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Posts posted by Rightdm00

  1. 2 minutes ago, TrentVilla said:

    Another masterstroke signing by them, £17m he was...

    Quickly realized Mendy wasn't the answer to replace Kante and moved to sign Ndidi in the same season. If you get it right no one remembers the misses. 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, VillaChris said:

    Would still love us to get in a Carew type for the final third.

    When we signed him in Jan 2007 he was 27 and had already started a CL final and started for top clubs in Spain, Italy and France.

    Sort of signing you knew would instantly improve us and he did and we moved from bottom half to top 6 three years running.

    Any gettable similar type in europe currently?

    I'm wondering who that player will be as well. Maybe it's not this year but the next step after we gather this young, talented core is to top it off with a Carew like signing. 

    • Like 2
  3. 23 minutes ago, TrentVilla said:

    I agree, I think mobility and intelligence are the most important attributes in a DCM in todays game. I'm not convinced a physically imposing DCM is what we need particularly.

    I think the issue is we only really have Nakamba who is a DCM and he isn't quick enough and doesn't read the game well enough. We need someone like Ndidi from Leicester, I know he is 6ft but that isn't really his main attribute.

    I feel like Nakamba is athletic enough for the Prem he just can't do anything with the ball once he gets it. Puts our midfield under massive pressure when in possession. Ndidi is pretty much the gold standard for a Prem #6. Need to find our own version. 

  4. 8 minutes ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    You could possibly be on to something, but I reckon he is a straight Barkley replacement/upgrade, which can play in the other areas if necessary.

    Someone actually pressing and being a nuisance up top, behind Ollie, is a game changer, and gives our midfield a breather, plus the freedom to actually play.

    Most people know my feelings on Luiz and me wanting a " Commanding DM ", however, I could argue that, in Deanos system, Buendia defending from the top, will allow his preferred mids type, Luiz etc, to do what they are actually good at, playmaking from deep.

    Seeing as we should be under less pressure and keep the ball better 

    Having said that, wouldn't mind seeing what you mentioned either.

    Agree, while we do need a bit more steel in the middle what we truly lack against the top sides is the ability to maintain possession. Far to often our possession of the ball ends with Mings hoof because we cant effectively progress the ball down the pitch.  Buendia will help massively with that. 

    • Like 2
  5. Hourihane not athletic enough for the Prem so we just up and bid for the upgraded version.  HAHAHA I love this so much.  Even if this doesn't come off you know we aren't messing around.  


    • Like 1
  6. 7 hours ago, Phil Silvers said:

    This is gonna wind up the Arsenal even more.

    Thats Nice Reaction GIF by MOODMAN



    Wow all Arsenal could do was match our salary offer.  Real small time over there.  I guess that is what happens when you piss away 350K a week on a reserve player.  😂

    • Like 1
  7. 53 minutes ago, brommy said:

    Bidding isn’t risky as any deal agreed would be subject to a medical, which is highly likely to be after the international games.

    But it also ties up funds. If we bid 30 million and Norwich accept pending a medical we can't go spend those funds elsewhere. 

    I believe we have made an inquiry, we know the price and now it's just a waiting game til Buendia is back in the UK. 

  8. 9 hours ago, ender4 said:

    In effect, the big 6 is becoming a big 4, and is in danger of becoming a fixed top 4.

    Followed by a secondary 3 of Arsenal, Spurs and Leicester.

    Liverpool and Chelsea are there mostly on their managerial talent. Tuchel and Klopp leave and it's a free for all once again.

    Throw ManU in there as well.  Ole is a true wild card, even within the same season. 

    Only nailed on team is City because of the stupid amount of talent in that squad. 

  9. A lot of risk in bidding for a player before they return from international duty. If Buendia picks up a long term injury that's £30 million plus down the toilet. Might as well let Norwich shoulder the risk until Buendia is back in England. 

    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, Raver50032 said:

    Interesting, I thought Nuno's stock would have been higher than (with respect) Palace. Given the trajectory that we were all being sold for Wolves to be on, then surely Palace, with their rapidly aging squad is a proper backwards step? It's not even sideways. 

    Maybe it's not if Palace are actually willing to invest in the squad. Nuno may have gotten out at the right time. 

  11. 32 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

    I already think we need 2 midfielders with him... 

    And he's not good enough for them, he's just an easy "cheap" squad signing 

    Its lazy link 

    He pretty much has to be Kante to cover the ground necessary when we play with a CAM and Mcginn. It's a thankless task in Dean's system. 

    Nakamba is definitely better when we play the double pivot behind an attacking 4 but his possession game is horrid. Need to find some balance here next season whether through a new signing or a tweaked setup. 

    • Like 1
  12. 10 hours ago, KMitch said:


    We have 3 genuine elite quality players in the squad and our back 4 is criminally underrated.  I don't want to get too carried away, but if we add another top quality striker to rotate with Ollie (like Tammy), a big money replacement for Barkley in the free role (leaving Jack free to drift wide left), recruit the proper replacements for Elmo & Taylor to continue to push Cash and Targett along, and we'll be flying.  

