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Everything posted by UpTheVilla26

  1. If, when I wake up tomorrow, this ginger prick is still in charge, then I firmly believe we can kiss goodbye to the Premiership. Mcleish is a walking disaster. He's taking a team out of this League twice. On that basis alone, he should be nowhere near a Premiership job, let alone a so called 'big club' job. To put it into perspective, in normal life, if you were a Retail Manager and you had managed to put your last 2 shops in the shit, do you think if you rocked up at Tesco they would say 'yeah, come on in, you're record is excellent, just the right guy to take this shop forward'. No, they wouldn't because they have people who actually know what they are doing running their company. We have clueless Cowboys from America. The fact that one of these Hillbillys is a 'general (general **** idiot)' is enough. What does Paul Faulkener (or whatever his stupid name is) know about Football? Probably as much as I know about the sodding Da Vinci code. How, between the three of them or two (or however many it took to make such a glorious decision) they thought McPrick would be anything other than a complete disaster leads me to believe they are sharing one brain cell. McPrick - in a nutshell - negative, clueless, inept, loser.
  2. 5 Points now seperate us from 19th place. To be in this position, is a joke. However, it was one all the fans saw coming way back last summer. Disgraceful.
  3. The fans have been crying out for Lichaj to play. Bannan, why is he taking free-kicks?
  4. Why does it take us to go 2-0 down before trying. **** off Mcleish you're a joke.
  5. Awful defending. Just said on BBC that the ref has been 'generous' towards Chelsea. **** joke.
  6. **** off Terry you stupid tart. Who set off that **** smoke bomb? Iidots.
  7. Why not just chuck Carruthers & Grealish on now, can't do no frigging worse.
  8. One positive from today - Lichaj has been 100 times better than Hutton at right back and should now start week-in-week-out. Other than that - pathetic. Bannan is crap, Collins is a liability, Warnock is a mistake waiting to happen each week and due to McUseless not playing wingers, Gabby is playing too wide and we then have nothing through the middle. You can't get away from the Petrov situation, in the fact it will affect players, but this isn't a one off. All season we have been awful. We can't defend corners, we might as well not even take a corner when we get one because we just present the opposition with a counter attack and our movement/pace is non-existent. How the owners of this club can sit there and allow this to continue is beyond me. He should be sacked tonight because if not, guys & girls, we will be playing in The Championship next season.
  9. Sadly, that was a zillion years ago in football terms. Back then football was a more even playing field. You could argue that by being stingy, we missed the chance to be where the likes of Man Utd, Arsenal etc are now due to bad management by Doug if anything He never wanted to go that extra yard Same could be said for Lerner though because his resources don't match Man City, Man Utd, Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool & Spurs. So, in theory, unless we get taken over by some cash-laden middle-easterners then we will be rocking along in the same boat as we have been for last 20 years. 'Underachieving'. I was confident under Doug he'd at least 'try' to rectify a poor situation. Lerner has actively created a dire situation but won't loose face and try to sort it.
  10. To be honest, it's never been to the point before where I've wished our manager would come a 'cropper' somehow. In America, is it legal to shoot someone if they are attacking you? Saying that, telling a court that you were attacked by Mcleish would see the jury in fits of laughter. I see Wolves are wanting to speak to Curbs. Steve Morgan has been reading my posts, asshole.
  11. Ellis was shrewd. I am reading a book at the moment about corruption in Football and Ellis is feature within. He so easily could have done a 'Leeds'. I think that's what O'Leary expected, hence it never worked. However, Ellis was not afraid to fall on his own sword. He took a massive risk on Gregory, which for a while was a fantastic appointment (until the Collymore & Yorke incidents) but was not afraid to 'act' for the good of the club. Yes, he was a bit tight-fisted and appointing Taylor the second time around was a fiasco (though I still have nothing but admiration & respect for Taylor after what he did here before) but Ellis kept the club going at a time where other clubs chased the 'elusive' dream of titles & Champions League and ultimately paid a huge price. Oh and I do believe the door of the trophy cabinet has not been opened since Ellis left VP. (Don't give me 'we won the Peace Cup').
