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Everything posted by UpTheVilla26

  1. Tell you what sort of player we need in Midfield. Someone like Ian Taylor. Unfortunately, this box-to-box player will now cost stupid money and the only two I can think of at the moment are Yaya Toure and Essien.
  2. I traditionally spend half time apologising for the language. ...and today's no different. If I am not at the game and have to listen/watch at home, I've been banished to the bedroom. Either that or I lock myself in the kitchen, it's **** sparkling by the end of the game.
  3. How anyone can eat while watching this I don't know. I'm going to have to have about 3 cigs after that first half.
  4. Reo-Coker has played well I thought. Petrov has been wank, so slow. Get GABBY up top alongside big man. Why play a striker on the left and a LM up top?!! These Small Heath lot are going down so **** easily. If we can start the 2nd half like we started the first but with 2 natural strikers, this is ours.
  5. AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH We should be in front, how the ****.
  6. We used to be deadly from corners. Can't even hit the target these days.
  7. Their defence is all over the **** shot. This should be 2-0.
  8. Who is RB for the scum? Gabby and Carew need big games today. COME ON VILLA!!!!!
  9. Houllier never looks confident. He has this silly smirk on his face most the time. Today's plan. Get the ball wide at every chance. Big John to goal hang and just keep smashing it into him. and Villa players need to remember... DON'T GET **** SENT OFF!!!!
  10. I feel sick at the prospect of this game. I can't even begin to imagine the aftermath of a defeat. I've holed myself up in the bedroom, missus watching River Cottage downstairs. Why can't I like vegetables instead. Come on the Villa!!!
  11. Dressing room well and truly gone. Gabby is 100% Villa boy but even he looks like he can't be **** anymore.
  12. Dressing room well and truly gone. Gabby is 100% Villa boy but even he looks like he can't be **** anymore.
  13. I bet the Liverpool score soon wiped the smirks off them 2 scouse clowns faces tonight. If he's got any ounce of well-meaning towards Villa, he'll be clearing his desk. How can Allardyce and Houghton get the boot for being mid-table, yet we stand by and watch this ****-wit guide us into a relegation fight, which we are now in the thick of the shit down there. So **** angry tonight, surely one of the idiots who run this club will see the mess we're now in.
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