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Everything posted by spiezels

  1. I had to get home end tickets last time I went but ran to the back, jumped the fence through a camera platform into villa end and was hidden away by villa boys! Epic.
  2. I can guarantee doing "hippy crack" would have absolutely no impact on his game. You could do a few balloons at half time and be fine. The fact it's actually referred to as hippy crack is comical. No doubt a term made up by a toff that's vices consist of a half bottle of red on a school night.
  3. Pretty hard to Instill resolute discipline on players you've known for a week
  4. A little more cynical and a little less selfishness from Ayew and we should be 2 up at least. Games flat but they're sitting everyone behind the ball so it's not going to be free flowing.
  5. I live in London so can't buy a Villa shirt anywhere, old dear and step dad live in Stratford, I went back for a mates wedding last weekend and thought to myself "aah I'll pop down sports direct and get the new home shirt" They had 1 Large Boys and 1 Medium boys shirts hidden away behind a bunch of random teams in the whole store, no away shirts. Thats pretty shocking considering its proximity and the fair number of Villa fans that live there. Was also in Tokyo 2 weeks ago, went into 2 under armour stores... Not one villa shirt
  6. Like he said though all depends on what happens on the pitch.
  7. Buzzing at the news, My favourite player at the club by a mile and a true villa fan. get in gresford lad.
  8. Exactly that for me, couldn't tell you one player but I know it was Leeds in 91/92 and we were late so by the time I walked out of the tunnel it was full and loud and it just hit me, my older brother still remembers the look on my face. I was 4 years old but that moment stuck with me forever. epic. Hope one day if I have a boy I'll do the same, even if I live in London.
  9. I can't really remember how it came about, possibly auto correct, but it caught like wild fire, I remember being in tears (genuine not Internet) over it.
  10. Trinity though!? First ever game has to be upper holte, Shirley? Will have a great view of her though.
  11. Great play so far from him, links will with gresford too.
  12. Needs games and confidence! Come on Jordan!
  13. We must have been seeing things then, no one gave anyone abuse, it was all lovely.
  14. I was also a few rows back, and it happened. Gave everyone abuse, Jack raised his head and gave a "you what" look to which he got a little more abuse as he walked off.
  15. Yep, **** scum bags, basically starting on everyone that has a villa badge on their chest, or trousers as they went down the tunnel. That'll get the new and young lads fighting for you on the pitch won't it. Get a grip ffs
  16. If you're one of the group of words removed near the tunnel giving every villa player shit as they went down you can **** off, you're a disgrace to the Villa and to yourselves. Jack was clearly the best player there yet he still takes shit from some pricks and mouths back. Game wise... Complete copitulation second half which I was hoping would be sorted with the signings but we have a whole new squad so mistakes are going to happen. I'm still confident.
  17. Worked for him last season at least.
  18. We saw how he tore apart small Heath. With decent manager and training team behind him with some better professionals he could smash it up next season. I really really hope he doesn't go
  19. Same squad, we stay there, spend £30-40 mill we come back up imo
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