  12. Ellis for 2 reasons. 1. He'd have never hired this joker and 2. If for some reason he had, he'd have sacked him by now
  13. I can imagine the meeting now... AMC 'So, what is that big bit of field there?' Browns Coach 'That's where our players try to get into and score touchdowns' AMC 'You let your players out their own half??!!' This club is at an all-time low if our chairman thinks anything can be 'learnt' from his shit franchise.
  14. What airline is he going by or will it be private charter? Either way, would it be at all possible to slip the airline a few quid and make the plane 'vanish' into some rain forest in Brazil? What a complete waste of time. This break from the Prem would have been better spent sorting the ginger turds P45 and finding someone who can at least navigate their way into the oppositions half during a game.
  15. Probably, cos' Lerner is as deluded as Mcleish. I seriously believe we could lose 12-0 and Mcleish would still be here. What needs to happen is at the next home game, no-one go - and I mean NO-ONE. See what Lerner thinks of that.
  16. On the Des Kelly thing, I saw that. How about getting a fan from every other Premiership club and make them sit and watch-back the game today. Then, at the end, ask how many would like to have Mcleish at their club. I would bet my balls that no-one would want him. 110% guaranteed.
  17. Just went on YouTube while I was having a bath and watched the 1992/1993 season review. For 15 minutes watching that, it reminded me why I am a Villa fan. Big Ron, Dalian & Deano, Yorkie etc... yeah, they bottled the League that year but in every game they had a go. Then I dug out the 95/96 review when badger Little was here. Again, bottled a couple of big games - mainly vs Liverpool - but had a good go. Then I watched the Villa 3-2 Leeds Utd FA Cup game from '99 and Villa 5-1 Birmingham from the O'Neill reign. My conclusions - Villa are, through the years, an exciting side that will have a go. Attacking players were the life & soul of this club - Saunders, Yorke, Dublin, Merson, Houghton, Carbone, Daley, Young, Angel etc... Then I thought about this season. What game have I enjoyed? I am struggling to think of any. Like another poster said, since then I have been bored of it. Even beating Chelsea held not as much joy as it should, as I viewed it as 'luck' and Chelsea being woeful. While I appreciate the game has moved on and their is a larger divide in the League these days - due to money - it sickens me to think of what Mcleish has said after that today and the implications. We won't see the likes of a Carbone or a Merson again. Instead, we will have to endure turgid players, who want to 'battle' and whose main aim is to stop the other team playing. I can see him trying to sign Barry Ferguson this summer and let's be honest, while he's here, that's about the caliber of player we'll see. I said it before, I will say it again. Get in Alan Curbishley. He won't cost anything, he'd probably take a deal till' the summer, he knows this club and he will at least set up this Villa side to have a go.
  18. It's not just about this game though Denis_B. I'll tell you why Mcleish will always fail. He is REACTIVE not PRO-ACTIVE. He will wait until a situation unfolds, example going 1-0 down, before trying to change things. City looked a shade of the team they can be today. Mcleish should have noticed this after half hour and adapted our team to push them back and pressure them. Instead, he waits until the inevitable happens then suddenly changes it. Do you think Fergie would ever come out and say 'if we'd attacked they would have ripped us apart?' or any manager who is apparently worthy of a job in this League? Look at Swansea. They have a go and try to enforce their play on the opposition. When they loose at least their supporters know they have stuck to their beliefs and played attractive football. Mcleish seems more worried about what opposition players may do rather than utilizing some of the talent at his disposal. Today, he's basically admitted he only had a 'gameplan' for after we'd gone behind. Any manager with that way of thinking should not be managing a team in this League or be anywhere near one.
  19. That's probably what Mcleish saw because he sure as hell didn't watch the same game I did.
  20. Excellent Gameplan?!!! HA **** hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
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