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Everything posted by UpTheVilla26

  1. What airline is he going by or will it be private charter? Either way, would it be at all possible to slip the airline a few quid and make the plane 'vanish' into some rain forest in Brazil? What a complete waste of time. This break from the Prem would have been better spent sorting the ginger turds P45 and finding someone who can at least navigate their way into the oppositions half during a game.
  2. Probably, cos' Lerner is as deluded as Mcleish. I seriously believe we could lose 12-0 and Mcleish would still be here. What needs to happen is at the next home game, no-one go - and I mean NO-ONE. See what Lerner thinks of that.
  3. On the Des Kelly thing, I saw that. How about getting a fan from every other Premiership club and make them sit and watch-back the game today. Then, at the end, ask how many would like to have Mcleish at their club. I would bet my balls that no-one would want him. 110% guaranteed.
  4. Just went on YouTube while I was having a bath and watched the 1992/1993 season review. For 15 minutes watching that, it reminded me why I am a Villa fan. Big Ron, Dalian & Deano, Yorkie etc... yeah, they bottled the League that year but in every game they had a go. Then I dug out the 95/96 review when badger Little was here. Again, bottled a couple of big games - mainly vs Liverpool - but had a good go. Then I watched the Villa 3-2 Leeds Utd FA Cup game from '99 and Villa 5-1 Birmingham from the O'Neill reign. My conclusions - Villa are, through the years, an exciting side that will have a go. Attacking players were the life & soul of this club - Saunders, Yorke, Dublin, Merson, Houghton, Carbone, Daley, Young, Angel etc... Then I thought about this season. What game have I enjoyed? I am struggling to think of any. Like another poster said, since then I have been bored of it. Even beating Chelsea held not as much joy as it should, as I viewed it as 'luck' and Chelsea being woeful. While I appreciate the game has moved on and their is a larger divide in the League these days - due to money - it sickens me to think of what Mcleish has said after that today and the implications. We won't see the likes of a Carbone or a Merson again. Instead, we will have to endure turgid players, who want to 'battle' and whose main aim is to stop the other team playing. I can see him trying to sign Barry Ferguson this summer and let's be honest, while he's here, that's about the caliber of player we'll see. I said it before, I will say it again. Get in Alan Curbishley. He won't cost anything, he'd probably take a deal till' the summer, he knows this club and he will at least set up this Villa side to have a go.
  5. It's not just about this game though Denis_B. I'll tell you why Mcleish will always fail. He is REACTIVE not PRO-ACTIVE. He will wait until a situation unfolds, example going 1-0 down, before trying to change things. City looked a shade of the team they can be today. Mcleish should have noticed this after half hour and adapted our team to push them back and pressure them. Instead, he waits until the inevitable happens then suddenly changes it. Do you think Fergie would ever come out and say 'if we'd attacked they would have ripped us apart?' or any manager who is apparently worthy of a job in this League? Look at Swansea. They have a go and try to enforce their play on the opposition. When they loose at least their supporters know they have stuck to their beliefs and played attractive football. Mcleish seems more worried about what opposition players may do rather than utilizing some of the talent at his disposal. Today, he's basically admitted he only had a 'gameplan' for after we'd gone behind. Any manager with that way of thinking should not be managing a team in this League or be anywhere near one.
  6. That's probably what Mcleish saw because he sure as hell didn't watch the same game I did.
  7. Excellent Gameplan?!!! HA **** hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  8. Bottom line is this... He's a shit manager and until he **** off this is the rubbish we will have to watch. Get ready for Barnsley away next season everyone cos' Lerner appointed a one-way ticket into the Championship.
  9. **** clueless. Beyond a **** joke how shit we were/are today. Anyone who comes on here and defends the prick needs shooting with him.
  10. If you watch the replay back for that Carlos header, you can clearly hear Mcleish doing the fake sneeze thing while shouting 'MISS'
  11. I don't see how Mclesih can justify anything about this game today. Unless he packs his **** bag and goes because that would be the only thing to make it better. Gents, we are in a relegation battle.
  12. Anyone, who after this shit, continues to believe Mcleish should be our manager (though I fail to see any 'managing' going on), should be rounded up and **** shot. Hart has had not one save to make. This is gutless and pathetic but not suprising. **** off Mcleish
  13. Redknapp is ruthless. Hence how he has recovered from set-backs and is now the favourite for the England job. Mcleish is simply a shyte manager. In a 2 team League he finished 3rd. Wonderful stuff. Bottom line is, he should go. Not because he came from Birmingham, simply due to the fact he's inept and his record is shocking.
