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Everything posted by UpTheVilla26

  1. He was brilliant against Norwich earlier this season, he ripped them apart. About the only attacking display we have produced in the last 8 months. If he goes, then our fantastic manager better buy himself a tin hat because I have a few house bricks that will be coming his way.
  2. I can't bring myself to watch or even read the clowns comments. I want to smash my TV up every time I see his stupid, smug ginger face sat in that dugout. He's got to the stage now, where I honestly believe he is completely detached from reality.
  3. Tell you what we should have done... well, I say 'we' but it seems a us and them policy at this club, so let me rephrase... Tell you what our incompetent, foolish, genius of an owner should have done? Clubbed together the money spent on Given & N'Zogbia and slapped it in front of Bill Kenwright. Guzan has proved more than an able Goalkeeper and for what it is worth, N'Zogbia may as well not be here. I firmly believe if we had offered Everton 'big' money, we would not be facing relegation, we would not have spent the season playing negative dross and under Moyes we would still be looking forward to this so called 'bright future'. But hey, obviously a Yank with a fat cheque book and a couple of tubby mates knows more about English Football than someone who has played, watched and supported for over 22 years.
  4. This would be the final straw for me if Gabs went. As someone above said, he has done a lot for this club and to see a player, who has constantly stated his desire to remain at this club for life, suddenly shipped out would tip me over the edge I am already balancing on. For those saying 'he don't score enough' you tell me what player in the world would score 'enough' if they had to play under this shit-house of a manager. Because Mcfuckingcluelessnegativeidiot has about as much idea at deploying an attacking line-up as I do knitting a winter scarf, it doesn't really matter anyway - might as well just sell all our strikers and get some more Defenders in.
  5. Stick his postcode on here and the problem will be 'solved' within 48 hours ;-)
  6. Can we please leave him in the reserves? Reason being, the negative, useless prick of a manager we have will ruin his career at VP before it even starts. No, stay in the reserves until we get a manager who grasps the fact that his team can go over the halfway line and, you'll love this, even have a shot - yes, a shot, at the opposition goal.
  7. I rate Gabby and if he goes, it shows what a joke this club has become. How can he produce his best form when McDick keeps playing him wide left?
  8. Only when I pleasure myself with the curtains open...
  9. Ellis would have had this clown's P45 signed, sealed and delivered about 2 months ago.
  10. Hutton is totally inept at Football but it gives me a slightly warm feeling knowing he's that tough, he could probably take the whole opposition 11 by himself if it got a bit tasty.
  11. If Ferguson thinks his mate is such a smoking hot manager, then I can presume he'll be putting him forward as the number 1. candidate to replace him at Old Trafford when he retires...
  12. Well, today was another barrel of laughs. He needs to go NOW. Not the end of the season, not next Christmas, NOW. He is not the only problem at this club but the bottom line is we are now the worst team in the League to watch. I can accept players wanting to move on and join 'bigger' clubs, I can accept we are not where we were under O'Neill and I can accept that a few cost cutting measures have had to be enforced. But let's look at the things that are unacceptable... - Claiming we basically have no chance against 'elite' teams. - Setting the side up so negatively - Not 'having a go' until the 75th minute when we are usually 2-0 down - Playing players out of position when players are available to play in those positions - Complete lack of tactical nous in trying to change things during the game - Not making subs until the game is well beyond us - Moaning 'we've lost Young & Downing' then continually falling out with the only 2 players in our squad that come close in creativity - Excuse after excuse when it's his fault we keep losing - Having a whole season to sort out a shoddy Defence, promise changes then see the same thing happen every game - Dragging that tit Peter Grant with him to our club - and hey, what the hell, being an ugly ginger git who puts me off my dinner each weekend Last point aside, he is at fault for all of the above (His parents are to blame for the ginger situation). I won't be watching another Villa game this season. Not because I am not a 'true' fan but because I am a fan of Football. I enjoy everything about the game but because of how Mcleish is ruining this club, with a little help from Tweedle Dee and Tweedle-****-dumber, my passion for all things Football is at an all-time low. Villa have bored the shit out of me this season and I can't ever remember feeling this negative about the club. The worst thing about all this? It was 100% completely avoidable. There are hundreds if not thousands of managers out there available and we end up with this shower of shit. We could get him out next week. How? Nobody go to Villa Park. It would be extreme but if no **** went to watch how could Randy ignore that? 40,000 empty seats, no concessions or merchandise money = goodbye useless manager.
  13. Bannan is crap. Too often he tries stupid 'Hollywood' passes and this shooting from distance is doing my head in, such a waste. I'd flog him in the summer, he's a poor man's Peter Whittingham.
