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Everything posted by Designer1

  1. The whole project is cinematic blasphemy to me. I've been a huge fan of the original movies since I was a kid and they will always have a special place in my movie education. I pretty much know them all inside out (similar to most of the Hammer output) and so I'll be incredibly dubious of any pale imitation. The trailer for the Mummy looks exactly like the overproduced, shiny style id hoped they would avoid.
  2. Just had a read up about that, looks like something i'd enjoy
  3. I had a look on Setlist earlier and I first saw him live 25 years ago What a body of work he leaves behind. A brilliant artist.
  4. It's quite moving reading some of the comments in the press and online about his death. Heartening to read he was so well thought of and respected for his amazing lyrical and vocal abilities, as well as being a decent human being. He's definitely going to leave a big hole in the musical landscape that's for damned sure.
  5. Yeah, I do tend to 'mooch' around a lot with games like this and spend time doing the square root of **** all for an hour or so. I also have games running in the background sometimes when i'm doing other things around the house so it probably wasn't as many as 50 hours. Like I said, I think it's a brilliant game and I enjoyed it but I just think i'd seen enough. It happens to me with games from time to time (more these days) but I tend to revisit games somewhere down the line (i've done it with several over the last few years) so i always keep my game saves. It certainly wouldn't surprise me if I re-bought it cheap at some point.
  6. That's really gutting news about Chris Cornell. Massive fan of his work and he had one of the best voices in rock imo. Always superb when I saw him live too. R.I.P.
  7. Finished the third palace off and I think I'm pretty much done with the game now. It's very good, and extremely well put together and designed but I can't help shake the feeling that after 50 or so hours of play I've pretty much seen all the variety that it has to offer. The thought of doing the same routine for the remaining months with increased difficulty just doesn't grip me at all. I think a little more variety may have helped but that's just me. As I said, a good experience but one that got slightly repetitive a little too quickly.
  8. Hopefully something painful. Evil word removed.
  9. American Gods was fantastic again this week. The opening segment was beautifully done and very poignant. They really have done a magnificent job so far.
  10. Cool - I just wanted to make sure as when I did Palace 1 and 2 I only had a couple of days left over and couldn't remember if I lost them or not (by the game 'fast forwarding' as it does sometimes). Right, i'll be smashing that bastard boss tomorrow night then
  11. Final boss - on the third palace. Yeah, I know the palace disappears - what I wanted to know (and probably didn't make clear enough) is that if I kill the boss with 13 days left over, will I lose those days for other activities (going to the cafe, reading books etc) so am I better off waiting until 1 or 2 days remain and then smashing the boss? I'm pretty certain I won't lose the time but wanted to double check as 13 days is a lot of activity to lose.
  12. I think that's key to be honest. I've already 'made peace' with the fact that i'm not going to see and do everything. I'm just concentrating on what I feel are the right things to spend time on, and to be fair I seem to be doing OK.
  13. I've just got to the third boss fight (saved just outside the final room) and I have 13 days left. Now, probably a noob question but if I go in and kill the boss now will I still be able to utilise those remaining 13 days for levelling etc or am I better off doing the levelling etc first and leaving myself with say two days, and then killing the boss?
  14. Just watching Enter the Dragon again for the gazillionth time and a couple of things struck me. 1. I think the soundtrack is up there with Schifrin's best work. 2. I'll never forgive David Zucker for A Fistful of Yen - definitely one of the greatest movie parodies ever but I find it hard to watch EtD without thinking about it and laughing.
  15. I quite enjoyed Alien Covenant. It has a multitude of issues, as Chindie said the pacing is all over the shop and it jumps around searching to find a thematic identity. It also suffers from a couple of bizarre 'WTF' moments (one in particular had me laughing and im pretty sure thats not what they intended) But on the plus side it strips back the more convoluted elements of Prometheus and has a much more straightforward narrative which coupled with some good performances, despite the clunky dialogue (Billy Crudup the standout for me) and some beautiful visuals meant I wasn't bored at all during its runtime. It was never ever going to be 1,2 or 3 but it's a big improvement on the lamentable 4 and Prometheus. There's also a nod to Blade Runner with one of lines of dialogue which I thought was a nice touch.
  16. Jeff Minter, what a legend.
  17. I was at that. Cracking night it was too.
  18. Having to constantly chase invoices that are overdue. It's the absolute bane of my working life and the only aspect of being self employed that I loathe.
  19. It's a world absolutely rich with storyline possibilities - so many classics that they could go with. I'd imagine budget restrictions will mean some won't happen, but ssssssssurely the Dark Judges will make an appearance?
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