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Everything posted by Designer1

  1. Horse walks into a bar. Barman: "Why the long face?" Horse: "I just found out Val's having an affair." Barman: "On your birthday? Oh, Ian."
  2. Looking forward to seeing Ex Machina later today - it looks excellent and is reviewing really well.
  3. That's a cracking movie. Cluzet was good in Tell No One too, I watched that again recently and it's a fine film.
  4. They need to sort that ending out. It plagued the book and even though the original TV movie wasn't great, the ending just made things worse. It'll be very interesting to see who they get in to play Pennywise. The shadow cast by Tim Curry in that role will be mightily hard to escape from.
  5. Designer1

    Denis Box

    Well that's shit news. Condolences to his family. RIP Dennis.
  6. I just want him to do the decent thing and quit now before I start to personally resent him. I have nowt personal against the bloke but he just isn't good enough and has constantly shown he's out of his depth. It's a pity it's come to this, but change is needed and it needs to be done quickly.
  7. Paul, you're a decent bloke and I do like you, but please do the right thing and **** off. Cheers.
  8. Yep, that's frequently happened to me. It feels as though you only need to be close to it to for it to activate.
  9. On the 3rd series of Battlestar Galactica now and this season in particular is definitely up there with some of the best TV i've seen. Absorbing stuff indeed.
  10. Couldn't get into it, it just seemed to drag on. Pun intended?
  11. Couldn't get into it, it just seemed to drag on.
  12. Interesting. I saw the trailer for that at the cinema last week and thought it looked absolutely dreadful. It's a really enjoyable movie. It's got a very tight narrative and the whole thing is basically built around an emotional sparring match between Simmons and Teller with some superb acting from both of them. It was great seeing Simmons have a movie pretty much to himself as he's usually a supporting character, but if this is anything to go by his ability to carry a movie almost single handed can't be denied. He really is that good. Also worth pointing out how well the movie is shot. The claustrophobic settings of the music rooms and the camera work on the drums (vital to the story) are excellent as is the directors eye for people and emotion. All in all, a really good watch.
  13. Meh, I used to listen to it before it was popular.
  14. Just finished watching Whiplash. Absolutely superb stuff, top notch acting from Jk Simmons and Miles Teller and a really absorbing story. Well recommended.
  15. One of the best from last year. Utterly superb.
  16. I like to have a pint or a glass or two of wine when I watch a movie, and as I watch around 350 movies a year...well you can see the problem
  17. I'm doing the Dryathlon this year due to a certain set of circumstances arising. Basically, I lost one of my best (and most longtime) friends a couple of weeks before Christmas to the bastard that is Cancer. His wife mentioned on FB that the Dryathlon was coming up in January, and although I'd never heard of it before, I thought it would be a good idea to raise a bit of cash for the cause so to speak. I know it's not a half marathon or whatever, but there you go that's my reason.
  18. If it's not then it **** well should be.
  19. Watched it tonight. Hmmm...it's a very interesting movie. From a directorial viewpoint it's a technical masterpiece and has a unique rhythm which switches effortlessly between in your face and claustrophobic single shots to a more relaxed note during some of the more intimate two handers. The only issue with that is it can become quite jarring particularly early on in the movie. The acting is absolutely top notch, and Keaton deserves the plaudits he's getting, he did very well at conveying the inner turmoil of the main character as fractured and conflicted yet funny and ultimately sympathetic. Emma Stone deserves a nod for making the most of a small amount of screen time with an excellent performance. With Ed Norton it's more of a case of art imitating life as he plays a 'difficult to handle' actor, so no great stretches there although he's also very good. As for the story, I found parts of it involving and other sections where it meanders less so. It's a film I admired, and yet I can't imagine every wanting to watch it again which may sound odd, but that's what I came away from the experience feeling. I think it's fair to say that it's going to be very divisive and I would also imagine that a few people will simply dismiss it at pretentious drivel, which is a shame as that's something it certainly isn't.
  20. Going to see it this week - really, really excited as it looks right up my street.
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