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Everything posted by spiezels

  1. Couldn’t give a shit about em as a team. But they’re within reach if we beat them.
  2. I was gonna drive up from London tonight to stay at my old dears before the game. Apparently the M40 is down to 1 lane as far south as gaydon. Not even the S3 will get up there ffs. hope it’s cancelled now tbh, **** you lot, if I can’t go, no one should be able to
  3. Fair play! Get some videos of us when we score then.
  4. How many neutral you think we’ll take? Could be 5000 villa no?
  5. 31,820 or something iirc. Holte was rammo even even in the wings.
  6. Can’t wait to get back to the prem and settle back into mid table obscurity.
  7. spiezels


    My hate for them is 100% jealousy. they’ll win the league and when they go up, with the management and that agent in their ranks they’ll get even more good players. Feel like they’ll be up there for a long time.
  8. Serves em right for making us play toward the holte first half. 2 goals in 7 minutes. have that you cheeky northern bastards
  9. He’s great if we play with possession and through Jack. Once we started to fade 2nd half and they controlled the ball he didn’t see it for ages. When it gets dirty and hoofy he has to come off.
  10. Deleted every photo from his account bar 4 pics. one of which has some little lads in, one has a Villa top on.
  11. If you scrub out the freak goal it’s not too bad a performance. All over Em last 20/30
  12. Anyone think this might be the old fake metatarsal injury just before xmas to get some time off with the family. Secret footballer says it happens all the time.
  13. Flol, Cringe every time we sing that line.
  14. CANT FACKIN WAIT Great night out after too
  15. I've never seen a pub so locked down as the white tower, must have been 60 police outside it and about 10 vans, but couldn't see one nose. little pub near the latour hotel had a bunch of lads outside staring everyone out so I just kept my head down and walked passed.
  16. My bro managed to slink out at macdonalds island which was the right choice but for many of us we needed to get to town. The police then started saying on loud speaker we "shouldn't push police lines or they were authorised to use force" HAHA! I get it in one respect because I know a few noses who were updating me on where the groups of lads were waiting for us... so the police obviously moved them on. But on the walk they took us we hit the 3 big islands that we could have dispersed into town on, there were plenty of folk who had to catch trains out of Brum that will have been missed and cost em. Dont walk us 2 miles over 1.5 hours to a station to then tell us we can go where we want. Just escort everyone into town. Most people just want to go home. Shit stadium, shit fans, shit club, shit coppers. UTV
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