  14. You can't say that. Nothing is certain to happen, especially in Football. They had a Defender running back as well (we also had another player breaking forward) so the chances are 75%-25% we may have scored. Not a certainty. Do you really believe we'd have held onto a 3-2 lead against an 'elite' team with 12 minutes left to play? Especially the way we defend. Again, not certain but more than likely Chelsea would have bombarded us and scored to level. In every match, in every league up and down the country every weekend, all fans will say 'the ref was shit... blah blah blah'. However, was the ref shit at home to Man City, Swansea and Man Utd? Or away to Arsenal, Tottenham, Newcastle and Wigan?
  15. So now we are blaming refs? The term 'scratching around' comes to mind. The fact is we didn't start trying to attack until the 75th minute. By that time, we were lucky not to be 3 or 4 down. If we had come out and had a go at Chelsea, who I still think have a shaky defence' in the first 20 minutes, then maybe we may have got a goal or 2 and the game would be so different. The QPR game at home was another example. Start attacking when we are already 2-0 down. He is trying to do the impossible and set us up not to concede as his first priority. Because of how poor the defence is, this is not going to happen, yet week-in week-out he keeps doing it. He is clueless and only has himself to blame. The fact that 2 of our most gifted attacking players have had spats with him this season, says it all.
  16. I'm sorry but can't have you slating Graham Taylor. His first spell at the club was a great era for Villa and he did wonders. His second spell was a combination of a nostalgic appointment by Ellis and Taylor not coming to terms with how much the game has moved forward. Mcleish is the worst manager this club has ever had. He can't be compared to any other boss because I can at least think of one positive they brought to the club - even O'Leary who made a couple of excellent signings. Mcleish has brought nothing positive at all. The team has no dimension or idea, the young players development has been stifled in having to adapt to this 'try not to concede and scab a point or late win' mentality and the supporters must be the most unhappy in the whole of the Premiership. What Lerner needs to get into his thick head is we will NEVER, EVER, be behind this turd. I gave him a chance and I've seen nothing to even think that things might get better if he has time. The more time he has, the more damage he will continue to do. Oh, if only Lerner had Ellis' balls.
  17. I seriously can't contemplate having to edit Villa into Pro Evo 13...
  18. Maybe he's on Meth but I think a more logical explanation is he's in over his head with no hiding place and that at a club with more Media exposure and expectation his negative, clueless dross is being highlighted even more. Saying that, a lot of the Media are still supporting him. If he's that special, they would all love him to manage their clubs then... ... thought not.
  19. When the manager and a club becomes a laughing stock to it's own fans, let alone the rest of the League, it really is time to sit up and take note. If he truly believes what he's said tonight, he should not only be sacked but sectioned.
  20. Really? you can see the lack of confidence and complete lack of ability to attack ingrained on the players, albrighton aside did you see anyone beat cole or ivanovic? the formation and selection still isnt right, 31 games in to the season and he still cant pick a decent starting 11, bannan on the right, didnt work at all, but then against the league/worlds best LB it was never going to work either defending corners, they werent even decent corners FFS subs, albrighton was spot on, but why wait for so long to change things when it wasnt working? and heskey... the man is a clown I didn't actually make that statement. I replied to it by quoting it. I believe it was VillaRoy who originally posted it. Anyway, I'm off to cheer myself up. Can of Stella Cidre opened, Blackpool v So'ton on TV, Pro Evo on other TV and missus' awesome lamb curry for tea.
  21. I'd estimate between 5-10m to sack him. No way he's only on £1 million per season on a 3 year contract you could get rid for £2 million. Relegation would cost the club approximately £45 million. It's too late to sack him now anyway - who you going to put in charge? Do a Wolves and put a caretaker in charge? I've championed the best available person who is available right now who could put a bit of fight back into this team and steady a sinking ship... Curbishley
  22. Our organisation at corners? To be fair we lost Cuellar at the last minute so Baker was thrown in, who probably isn't as well drilled. As is Lichaj. Players need to take some responsibility from corners. So, if we had Cuellar, Collins, Dunne & Warnock for them 2 set-pieces, them goals wouldn't have been scored? You could build a brick wall around our goal but McPrick would find a way for the opposition to easily penetrate it. For the fact he has miserably failed to even improve the defence 1%, not alone make it worse by 150% is enough to sack the clown.
  23. It is, and it's also his fault we are in a relegation battle because all season we have been complete shit. I have no sympathy towards the prick. He's bitten off more than he can chew and it's time to spit it out and **** off.
  24. How much compensation would McPrick have to have? If every Villa fan out £50 in, surely it would be enough? **** me, maybe I can write a letter to the American who just pocketed $640 mill in their Lottery and explain how this ginger idiot is ruining all my weekends and that I am an orphan and my cat has just died, get the sympathy going. I have to try and laugh at our situation now, because if not I will cry and not stop. Ellis would have sacked this tit over a month ago, have no doubt about that. He may have been a tight old git but he wasn't anybody's fool. Unfortunately, McPrick is the biggest 'Yes' man going and would probably give the Yanks a reach around if it secured his job for another few months.
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