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Everything posted by spiezels

  1. We were all singing "Gary rowett, he's one of our own" and he gave us shit about it, waved us away, applauded blues fans and gave us the I can't hear you ear sign... played it it perfectly tbf, noses will love him more for it
  2. Walked us all the way to dudderston over about an hour and a half to be told train would be 45 mins, so we walked back the same way and into town. Waste of time ffs. 3.5 hours after final whistle finally got a five guys down my neck
  3. Reduction is because they're not allowing noses in the stand above us. Saves getting hit by coins tbf
  4. I'd imagine it won't happpen, imagine how much you'D have to pay BT or Sky for the highlights package and rights to show their footage.
  5. Can't believe the hate our gresford gets on here. Makes me sad.
  6. Apparently the police will be in the toilets before and at half time so there will be no customary toilet smash up haha.
  7. First time at the sty, CANNOT **** WAIT!
  8. The lad ran his **** socks off at reading. he ent a winger but he tried and put a shift in. he also got himself into some great positions and skinned a fair few
  9. Fair enough, I was near the home fans on the right so maybe I was clouded by the cockney bastards. the last 15 and after final whistle was epic, literally had to stop myself crying haha. Bring on St Andrews. First time there. UTV!
  10. Can't quite understand the "best fans we've had" from some reading lads. we were quiet for long periods in that game. Due to what was on offer. Compared to the racket we've made in the past and other aways I've been to. The last 15 and after final whistle was back to where we've been. Guess our competition isn't so good in this league.
  11. Isn't it this new swearing at refs thing? Rather than actual fouls?
  12. You know the guys good when he skins 2 players then while still sprinting toward the opposition goal remontrates to the rest of the team to calm down. Keep it up lad
  13. Most fouled player in the league currently. Gonna really have to work on his temper as they'll get in his face every game.
  14. I almost **** cried when that final whistle went. **** me. Finally we get to **** somebodies day. Sat in the car for 45 mins waiting to get out the car park with the biggest cheese eating grin on my face. epic. UTV
  15. We almost need brucey bonus to have a slow down in games so he can get some proper training time with the lads. even up until today he won't have been able to start on them properly as the games come so quick!
  16. How could anyone show anything in that team and the way they're playing though.
  17. Literally the ONLY player we have that goes round people, makes runs into the box. if we didn't have him we would literally never get it passed Westwood. he ends up receiveing the ball far to deep as we rely on him too much, he almost always has 2 men on him so can get crowded out. best player we have. Needs to be played as a no.10... when the time calls, depending on opposition. There's enough games in this league to satisfy varying forward lines ffs.
  18. When was there ever anyone to cross the ball into? Only option was to cut inside, if he hadn't he'd be turning round and passing back the the defence.
  19. Pictures on twitter of villa fighting each other again. stay classy lads. Haha
  20. Vicious cycle. that run of 5 games conceding around the 90 has psychologically **** the team and us as fans. The players are lacking confidence, especially toward the end of games so drop off, we as fans get nervous, angry and get on their backs which makes it harder for them to snap out of it. We can all see that squad is strong for this league but that's going to be Bruce's hardest job is getting that mentality right. Get 2/3 wins on the bounce and that changes.
  21. Haha, thought as much! Rubber necking at nothing. Still more fun to look at than the game i spose!
  22. Anyone see what kicked off lower holte? Was in K3 upper, saw a few hundred people looking back to the upper part of LH in the second half as if something was going off.
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