  14. anyone who protests during the match should simply be kicked out. (or maybe made to sit in the middle of the away fans 8) ) i have no problem with people protesting before and after the match though. If you pay your money to attend a game then you are rightly justified to voice your opinion (within means) of how you feel. If that was to boo for 90 minutes or to protest then so be it. You can't 'kick' people out for that.
  15. I am not being funny, but Southampton etc... don't/didn't exactly have the resources that Mcleish has at Villa. Redknapp got them relegated as they were poor sides with poor players. You have to work with what you have and Mcleish has a top 10 squad to work with which is currently on the brink of being dragged into a relegation scrap. Saying that, I'd find it hard to manage a side while I was on the dodge :winkold:
  16. Would that be the same Alan Hutton who actually the last few games has started to play rather well with at least one assist? Yep............ thought so! If you think Hutton is anywhere near 'playing quite well' you need help. He can't control a ball for toffee, against QPR it was laughable, this then leads to these stupid lunges which injure people and cost our team (he is lucky not to have been sent off 3 times this season) and to top it all off his positional sense is terrible. I back the protests 100%. Why wait until it gets worse? Better to protest and try to do something now in The Prem than when he's dragged us into the Championship and it's too late. On the protests, I hope they are aimed at the board as well. Lerner and Faulkner need to do one as well.
  17. All the right noises? He said after the Arsenal defeat 'we lacked experience' yet our team had more experience than the Arsenal team. He harps on about the defence yet the only change he has made to it, despite countless errors by at least 3 of the back four, has been enforced due to Collins being injured. He says he likes 'attacking football' yet last week against Newcastle, after a decent first half, we resort to long ball and he then starts with his hopeless substitutions and has no idea how to re-adjust his tactics to change the game. Letting him 'build' his own team here would be a disaster. We'd end up a dog-of-war team with the little creative flair we have stifled in favour of his 'let's see if we can nick a goal then put 10 behind the ball' tactics. Mcleish is exactly the same as Neil Warnock. A decent Championship manager but nothing more. His record in the Prem is crap. For the guy spouting about facts, here is one... HE GOT A TEAM RELEGATED TWICE Name me another Premiership manager who has this on their CV and is currently managing a top flight club? He should not be anywhere near Villa Park. He can give it all the talk he wants in press conferences but press conferences don't win matches. Motivating your team, sorting out a completely shot defence and having a bit of tactical know-how wins matches. He can't do any of this. As for the woman saying 'performances are improving'. How? If we had 'improved' then results would be better, surely? The win at Chelsea was a fluke, Wolves would probably have got a draw at least if it wasn't for Henry being stupid and beyond that we have been a complete joke. When we were 2-0 up at Arsenal, I knew we'd loose as soon as that first goal went in. Not because I'm psychic but because Mcleish has no answer when a team changes their style of play against us. By constantly hoofing the ball 60 yards up the pitch (towards a forward who can't hold it up) you are just recycling the ball back to the opposition team. When that opposition team can actually string passed together, take note Mcleish, by law of average they will create chances and score goals. People who continue to justify him being here IMO have given up. He should be sacked now. Get Curbs in. He's available, did well at Charlton until they had to start selling (due to bigger financial problems than we have) and knows this club and what it means to be a Villa player. That would be too easy though for our thick board.
  18. Looking at the Premiership this season, it's very poor. IMO, though we have an average side, on paper it should be in the top 10 compared to what else is about. As for the Midfield, I do believe that to be our strongest area. Petrov is under-rated, Ireland has looked class recently, Zog would be if the tit allowed him 90 minutes for once and we have a nice selection of youngsters pushing through. Only 1 team has a 'brilliant' midfield - Barcelona.
  19. Bent isn't a lazy goal hanger. We've got our money's worth with him. I agree with everything else though. In terms of he's paid to score goals then I'd agree. But watching him lately, he's just strolling around with a cigar on. Other players that justify such a fee have more to their game. They will create, can pass and do more than just score. If that is his only contribution to the team, then we may as well flog him in the summer because he won't get the service the way Mcleish sets us up. Just think, if we can sell him for £20 million that is 4 Alan Hutton's. Goody-****-gumdrops.
  20. I can't even contemplate him being here for another 3 years. Everytime I see his smurking ginger face on the touchline I want to punch it. He is smug. Tell you what, I'd be smug if I'd landed a job that I shouldn't be anywhere near. It'd be like me being appointed a doctor cos' I know how to administer Calpol. None of it makes sense. It really doesn't. It's like unlocking all the doors in a prison then being surprised that all the prisoners escape. One big, huge massive balls up.
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