    The Barkley replacement is the transfer that can really push us up the table. Whether it's a CAM or a left winger so Jack can move to the middle we have to get it right. 

    When Barkley was on form we looked dead set for a champs league place. His injury caused our first downturn in form and quality of attacking play. 

    • Like 1
  13. 1 minute ago, GENTLEMAN said:

    I have watched his goal against Chelsea about 20x and I cannot see the 'scuff', 'roll down the shin' or 'hit in to the floor' that commentary and match report journalists have seen. Looks like his technique, foot like a wedge. Am I going crazy?

    Absolutely love this fella.  

    Definitely meant to hit the way he did. Obviously a little luck is involved in a strike like that but the hit was pure.

    Dude is that good and just entering the prime of his career. Very happy to have him starting next season at RW. 

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  14. 16 minutes ago, Brumerican said:

    Every single highlight shows a player who favours his right foot even whilst dribbling.  He uses that left very sparingly and only when he absolutely has. 


    6 G/A out of 31 with his left foot for this past season in the Championship.  Seems to be very right footed. 

  15. Just now, DCJonah said:

    Why would continental options be better though

    This guy is experienced in English football and proven in the prem. You pay a premium for that. I'd much prefer that than to gamble abroad. 

    I guess we just have different definitions of proven.  One season of above average PL play doesn't catapult your value to the same as someone like Jota. 

    Just compare the careers. Buendia's CV is laughable in comparison. Why would go and pay the same amount or possibly even more. In a year where supposedly clubs will be selling at cut rate prices. We would like beyond foolish. Definitely better ways to spend that sum of money. 

    If Buendia is on Dean's list then the purchase price should be somewhere around what West Ham paid for Benrhama.  

  16. Jacob Ramsey got 6 starts and ~600 PL minutes this year. If the thought is Chuk and JPB should see something similar next year then I'm not sure we will see that RW or CAM purchase.

    Think the big signing will be a right footed LW. That way our 2 CAMS are Jack and Chuk. JPB can cover RW til Trez recovers. 

    The other signing will be a midfielder of some sort. My preference would be a better version of Nakamba.  A "6" but one who can help more on the possession side. 


  17. Just now, Okonokos said:

    So because Jack creates chances then we shouldn't have anyone else in the team create chances? You can never have too many ways to score goals.

    No you should absolutely have extra chance creators but, as far as the top flight goes, that's all Buendia is good for. To me, he is a one trick pony unproven in any other facet of attacking play. If you are paying £40 million plus he needs to be bring far more to the table. 

    Jack needs someone to finish his chances not create extra ones that will get missed anyway. 

  18. 12 minutes ago, Okonokos said:


    He did that playing in the worst team in the league. Absolutely class player.

    8th in chances created this past season. Not really a department we are lacking unless Jack is leaving. 

  19. 6 minutes ago, Okonokos said:

    I think he's easily worth that much. That may even be a bargain for him in the current market. He's a class player.

    I think he is the Benrhama of this transfer summer. Skilled but undersized winger with pretty much zero top flight credentials. Just think we can do better or Norwich can come way down on that fee. 

    • Confused 1
  20. 3 minutes ago, ender4 said:

    Well we paid (up to) £33 million for Watkins from the Championship. 

    So it's possible we might end up with him for like £34 mill + £6 million add-ons.

    Just feel if we are willing to pay that then there have to be other continental options available. 


    2 minutes ago, MaVilla said:

    brother, are you not aware of Buendia's stats last season when he was in the prem???

    2019/20 Season:

    Chances created - 83

    For reference, thats 4th in the list, behind De Bruyne, Grealish and Trent, and thats with playing 5-600 minutes less than Grealish (91) & Trent (87).

    In that season Buendia created 21.8% of Norwich's chances, for reference, Grealish created 20% of our chances in the 2019/20 season.

    this was all for a relegated team, so on balance thats Grealish territory of creativeness for a bottom 3-4 side.



    2 whole goals in his entire top flight career. Smith plays inverted wingers and they are expected to chip in heavily on the goals scored by the squad.  Buendia plays exclusively on the right for Norwich. Sorry, he doesn't seem like a Dean Smith type winger at all. 

    Also, I'm aware he scored 15 in the championship but then again so did Benrhama.

  21. Like the guy but not at that high a price. £40 million plus though, NO WAY!  That's what Liverpool paid for Jota. No way are we paying that for a player who has only lit it up at the championship level. 

  22. 1 hour ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    I tend to agree with you at present.

    However, i'm also willing to give him until next season.

    Most players have improved here, so the thought of a stronger, fitter, more in sync and better drilled Bertie is kind of exciting.

    We need another Winger/CAM either way though.

    That is priority one. We have to replace Barkley. Our form never really fully recovered from his hamstring injury.

    It looks like the answer will be Jack to the middle and purchase a LW but honestly I think we have targets at both the CAM and LW position and we are going to see which one we can more easily procure. 

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