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Everything posted by villan-scott

  1. The countdown begins... 55 minutes and counting. *Switches over to SSN in anticipation...*
  2. Is he swimming back from France? Jeez get on with it already, I'm fed up of refreshing every 5 minutes!!
  3. I would be disappointed if Thompson doesn't come. I don't think it's definite yet though is it? All just sky still, although you would think they would know his employment status!
  4. My point wasn't about transfers at all though it was about young players comming through . My post wasn't aimed at you personally, it was aimed at every fan whose only argument against Houllier is the fact he signed some shit players at Liverpool, and I was just pointing out that every manager in the league signs some shit, and every manager in the league signs a gem, it's part and parcel of football. And to your point about Houllier not bringing through youth I suggest you research his role with the FFF, and his role in setting up Clarefontaine, and his influence over Carragher, Gerrard and Owen, 3 of the best Liverpool players of the last decade. If the youngsters are good enough they will get their chance, if they're not they won't, simple.
  5. With everybody listing Houllier's poor signings for Liverpool I think we should try and collate a list of all Wenger's, SAF's, and Mourinho's doughnut buys, I'm sure there are also some pretty scary names on that list. How about: Reyes Grimandi Manniger Jeffers Djemba x2 Kleberson Forlan (who is class in Spain) Tiago Pizarro Belletti Sidwell Del Horno Jarosik The list is endless. Those 3 managers are the most successful in the Premier League era, and have signed their fairshare of crap, so judging Houllier on his bad signings is neither here nor there. We need to give him a chance and allow him time, as I'm sure he has what it takes to make us a success.
  6. Lock your cars, doors and windows boys, it's a scouse invasion!
  7. Me too, I think we'll smaasshhhh them 1-0 Stevie Ireland to get his first goal! A diving header from the halfway line! Something tells me you're taking the piss?? In all honesty if we get it on the deck and utilise those 3 and have Collins and Dunne monumental at the back we can't go wrong, however, I do realise this is easier said tha done!!
  8. I imagine he has an army of scouts that will now be working for us which is exciting in itself. However, with regards to coaches etc. I'm not sure who else he had with him, maybe Sammy Lee will want to reunite with PT and GH? I doubt we will hear much about who else comes in with him until we see them all sat in the dugout, and we all turn to each other and ask 'Who are they??'.
  9. Come on FFF wave that white flag and let Houllier go so he can sign a contract with us and we can all move forward!! Really looking forward to his tenure, quite excited by the prospect of foreign signings again to add to our solid British base. As long as he doesn't take to to the complete opposite end of the spectrum of course.
  10. This boy will shine for us this seaoson. I think Houllier and Thommo will see the potential of Young, Ireland and Gabby combining and their mouth's will be watering at the prospect. I think Stoke better beware as the boys will have something to prove to the new management team, and I think we will play them off the park.
  11. I have no problem with a Houllier Thompson combination. They are winners that have been there and done it at the highest level, and bringing that experience to Villa is only a good thing imo. What Thommo says on Soccer Saturday is his opinion, and it's now his perogative to sort what he see's wrong with Villa and if he does this and we improve we can't complain. I think they will do a great job and improve us. I can't wait for it all to be official so Aston Villa FC can move forward and forget about what has happened, and focus on winning football matches and to continue to improve the team and club.
  12. Its not his employers, its a French football Journo, who says Houllier has talked to him "on the record" and then basically blabbed to whoever he could hawk the story to, so he gets maximum exposure for his "scoop" Unwise, if you ask me My mistake. Well if that's the case then, yes, most definitely unwise!
  13. It's not Houllier speaking though, it's his current employers, so there is no reason for Villa to judge him and get their knickers in a twist about it, not all things can be kept out of the limelight, there is always a leak from somewhere.
