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Everything posted by Designer1

  1. Already found it.
  2. £50 - Which I have no issue with at all. I think it's rrp is £45? But I'd rather spend a couple of extra quid and support an independent shop that i've used for 20 years.
  3. Neil? Yes indeed
  4. Got my copy
  5. One thing I was impressed with straight away: 'Newbie' Servers Brilliant idea and absolutely perfect for me now my reflexes aren't quite what they used to be
  6. Only have a couple of episodes of Gomorra left to go, and I have to say it's one of the most brilliantly written pieces of TV that i've watched in a while. Beautifully plotted, incredibly well acted and I genuinely don't want it to end. If there's anyone who hasn't seen it yet then I urge you to do so immediately as It's pretty much flawless.
  7. Good fun so far to be fair. Multiplayer is entertaining enough, only played a couple of matches but I was relieved that it had a less frantic pace than COD which meant I wasn't constantly respawning. I can definitely see it being one that I dip in and out of now and again for some FPS action. Oh, and it looks stunning doesn't it? Visually very impressive. For £12 you can't go wrong really.
  8. I wasn't a huge fan of that (I found it revelled too much in its own pretentiousness), but I thought Mr.Lebooof was pretty decent.
  9. First day purchase for me. Witcher 2 suffered from clunky combat and quite a linear world. It looks as though both have been addressed successfully so I'm on board.
  10. Cheers fella. I might well give it a punt, especially for that price. I will of course, be spectacularly crap and probably quit after being killed 2,000 times in the first 5 minutes
  11. Going Sunday morning, and after reading all the positivity i'm really, really excited about seeing it.
  12. That's tempting tbh. I haven't touched a BF game since the one for the PS3 (1943?) and that was good fun. Is this similar? massive maps and vehicles?
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YGmTdo3vuY This looks fantastic. Released over here on 22nd May
  14. Shit news Mike. Think I mentioned on here, but I lost my oldest mate at the end of last year to that **** disease and there are a number of my family and friends (including my mom) who are being affected by it to varying degrees. Really feeling for you and your friend.
  15. Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell starts this Sunday on the BBC. I haven't read the books, but i've been told by someone who has that they're very, very good indeed so i'll be tuning in. Plus, anything with the superb Eddie Marsan in is always worth a look. From Wiki ***EDIT*** ...And while I was typing that out, and looking for a suitable pic along comes Coda and steals my thunder Great minds eh.
  16. Really looking forward to missing this again.
  17. Pretty much. Sean Harris was as usual, the best part.
  18. The way that Tim Sherwood is continuing to change my initial negativity towards his appointment. Keep it up fella, you're doing bloody great so far.
  19. I say it with a very slight reservation, but I think we'll be fine now.
  20. It's a very slow burner and well worth the time invested
  21. They are both very fine films in my opinion. As a huge 2000AD fan, I thought Dredd was finally the film that such a great character deserved (pity we'll probably never see a sequel) and The Raid had a beautiful balletic intensity that I found fascinating. The Raid 2 is even better imo, and has been lauded by many (including myself) as one of the greatest action movies ever.
  22. Dredd was written before The Raid iirc. There's been much written about the similarities being coincidence over the years.
  23. but...but...people are getting bored of them! Watched the Raid 2 tonight. The first one was okay, but a bit stupid. This one was just plain bad. What kind of madness is this? The Raid 2 was on my top 10 films of last year, i came out of the cinema exhausted after this relentless thrill ride. This is how you do an action movie, so visceral in the fights and the car chases, it raised the bar for me. It's an incredible film and easily in my top five action movies. Some of the fight scenes are utterly mesmerising & the choreography is completely off the scale.
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