so they're going to have to cope with growing up without a fantastic dad in their life. Life really is such an unfair word removed sometimes.
  7. Well first off, it's Thursday. Secondly, yep I absolutely hate people without manners - it cost nothing to show a bit of respect and class.
  8. Just had a text from one of my oldest and best friends to say that he's only got a few months to live. I've had better days to be honest. Oh, and **** you cancer.
  9. I thought the first section was excellent and had a great 'epic' feel to it - definitely the best opening area in an expansion so far. It felt like you were being dropped into the middle of a huge battle and you were a part of it - rather than just flitting around doing normal starter quests. Absolutely loved the boss introductions with the names on the screen (very Borderlands). Looking forward to a nice long session on it later today
  10. According to Mick Mccarthy 'the shit has hit the fan.'
  11. Anyway, so long Pandaria and thanks for all the frogs
  12. Couple of crackers there. I need to watch Locke for a second time. I was absolutely blown away by Hardy the first time, the subtely in his performance is just incredible.
  13. If you don't find it fun or interesting anymore then I don't blame you to be honest. I think I enjoyed the last expansion more than any time in the game so i'm really stoked for WoD.
  14. Just reading that Warren Clarke has died I'll watch Clockwork Orange sometime this week as a tribute.
  15. This thread has turned to gold. Brumerican - take a bow son
  16. Definitely with you on that one. As I work for myself I get invited to quite a few Xmas parties by different clients. They always look so crestfallen when I decline the offer. I've always tried to keep a decent distance between my personal life and work, and me staggering around at the end of the night attempting the old 'elephant impression' with a sprig of mistletoe attached to my belt probably wouldn't help the cause.
  17. I kind of assumed he was joking If not, well each to their own and all that...
  18. Watched the Mini-Series to kick things off. Good so far, engaging characters and an interesting premise. It also has a way darker tone than I thought it would have. All in all, not too shabby at all.
  19. Ah that's a shame, I found it thoroughly entertaining. Thought the cast were uniformly great and it was an enjoyable story.
  20. I read that the final decision won’t be made until they’ve gauged player feedback after a while. So, for a few weeks at least even if you’re level 100 you won’t be able to fly. However if the majority cry about being grounded it will be reinstated during a later patch. That’s my understanding of it anyway. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see it put back in the game during the first patch. Glad I transferred 90% of my toons to a PvE server to be honest. World PvP holds no interest for me anymore, it's just a ball ache since the CRZ were introduced.
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