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Everything posted by Designer1

  1. Apart from JP 1 (and that hasn't aged well) they've all been very average films. The latest one is no exception.
  2. I wonder if the next book will arrive before the next TV season? I hope so. I want to retain my air of smugness over the proles that can't be bothered to read a book
  3. Watched this again today. One of my favourite Coen brothers movies and easily one of their most overlooked pieces of work. A superb piece of film noir with B.B.Thornton at his best. If you haven't seen it then I can't recommend it enough
  4. That's crap news mate and I'm sorry to hear it. I know it's bloody obvious but i'll say it anyway - the kids should be of the utmost concern to both of you now, and If you do split up permanently then you'll need to find a way to make it as painless as possible for them. All the best with it fella
  5. Second series of OitNB really stepped it up a notch. Mostly due to Lorraine Toussaint who is such a brilliant antagonist. The only thing I struggle with is the guard/Diaz relationship. Those two are more boring than a Cliff Thorburn v Terry Griffiths snooker match
  6. Genuinely upset about this. One of my all time favourite actors and a complete legend. R.I.P.
  7. Love Jerry, one of my all time favourite comedians. Still got the Pall Bearers Revue on VHS tape somewhere.
  8. Absolutely loving Misfits - can't believe it's taken this long for me to watch it
  9. I don't think it's the acts themselves (the rape/burning etc) that people have been bothered about. It's more that some people are saying they have been badly written in the context of the characters, either the perpetrator or the victim. In other words, done for the shock value and not for the good of the story.
  10. what a great frontman he WAS, even back then he was a clearing in the woods though. his hair on this photo makes him look even more of a clearing in the woods. I'm not a violent man, but I would love to punch that word removed right in the word removed.
  11. well well You won't be able to move for all those gold stars soon
  12. Well, I tried a couple of episodes of Spartacus and that's enough for me. Not really my thing, just couldn't see past the bloody awful acting and totally OTT gore. Not even the lovely boobs could save it .
  13. Is Spartacus worth a watch? Just noticed it's on Netflix and I could do with a new series to watch. I've also been meaning to watch Misfits for a while as it's been on the list for ages. Anyone have any views on that too? All feedback gratefully received and mulled over.
  14. UK = Double Barrel - Dave & Ansil Collins USA = Joy To The World - Three Dog Night
  15. Terrific movie. Excellent David Holmes OST too which is always a bonus.
  16. It's quite a bit different from Witcher 2 anyway, so I wouldn't worry too much
  17. If you see Tippi Hedren running around today i'd get yourself indoors mate
  18. You should read up on the Rape of Nanking. There are some documentaries on YouTube too. It's absolutely harrowing. The City of Life and Death is an excellent (and obviously quite grim) movie on Nanking.
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