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Everything posted by UpTheVilla26

  1. Do you know this for sure? Are you ITK? No, I am not ITK. We would have heard more to this if he was intending on actually going - some story other than he "cancelled" a photo shoot. To be fair though, we've not heard an awful lot from Villa. Not a lot on why O'Neill jacked and not even confirmation of this '5 man' shortlist. Everything is very hush hush which could point to a compensation agreement having to be reached.
  2. How can you be so certain? Nothing is certain in Football and now days loyalty counts for nothing. If a manager or player see's a achnce to better themselves then there is not much you can do to stop that. Contracts count for shit these days. Dangle a few mill in front of Everton and what they going to do if he wants to leave?
  3. Not heard that, but I seriously think he'll come. I listened to Stanley Victor on Talksport the other night and he was quite convinced Moyes was going to be the one. I'd love Moyes to come. I don't think he can do much else at Everton. Looking at the 2 clubs, we are the one's in a position, IMO, to make that step up and challenge which he would relish. Then in January he can pop back to Everton and sign Cahill
  4. I quite like the sound of Donadoni. Well, more than I do of **** Curbishley. However, looking at the Italian managers plying their trade in England (or were) I'm not convinced. Capello can't do anything right, Mancini can't even assemble a team with £300 mill and Zola, well he was just crap. I can't see Donadoni wanting a DOF above him either. As I've said since day 1, give it to Sven. Contract until the Summer, see what he can do. We won't get relegated - there is a lot of shit in the Prem these days - so what's the worst he could do? If we finish mid-table we can all blame MON, if we finish 7th,6th or 5th then we are bubbling along nicely but if somehow he got us into top 4, happy days all round! His record at club level is very good and he's the best of the bunch. If we appoint Curbishley, it will be the biggest mistake since re-appointing Graham Taylor. Everyone harps on in the Media about 'ex-Villa star Curbishley' yet he only played 36 times for us, yet he 'knows' the club. Bollocks to that. Sven, Moyes, Donadoni or DOF & MacDonald. In that order.
  5. Given time, I think he'll be an excellent signing. Just need a decent striker now for him to supply.
  6. The more I actually think of Sven joining, the more optimistic I become about the new season. I think he'd do a good job and would possibly attract a couple of 'big' names to Villa Park. Did he also manage City when Ireland was their player of the season? Or was that Hughes?
  7. Why is everyone so upset with the possibility of Sven coming? He actually did well at City (until he knew he was off and they got dicked at Middlesbrough) and his club record ain't half bad. He made the fatal mistake of becoming England manager (England fans & media will never be happy until we win the World Cup - problem is, our players are shit) and since then nobody has given him a fair chance. I'd get him in on a one year deal. If he does a good job, then offer him a 3 year contract. He'd have more clout in the Transfer Market than any of the names we are being linked with.
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