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Everything posted by spiezels

  1. 17th was the aim, Cup final is a bonus. Just gotta stay up, first season back it’s the only aim, so important. No matter the final position above that.
  2. Palace are a way bigger draw unfortunately, safer position, probably bigger wages and London. I’d say those will be the factors.
  3. As long as opposition players aren’t attacked I don’t care. Seeing Dad’s lifting their little lads and girls onto their shoulders and looking upto the Holte and lying on and kissing the grass is pure man. Memory making shit. Enjoy it, I’d be straight on. Edit... The Baggies game where people are on before final whistle etc I’m against, but once it’s gone. Go for it.
  4. Anyone know the ticket numbers from last year? Not sure how many Corporate there are!
  5. Feel for him missing that, doesn’t come any easier to score on your debut though.
  6. As bad as the lads in front of him were, think he just needed stronger hands on 2 didn’t he?
  7. No way Southgate says that. Not only is it not needed, it would be incredibly disruptive to the player and the club he plays for. Pure bullshit
  8. Yeah, lovely, switched play so quickly. He did look knackered at times, he can’t carry us all season or he’ll burn out. Need McGinn back to share the running.
  9. Do you think he’ll put a shift in for us for the season? Or is his head gone? Was utter shite against Burnley, looked like he couldn’t be ****
  10. I don’t want to make a decision until I see a few games, I’ve read a few times the staff all have faith in him and that he fits our system better distribution wise. Think after his shocking start in a villa shirt his confidence will be his biggest killer.
  11. How was he at Fulham? Not tested other than the 2 screamers?
  12. Let’s get Bruce back then, **** it. preferred the footy and being mid table championship
  13. Completely ignoring what life was like last time under smith in the Championship? 10 game winning streak, pathetic stuff like that? Go after Leicester, happy without more games at the moment. We don’t have the squad, much much much bigger things to worry about
  14. I hope he gets given some time by the fans, I remember one of his first games, was away somewhere I can’t recall where and after a dubious save he was getting called a word removed by some villa lads on the front row, about 5 metres behind him, you could see his shoulders visibly drop, was horrific. Nice welcome to the club!
  15. Past it and doesn’t care about the club. Refuses to put a shift in. Please get rid.
  16. Also, if you take out the dumb errors against Bournemouth and give us the point agasint Palace we’d be up the table!
  17. It’s the **** faux excitement commentary he does when we score.
  18. We finished 5th in the Championship! I thought some fans may have lost the sense of entitlement after being down there for so long. People are going to be bitterly disappointed if they don’t think realistically this season I think. Anything above relegation first season is a success, albeit a small one. Let’s not set the bar too high straight away. Thats how you lose the faith, atmosphere and team / fan bond.
  19. Grealish plays. Created the goal in the 95th minute. Was all him. Why does he get dropped?
  20. Someone in twitter saying engles and guilbert were getting involved trying to calm it down!?
  21. No idea why they brought the geezer back. The guy must watch partridge reruns and model himself on him. It’s embarrassing. And his commentary, **** my life. LOVE guilbert. Glad we got to see one of his famous slide tackles the other day too.
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