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Everything posted by UpTheVilla26

  1. Hopefully that is the final substitution this clown ever make for our team. And to stay true to his 'attacking tendencies' he brings on a Defender and will now play him out of position. What a man, what a man!
  2. Because, if you hadn't noticed, we have a shit manager that we all wish to **** off and the lower down we finish, the poorer the table reads, the less prize money we receive which may help to get the **** on his bike.
  3. Hahaha it's all imploding for Mcleish. We will now finish 17th. Avoiding relegation on goal difference (as it stands of course). What a shambles. If it wasn't for that point last week, we'd be waving goodbye to the Prem today. Laughable.
  4. In the words of Bricktop... 'Joey Barton really is a horrible, little c***' Anything happening in Villa game? I've not checked for a while, just watching some Danish side get a tanning on the Live Scores website.
  5. Joey Barton sent off. QPR really will get **** with a big fine come the summer.
  6. QPR have squared things up. Table as it stands - we stay up on goal difference - pathetic.
  7. But it's not poor Alex's fault, it's everyone else's Indeed. However, if he wants a job where the core objective is to make cuts, **** up and pan the blame out then he should see Cameron about being Chancellor of the Exchequer.
  8. Is the sticky at the top of the matchday forum an ironic joke? If he still believes he can carry on after this today, then he needs taking away to a mental institute. Our season summed up in that first 25 minutes - no passion, desire, ability, motivation, tactical awareness and YOU HAVE HAD 38 **** GAMES TO SORT THE DEFENDING OUT!!!! I couldn't give a shit if he's a nice guy or not. I hope he gets dogs abuse and if it's personal good, cos' the prick needs to finally get the message he's not wanted.
  9. I am ashamed to be a fan of this once great club right now. The rest of this country is sat back laughing at us and I know that a lot of people would be delighted to see us go down. These 3 players should all be **** off ASAP. In a season where the manager, the board and the players have put in about 30%, to go out and heap even more shame onto themselves, the fans and the club is totally unacceptable. It may be 'something of nothing' but if these 3 idiots don't realize how much scrutiny a modern day 'professional (I use the term very loosely) footballer' come under in every aspect of their life's, then they need to grow up and take accountability. I hope none of these 3 have kids? What a **** shambles.
  10. What pisses me off is that WBA have the cigars out, you could clearly see they were happy to take a point. Mctwat has no idea how to change a game. He should have made 'attacking' subs around the 65th minute mark. Instead, off comes Zog, a creative player, and on comes Gardner, who for all his potential, hasn't exactly ripped up any trees this season. Why not put Carruthers and Weimann on? Hutton & Agbonlahor were shyte today and both deserved to be subbed. The guy probably thinks we see today as a great result and he made an excellent team selection. I view it as a chance of 3 points to secure our safety gone begging and yet another game which highlights his complete tactical nous to change a game when needed. As for Grant and that **** notebook he has. I'd love to see what is actually written in there because I will be **** if it relates in anyway to the match they are watching.
  11. Let's throw this relegation fight a curve ball... I'd stick him up-front against WBA, alongside Heskey. Let's just do a Stoke and punt the ball into them two at every opportunity. They both may not be great footballers but they can both win a header and if we can create some mayhem in the WBA area, we might be able to feed off the scraps. WBA wouldn't be expecting and at least we'd be trying something 'different' than our usual role over and take a **** tactics.
  12. Trouble is, for the next 3 weeks he's still in charge of a team fighting relegation and does not have a **** scooby. Just listened to twatterface on Talksport. Brought out the 'he's from sha' line again. He then proves what a useless Journo he is by saying on Tuesday Heskey was wide-left and N'Zogbia was up front? Not on my TV they weren't. I will be honest and say the fact he came from Sha IS a lot to do with it. Not cos' of my allegiances, but because HE TOOK THEM DOWN TWICE IN THREE YEARS. How many times do the media need to read that fact before one of them rubs 2 stones together and get fire??!!! Just in case the media read this, I'll list a few other reasons... 1. He's a shit manager 2. He's a shit manager and 3. He's a shit manager I also heard what Mcrelegator said about being in the fight to beat the drop. He mentioned the word 'motivate'. As he did though, there was a nervous cough swiftly followed by the statement ' you'd like to think these players are highly motivated anyway'. He really is clutching at straws and sounds to me he knows he's **** come what may.
  13. I couldn't really give a shit anymore if we stay up or go down. The Premiership has been consumed by greedy owners, mercenary players, crap ref's and cheating on the field of play. I no longer look forward to a weekend of Football like I did 10 years ago as it's no longer a level playing field unless you have a few billion knocking around. Some of the antics the players get up to are pathetic and you may as well abolish contracts as they aren't worth the paper they are written on. This season, I have not attended many Villa games. Not because I'm, as some like to say - 'not a real fan' - but because I am increasingly disillusioned how far the game has moved away from the 'real' football supporter. Yes, it's nice being in the 'big time' but if we are in for season after season of boring, mediocre shit football, I'd take going down. We have no money anyway, apparently, so at least we could flog Bent, Given, N'Zogbia etc... which would give us a few quid. We could then hire Curbs as manager with Johnny Gregg as first team coach. These two would bring goals, excitement and new life to Villa Park. We'd probably win the Championship, wouldn't see many clubs coming to VP and getting anything at all. At least if we take a step back first, we can dump the deadwood - which there is enough to build a fleet of arks - and start resurrecting this once great club which a Yank & Scot have truly done a number on this season. Then, if we do come up, we'll still have a management team who have Premiership experience of not going around relegating everything they set their eyes on.
