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Everything posted by spiezels

  1. NEVER! Listen, I ent the manager, I don’t know who to drop, they all deserve to play. So so nice to have actually decent options on the bench isn’t it.
  2. God I love him. The hair, the shin pads, the calf’s. GRESSFORD
  3. 100% this. Its the prem return that’s done it
  4. 22 years old too. Give him time ffs.
  5. After a last minute ticket if anyone hears. Am in London so can meet by ground. UTV
  6. I would say out of all the new ones its got the most soul. That one tier thing is a great idea, and there’s bars in the ground so people go there all day, eat in there, watch the game before, stay after the game. couple mates are ST holders and they said lads are in the bars chanting for hours after. Sounds mint. Guess it will kill business for local boozers though to some extent. Had a £40 free bet with Unibet, slapped it all on Villa win, 13/1 COME ON!
  7. I think we’ve needed that for years. The MON years really made some people expect too much when it became unrealistic. Think going down May have given us a bit of a reset, hopefully takes some of the fickleness out of the support. The moans and groans when we pass back to the CB’s to build an attack have gone at least!
  9. I wish he was staying but don’t begrudge him moving back to fight for a place at all. Good luck Tammy!
  10. 100% agree, it actually did spoil it for me tbh, I just wanted us all to go through the chants and have the players join in, would have been a mint moment fans and players could connect. shit modern football at its best.
  11. Haha. I live in London, been in there a few times. Makes me love him even more, earns shit loads of dosh, but drinks in shit boozers.
  12. I went through A LOT of emotions in the build up to that pen. What a moment.
  13. I’m jealous, saw he was in soho last night and was tempted to go down there get on it with them. Deserves it! Crack on lad
  14. Best and smartest thing about that new Spurs stadium. one tier thing
  15. Been mentioned a fair few times by people inside the club how good he is to have around the place. Not that that is worth the wages he takes. Bruce and Smith would have banished him if he was a bad influence!
  16. Gotta say I always keep quiet at the empty seats bit... but I love the chant.
  17. Ticket came yesterday... shitting it
  18. Tbf it was incredibly awkward when everyone sung it at god at the boozer in Ireland pre shamrock rovers game. maybe just leave that bit out, it’s a cracking song, and gives tribute to other players now
  19. Wish on the piss my lord go sung more, it seems to be dying out. One of the only unique songs we have.
  20. Managed to get a ticket, left at 90 mins, now sat at stanstead sipping my first holiday beer. GET IN. UTV!!
  21. So I sold my ticket for the game as I’m flying to Italy tomorrow... Like an idiot didn’t realise I don’t fly until 18:30 so can make the game. if anyone has one come available or a reference i can try get a return with... let me know
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