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Everything posted by Designer1

  1. I'm hoping to get some of my short stories published at some point in the next few years. They all deal with a horror theme set within a slightly skewed reality (a bit like living in the Black Country really) I enjoy writing them and if nothing ever comes of it then i'll be OK with it, but it would be nice to get something in print.
  2. If anything their side of it isnt really what I listen to, you listen to Lambchop? Pernice Brothers (the world wont end, in particular), http://thehoneyants.co.uk/they are a UK band, seem pretty good. I am a little lost when it comes to americana type country music, I hear people talking about father john misty. Woefully ignorant about that stuff. Father John Misty is fantastic but I wouldn't put him any near the alt/dark Country genre, he does a lovely line in cynically lyrical Indie-Folk. Worth checking out.
  3. You like a bit of Country don't you Seat? Any recommendations for similar sounding stuff to the Handsome Family? I don't have a very extensive knowledge of the genre but I love some of the darker stuff.
  4. True Detective brought me here... It's the kind of darker Country music that i've always had a liking for. There's a track on there called The Bottomless Hole that is sublime.
  5. When people use 'end of' at the end of their sentence. It always reminds me of an annoying little kid shouting 'no comebacks' after they've 'bagsied' something.
  6. I thought it was a really top notch action movie, and I also think the editing deserves extra praise as it's some of the best i've seen in an action movie.
  7. Having a second play through of this at the moment to try and get the Plat trophy. It really is up there with my favourite games of all time, and I think i've enjoyed it even more this time around. I'll be a happy chap if they create something similar for the PS4.
  8. Which was Harrison Ford's idea. The original response was 'I love you too' iirc.
  9. Sorry to hear that mate. I'm assuming the codeine was from Cocodamol? The only reason I ask is that I had a (relatively mild by comparison) addiction to them a few years ago after a couple of operations in a row got me hooked, and that took me a while to break. Fingers crossed for your brother.
  10. Glad you liked it I'd recommend the album they did with Dave Gahan on vocal duty too, it's another belter.
  11. Hmmm nope no announcement this evening either? I see we are hoping now it's all some sort of tactic to hype the game tomorrow. Strange if it's all been done you'd think they'd just announce it, can still have him walk on the pitch at half time.all very worrying really very wobble wobble No offence Daz but you give the impression that, even if you had an all night orgy in a brothel full of AIDS ridden women without wearing protection, after injecting yourself several times with drugs from a needle shared with HIV positive crack-heads, you would still test HIV negative! See this is why i've always thought having fans from other clubs on here is a bad idea. You get wind-up merchants like Glaston and that Norwich fan and now this chap. Who does he support anyway??
  12. Couldn't remember the Roman numerals for 51, 6 and 500. Livid.
  13. Have you seen Gleeson in The General? Worth a watch if you haven't.
  14. Recently watched this again and it's still up there with Miyazaki's best work. Just wonderful. Also picked this up on Blu ray, I first watched it a few years ago and it's a fantastic piece of work. Funny in parts, and desperately emotional in others. Well recommended for anyone who loves a well crafted drama
  15. That was my original plan. Safe to say I won't be bothering to invest the time now. From what i've read/been told it's a massive letdown and I can't be bothered to sink the time into it. Shame really as the first series was superb.
  16. FWIW The Woman is way worse, and as for 'cult classic' Ginger Snaps? **** right off with that. It is a very good list though, I would say I enjoyed 95% of the films on there which is good going for a genre like horror, which is notoriously difficult to pull off effectively.
  17. It's a very clever film and relies completely on dialogue to get across the horror (you see absolutely zilch). I quite liked it actually.
  18. 49/50 The only one I haven't seen is Spring which is high on my 'to watch' list.
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