  14. I don't pay attention to a word he mutters anymore, he's deluded. He was deluded to even think this would not all end in tears and even take the job. The only words I wish to hear from him ever again are 'I resign as manager of Aston Villa'.
  15. Since Lerner is beyond caring about the fans, I am beyond caring about the result. I'm not having my week wrecked by watching this later.
  16. Yes, he is a shit, negative, inept excuse of a modern day manager but Villa fans are too apathetic to do anything about it so he will remain. What are you doing to help get him out? Well at present I am refusing to renew 2 season tickets at £1040 that my son and I have had for years. Joining in any anti McLeish chanting that starts up (bit difficult though when those around me in the Lower Doug Ellis are often casual fans who turn up once in a blue moon and can't even find their **** seat!). What are you doing? Renewed my season ticket. So you're doing **** all then and paying to watch shit next season too. Well done, hope you enjoy it. Don't come on here moaning about McLeish and his brand of football while you are happy to throw money at supporting it. Then stop telling people they need to start doing this and that and you don't even plan on going yourself. I am all for supporting the club through thick and thin but I'll put this in terms you might understand... If you found out another man was **** your missus, would you go out and buy him condoms?
  17. Yes, he is a shit, negative, inept excuse of a modern day manager but Villa fans are too apathetic to do anything about it so he will remain. What are you doing to help get him out? Well at present I am refusing to renew 2 season tickets at £1040 that my son and I have had for years. Joining in any anti McLeish chanting that starts up (bit difficult though when those around me in the Lower Doug Ellis are often casual fans who turn up once in a blue moon and can't even find their **** seat!). What are you doing? Renewed my season ticket. How is renewing your season ticket going to help get this clown out? The club needs hitting in the only place Lerner will pay any attention to - the pocket. By renewing your season ticket you are adding to the clubs belief that this idiot is doing a good job and 'most' fans are happy. What a strange comment.
  18. Yes, he is a shit, negative, inept excuse of a modern day manager but Villa fans are too apathetic to do anything about it so he will remain. What are you doing to help get him out? I've attended numerous games, home and away this season, but as mentioned, most other Villa fans seems quite happy to sit there and take this shit. Who is going to pay attention to a one man protest, unless extreme? Bottom line is, no one fan, alone, can have any influence on if he stays or go. So your comment you've just made is quite pathetic and could be deemed as pointless, because if you're in the majority that want this prick gone, you will understand/see the barriers that stand in the way.
  19. I'll be phoning up the arms dealer... It's a valid question though, as it's a very strong possibility. Does not even bear thinking about.
  20. Yes, he is a shit, negative, inept excuse of a modern day manager but Villa fans are too apathetic to do anything about it so he will remain. I think it's more most are still of the opinion relegation is not a strong possibility. It does annoy me the atmosphere at Villa Park is shit. On numerous occasions me and my mate have tried to get chants going and you almost get frowned upon by the majority. To me, there is 1 thing that would make everyone sit up and take notice. Get as many disgruntled fans as possible to one of the next home games. We'd have to pay in and get a ticket to make it work, I don't mind wasting £30, but after HE comes out the tunnel, get up and leave. If you could get 5-10,000 to do this, then congregate outside the ground and protest I believe it would finally start hitting home to the idiots who run this club how severe the problem is.
  21. Let's ship some of them dudes in from Bahrain and up the anti. I just posted the stats in the relegation thread - 1 win in 11 home games. 8 goals in that time. If he had 1% of dignity he'd sling his hook tonight and take Grant with him. What use is writing notes down in the 70th minute of a 6-pointer? This club is on it's knees thanks to the ginger shit-house. He deserves everything he gets from the fans here on in.
  22. One win in 11 home games. 8 goals scored in that time. I am sorry but in any walk of life to any one who has more than one brain cell that is **** pathetic. It's so pathetic, I can't find a word to describe how **** shambolic that is. That email/letter M****** (I can't even be **** to write his name anymore) sent out is an embarrassment. Attacking football does not yield 8 goals at home in 11 matches against the likes of Fulham, Sunderland, Stoke etc... When will this nightmare end. It's time to seriously ramp up the protests to the point where it's nasty. I'd take Championship football in a heartbeat if it meant he went. If we do stay up, which will be down to the 3 teams below us being so poor, and he views it as an achievement, he needs to find a shrink ASAP. I can't express how **** livid I am that it has come to this. You can't tell me our squad is worse than Swansea, Stoke, Norwich, Fulham, WBA, Sunderland, Everton... need I go on? Bottom line is this - he is and always will be a shit, negative, inept excuse of a modern day manager.
  23. I'd give it to Ireland. Not cos' he has been the best player, though he probably has, but solely down to him telling the ginger clown what he thought of him at the Newcastle away game.
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