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Everything posted by Designer1

  1. Lovely low key drama from Iceland about two brothers who haven't spoken for 40 years. Beautifully acted by the two leads who give a real depth to the very heartfelt, intricate character study.
  2. Dyche would be a pleasant surprise. Very doubtful unfortunately.
  3. I'm around 15-16 hours in and it just gets better and better. It's very rare for me to play a game for more than a couple of hours in a row these days but i've been on this again since 10 this morning
  4. This game is **** brilliant.
  5. One was decent, but two was an exceptional game - I seem to remember it being in my top five from that particular year.
  6. Overall so far it's technically flawed but entertaining. The setting, story and gunplay are it's three biggest plus points. I also like how the map is opened up in a more organic way than the usual sandbox game. It makes for a less initially overwhelming experience. I like it.
  7. Already been discussed quite a bit in then 'what game?' Thread mate. I probably should have started a separate thread originally
  8. Yep, those are the sort of tweets that are very welcome.
  9. Don't forget the scatter cushions...
  10. That's a very good point. When we talk about a 'long term plan' for the club then why does the manager have to be there from start to finish of it? Why can he not just be an important starting/middle/end point that is there to do a certain job and then move on? And no, I don't mean change managers every five minutes, I mean choose specific managers for specific phases and if they outperform and grow from what was expected in a particular phase then they continue.
  11. Well, I wouldn't call 8/10 so far a thumbs down... tbh, until i've ploughed about 20+ hours into a game I can't really give a definitive answer
  12. Did a few more hours last night and I really didn't want to stop playing so I suppose that's a good sign. It reminds me of Mad Max, Sleeping Dogs and of course, the obvious one GTA. The story has been very good, and the characters interesting. The gunplay is very solid and extremely satisfylng, as is some of the stealth based combat which can lead to some extremely graphic executions. Regarding performance, I haven't noticed any real issues apart from some occasional pop-up and dull textures. I've never really been one to judge games on graphics or FPS though, I tend to concentrate more on the gameplay and immersion. I'd give it around the 8/10 mark at the moment, but I do feel as though i've only scratched the surface so it could go either way.
  13. OK first impressions: - it's very story focused so far, which is no bad thing as it's reasonably interesting. - gunplay and hand to hand combat is solid and satisfying. - the map is huge. I imagine as the story progresses a lot of side missions will be opened up. - it has a very good sense of place and time. I like the atmosphere. - graphically it's nothing special. - it has all the classic sandbox hallmarks. So if you like that genre you'll feel right at home. - some noticeable pop ups and glitches with the graphics. - they've overdone the skin textures to the point that it looks a little odd and quite frankly creepy. - some of the weather effects are odd. The lighting seems to change randomly after a few seconds sometimes which is off putting. - the soundtrack is **** brilliant. Overall it's good so far, but I'm only a couple of hours in and the game definitely hasn't opened out yet as it's all about the back story and setting the scene. Right, I'm off to play another couple of hours.
  14. Never liked him as a pundit and he's always come across as a monumental bellend. And as you say, it wouldn't surprise me if he hasn't seen a single second of our games under RDM. **** him and Tony Butler (another one that used to boil my piss)* ***** hell, i've got a right cob on today.
  15. It's solid enough, although very much by the numbers and totally unoriginal - it's a lot less erm...'Stathamy' than much of his other output
  16. Just been to pick up Mafia III. Hopefully it'll live up to the hype.
  17. Shane Meadows is renowned for working with loose scripts and letting the actors improvise. It's a method that has worked well for him since the days of 24/7. He's doesn't quite go as far as Mike Leigh but he's getting there.
  18. It's just like a more high brow version of Weekend at Bernie's
  19. Champagne on account of it's my wedding anniversary - I'd have been OK with a few pints of Bathams to be honest
  20. Is this about the little back and forth between the AV twitter account and Virgin trains? I thought it was a good bit of fun to be honest.
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