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Everything posted by Designer1

  1. Beat me to it. Definitely a generational thing. A stag do was a long session in the pub, never heard of a stag weekend or an overseas trip. Although lad protocol insisted it should be the night before the wedding, no recovery time allowed. Similar thing here, I didn't want to be hungover for the wedding so i'd arranged it for a week before and my old fella telling me that would be the sensible thing to do. So, it was just a group of around 15 of us. Off to a few of the locals, then a late night curry and a few more beers. The night before the wedding, the old fella says me, the best man and myself should go up the pub for 'just a few'. Ended up back at my parents house around one in the morning, drinking single malt whiskey after 6 or 7 pints in the local. It was a good job I was getting married at three in the afternoon, and a good job my mom never caught my dad after chasing him around the garden shouting "I can't believe you got him drunk!". Memories eh?
  2. Trevor Phillips (Steven Ogg) popping up in Better Call Saul
  3. Ah cheers, I'll have a read up first.
  4. ^^ Bought that after reading your tweet yesterday Should install it later.
  5. Killed the Witch of Hemwick last night in what was a very entertaining battle. Took a couple of goes to get her down, but once I worked out the main strategy of leaving the adds alone whenever possible I found it a bit easier. The area she is in (Hemwick Graveyard) is a bit of a bitch though, some seriously tough mobs wandering around there. Currently using Ludwigs Holy Blade with a few upgrades and it's made a huge difference to my damage output. How's everyone else doing on it?
  6. Bruges is lovely, It's like a **** fairytale or something.
  7. I'm three bosses down and Father Gascoigne was easily the biggest nightmare so far. Managed it by the skin of the my teeth in the end. This game is just amazeballs.
  8. That Gazza's a tough lad isn't he?
  9. First boss down and much celebrating ensued.
  10. The sense of achievement in these games really is off the scale isn't it? Spent a couple of hours exploring last night and the thrill I got when I realised I'd found the first major shortcut was up there with completing some games in the past.
  11. The best tip is simply take your time. You will die a lot, that's just part of the learning process, but if you rush around and don't take notice of attack patterns, environment etc you will die even more. Take notice of how much stamina you use on certain attacks and keep it in mind when you go into battle. There is literally zero hand-holding. Most of the routes through the game you will have to work out for yourself, and if Bloodborne is anything like DS 1 and 2, there will be multiple routes to take as it's pretty non-linear in it's approach to exploration.
  12. Played another couple of hours and it's got its grips into me. Once you get back into the rhythm of the combat and the risk/reward dynamic it becomes a thing of beauty. The emphasis on a more offensive approach is interesting too. No more shields for you my lad As someone who has finished both Dark Souls games, this is looking like another classic from Miyazaki.
  13. I'm really enjoying it now. It's got the right amount of simmering storylines and as i've said before, the acting is pretty much top notch all round. Regarding House of Cards, for me the first series was up there with some of the best TV ever made. I thought it lost the plot in the second series though mostly due to...
  14. I was accused of cheating at a pub movie quiz once. Turned out later that the burly fellow that accused me was the resident 'film buff' and took great offence that I smashed him by 5 clear points. **** bellend.
  15. Only played about half an hour last night due to a migraine, but from what I saw it looks very much a 'Souls' game which as far as i'm concerned is bloody great news.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgjrjR42Ado Hmmm. An Arnie movie with a little bit of weight to it? Certainly got me interested.
  17. And you would be right. Had a listen earlier on, very good indeed cheers
  18. Thought they were alright myself. Particularly liked the track 'Lorraine' I was waiting for some comic genius to mention them
  19. Bad manners and/or a lack of respect are a couple of things that boil my piss quicker than most. No need for it at all.
  20. Picking my copy up later today so it looks like I'll be doing a fair amount of dying tonight
  21. Really enjoying Bloodline now. Certainly keeping me intrigued and the acting is top notch.
  22. I've heard it's a very slow burn but quite good. Might check it out later. Yeah the cast looks good. Ben Mendolsohn Trailer has me curious. Loving the work Netflix and Amazon are producing at the moment. Just watched the first episode. Interesting, and definitely something I'll continue watching mostly due to the cast. It's quite derivative in terms of the initial set up of story strands, and I'm not keen on flash forwards and voice overs but I reckon it'll be solid enough.
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