  14. Interesting!! Is it just me or does anyone else reckon there could be a few more twists and turns before a new manager is appointed? Yeah those quotes have made me think that it isn't as cut and dried as SSN have made out. Will be interesting to see how it develops, but it has dragged on long enough now, without it eating up most of this week as well.
  15. That's where my money went today. Got odds of 1.7 earlier in the day though . Emptied my betfair account on him, which to be fair, isn't that much, only 8 of the queens english.
  16. i'd say they are all pissing themselfs laughing,from what i have heard from other fans they think we are a joke. I don't think it matters one bit what other fans think or say. We can do our talking by winning football matches, and Houllier will get us doing this. Who gives a shite if we're being laughed at. The majority of fans are pleased with the appointment and realise he's possibly the best candidate there was, however, there is simply no pleasing everybody is there.
  17. I hope it gets announced tomorrow and there is a big hoo-hah at VP as I'm working at Tesco in Aston all day tomorrow and wouldn't mind popping over to see the arrival of our 'Special One', and Pete Colley potentially interviewing fans for their verdict, I'd get involved
  18. To be honest I wouldn't mind that as long as Baros' heart was in it this time. On his day he can be a very good goalscorer, but that doesn't come too often. I think I would prefer Baros to Heskey, but a combination of the 2 is quite scary... for us.
  19. I will welcome him and give him a chance. Vastly experienced, great contacts, well respected, and ambitious, what more could we want? I'm happy to have Houllier at the helm as I believe he has what it takes and the know-how to be allow us to continue our challenge for fourth. I'm looking forward to seeing what he does in the transfer market in January, I wonder if Djibril Cisse fancies another crack at the Premier League I have every confidence he will show to be a good appointment, and we could have definitely done a lot worse!! Everybody needs to give the guy a chance! UTV!!
  20. This. This. This. I'm sick to death of people coming on here and digging and digging at RL and the running of our club. He has done a fantastic job getting us to where we are now. The value of Aston Villa has more than likely trebled or even quadrupled in his tenure, down to TV money, but also down to his running and investments in the club. I'm 110% confident that RL will get the best man he deems possible for Villa, at whatever cost. I don't see him skimping out and getting the 'cheap' option, he will get the best realistic candidate that wants to manage Villa. If it's Houllier then so be it, we all need to get behind him, and the team, and do our job, support Aston Villa. And FWIW I don't imagine Houllier will be all that cheap, as he has earnt the right to earn good money for what he does. A manager who has won as much as he has, and achieved at what he has at clubs more world renowned than ours deserves to earn good money, and I'm sure he won't come cheaply. So all you cynical so and so's who fail to see the positives, and tend to focus all their energies on slating the club and RL, and homing in on every slight negative there may be. For me the positives of the last 4 years heavily outweigh the negatives, and feel RL is striving to keep it that way.
  21. Maybe he wants to talk it over with KMacD's girlfriend? I reckon Mac's girlfriend should be DoF, she seems to make a lot of decisions for him so why not get her on the pay roll as well.
  22. I would imagine Houllier is fitter and in better shape than he was 10 years ago due to his illness. He looks to have lost a lot of weight so people concerned with his health are just looking for an excuse to moan IMO.
  23. IMO I can't see it being Kev making that decision next time we play.
  24. I agree with this. It shouldn't take this long to get Houllier from his peripheral role with the French federation, so I agree we must be working on something else, or else Houllier would have been appointed by now (Thursday, yesterday or today even). Houllier is plan B imo. No idea who's plan A, although if I were to hazard a guess I'd say Moyes. Think Randy digs him :winkold: I was thinking Moyes as well. There has been no denial from his end or from Everton after very strong links in the week, and the rumours of him cancelling Everton photo shoots and the like make me think that maybe, just maybe it might be him. Like I said I don't think it is as straightforward as everybody is making out. Houllier is a great plan B imo. And even if he doesn't get the managers job, maybe he would still like to be involved in the club and help us set-up a scouting network, and help build a dynasty for the future.
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