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Everything posted by Designer1

  1. I think the last time me and my wife had a row was around 2004. I think i'll go and remind her, we must be due one soon.
  2. http://youtu.be/N4zhBQfqVCc Blimey... That looks like it's gonna suck sweat from a dead mans balls.
  3. I wanted to get it today but apparently the physical version isn't out until late February
  4. Spotify heading to PS3 / PS4 This makes me a very happy bunny
  5. One of the worst films i've been unfortunate enough to sit through. Utterly awful, exploitative shite.
  6. This Twitter account: https://twitter.com/TvShowIdeas
  7. http://youtu.be/e-BVs-KCSiA Looks decent. Got a good cast so hopefully they won't **** it up this time.
  8. On a similar note, i found out the other day that I'd saved a few thousand quid more than I actually needed for this year's tax payments. Means a nice couple of holidays for me and the family this year.
  9. Still in the cup. Still need a new owner and manager.
  10. Which has been my main criticism of him for a while now. He should be doing better with what he has.
  11. Being at Stourbridge college in 87-88 I was smack bang in the middle of all the Stuffies / Poppies / Neds stuff. Fantastic times from a musical point of view and I got to know most of the bands on a personal level (Clint the most). Still got my sample it, loop it, **** it and eat it T-shirt somewhere.
  12. Not a big fan of that album. They were never the same without Clint.
  13. Kind of obsessed with Primordial at the moment, so this has been on very heavy rotation the last week or so:
  14. Actually, having just flicked through a few of his tunes on YouTube I did recognise the A Team one. Not my cuppa tea, just a bit bland and inoffensive.
  15. The 'Talking Toby Jug filled with steaming hot piss' has left ITV.
  16. Still think his best role was Harvey Pekar in American Splendor - he was incredible in that film.
  17. I watched this recently. It's a difficult movie for me to recommend as such as it's incredibly slow moving and unrelentlessly bleak from the opening sequence. It is however, one of the most fascinating and thoroughly rivetting movies i've watched for a while, I could not take my eyes off it. It has a similar style to some of Michael Haneke's work, and is essentially about a (very) dysfunctional family from Greece and the relationships between family members. The acting (particularly from the father played by Themis Panou) is top notch. I found it excellent, but it's certainly not a date movie
  18. I've heard of him but (as far as i'm aware) not heard a single note of his music.
  19. Just got back from Ex Machina. Thought it was superb. lncredibly emotive, thought provoking and beautifully acted all round. It's a difficult one to talk about in too much depth without spoilers but safe to say I would definitely recommend it. It's up there with Moon for me as far as contemporary sci-fi goes.
  20. Definitely this. I loved The Guest, thought it was deliberately bonkers and the dafter it got towards the end, the more I enjoyed it.
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