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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. They are going to ask him what sort of Championship experience he has before offering him a new contract.
  2. They tried taking down the banner a few people held up in the holte last night. The banner said something like "get the eck out" They came over and told them to take it down which they did for all of 10 seconds. They then faced it around towards the rest of the Holte and i don't know what happened to the banner after that.
  3. Pretty sure throwing stuff onto the pitch is an arrestable offence. And who the **** is going to arrest a large number of fans (who will be very irate)? I can't really see the overweight middle aged stewards doing much and the coppers won't have enough presence inside the ground to arrest anyone. It's not what they do during the game, it's after. They will just review cameras and turn up to your house. They love making examples out of football fans. My mate (Arsenal fan) threw a empty water bottle that didn't even make it onto the pitch at the Emirates. Stewards saw it be thrown, but didn't know who it was. 4 weeks later police turned up, fined him and gave him a life time ban.
  4. Pretty sure throwing stuff onto the pitch is an arrestable offence.
  5. This x1000. Be nice to have a change. Just trying to sugar coat the bullshit going on at this club.
  6. yes he was. Now he's leaving on a jet plane. Don't know when he'll be back again.
  7. "Premier league experience" HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHA Please **** off.
  8. Them stewards even tried taking that "get the eck out" banner from the people down the front. rocket polishers.
  9. Although he scored a cracker in the cup tie earlier this season. And he scored the other day Vs Swansea.
  10. That the knife was supposed to be a 2 hit kill. I don't think they would change it now. There are plenty of youtube call of duty players that make a living off knifing only. If they changed that alot of people would complain. No matter what they change people will moan. Just like Quick scoping in Black ops, they made it so it wasn't so easy. People moaned and in MW3 it's more easy again. I think the perks are going over the top now. Now they add extra kick and sway to guns unless you add a perk to reduce that. I play COD every now and then, but only when a few friends are playing it. It's either Battlefield or Counter strike for me.
  11. People said the same thing about MW3, but it didn't happen.
  12. There were a few players today who messed about instead of shooting. Maybe just a confidence issue.
  13. I doing exactly what you just said "supporting the club"
  14. Yes, he is a shit, negative, inept excuse of a modern day manager but Villa fans are too apathetic to do anything about it so he will remain. What are you doing to help get him out? Well at present I am refusing to renew 2 season tickets at £1040 that my son and I have had for years. Joining in any anti McLeish chanting that starts up (bit difficult though when those around me in the Lower Doug Ellis are often casual fans who turn up once in a blue moon and can't even find their **** seat!). What are you doing? Renewed my season ticket. How is renewing your season ticket going to help get this clown out? The club needs hitting in the only place Lerner will pay any attention to - the pocket. By renewing your season ticket you are adding to the clubs belief that this idiot is doing a good job and 'most' fans are happy. What a strange comment. You do what you want.
  15. Yes, he is a shit, negative, inept excuse of a modern day manager but Villa fans are too apathetic to do anything about it so he will remain. What are you doing to help get him out? Well at present I am refusing to renew 2 season tickets at £1040 that my son and I have had for years. Joining in any anti McLeish chanting that starts up (bit difficult though when those around me in the Lower Doug Ellis are often casual fans who turn up once in a blue moon and can't even find their **** seat!). What are you doing? Renewed my season ticket. So you're doing **** all then and paying to watch shit next season too. Well done, hope you enjoy it. Don't come on here moaning about McLeish and his brand of football while you are happy to throw money at supporting it. Then stop telling people they need to start doing this and that and you don't even plan on going yourself.
  16. Yes, he is a shit, negative, inept excuse of a modern day manager but Villa fans are too apathetic to do anything about it so he will remain. What are you doing to help get him out? Well at present I am refusing to renew 2 season tickets at £1040 that my son and I have had for years. Joining in any anti McLeish chanting that starts up (bit difficult though when those around me in the Lower Doug Ellis are often casual fans who turn up once in a blue moon and can't even find their **** seat!). What are you doing? Renewed my season ticket.
  17. Yes, he is a shit, negative, inept excuse of a modern day manager but Villa fans are too apathetic to do anything about it so he will remain. What are you doing to help get him out?
  18. I did a post about team talks a few pages back. They are a tricky thing in fm12. Most people i know just leave it to the assistant manager, but seeing as they can influence the players i do them myself. *geek alert* I actually printed off what you posted and followed it, yet every single player was angry!? As Stevo says, i think they think im just a clearing in the woods! When i make a new manager i always set the past experience to "international footballer" The only time i had something like that was with Barcelona. It took one season and a trophy or two before they started reacting to my team talks. This is my team talks from a champions league game. http://i43.tinypic.com/6qwtok.jpg http://i43.tinypic.com/mrwwnd.jpg http://i42.tinypic.com/28guv42.jpg
  19. I did a post about team talks a few pages back. They are a tricky thing in fm12. Most people i know just leave it to the assistant manager, but seeing as they can influence the players i do them myself.
  20. It DOES NOT hurt to donate. 95% of the time stem cells will be taken peripherally (i.e. intravenously) after a couple of courses of growth injections a few days before (these injections are into the stomach and produce more stem cells to be donated) I have given talks around the country about donating bone marrow/stem cells. I have had a bone marrow transplant and had my life saved by someone who was kind enough to donate after I had leukaemia. To donate bone marrow I urge you to get in touch with The Anthony Nolan Trust . Went to give blood last week and was told i can sign up there. Did it via the NHSBT, but they work in collaboration with Anthony Nolan. Went back 2 days later and they did a few tests and said i will be asked to be contacted by Anthony Nolan if a match was found. Today i was contacted by them telling me a possible match has been found. I just need to go back to do "extensive tissue typing"? The person doing the tests at the time said it could take years to find a match. Is it common to find a match so quickly?
  21. We are talking about a different level of players here.
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