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Everything posted by spiezels

  1. An indication of how shit it can be at the football is that Birmingham IS very multicultural... but our fan base in the stadium is 98% white. A real shame in my eyes. Good mate of mine is British, Pakistani heritage, he stopped going to England games with us because he was sick of the abuse he got, mostly under handed comments that the rest of us didn’t hear and were oblivious too. And if that isn’t an indication of the issues and why BLM was was such big movement I don’t know what is, we go about our lives never having to deal with an attack on ourselves because of the colour of our skin, but many blokes and their families have stopped going to football because of it. Its a real issue and I’m glad the club are acting on it. **** racist words removed.
  2. It’s gonna be like pre season games for sure, no match fitness in the squad, expect it to be boring.
  3. Gotta be fitness team hasn’t it, guilbert may not have done ANY fitness during his time off etc. Plus, 5 subs changes the game too, plan to use more subs.
  4. He may well be available, but if the lad has asthma, then I wouldn’t begrudge him not wanting to play if it ups the chance he could get an Illness that could kill him.
  5. I think we might end up seeing a lot of players saying they don’t want to be involved. Wouldn’t blame them at all. Risking themselves and in turn their families for our entertainment. Well within their rights to tell the league, clubs, FA to do one
  6. I’ve donated. Great cause and an epic shirt to win. Straight in a frame with the picture of him pointing to his name and the moment he got slapped in it. Then off round my mates house to show him... nose obviously.
  7. “Somebody else’s problem” do me a favour mate, he single handedly got us promoted. The lad deserves some credit. People make mistakes. I know I have, they just don’t get plastered all over the newspapers. People need to calm the **** down. McGrath is God, he made plenty of mistakes.
  8. Left details, no one injured, nothing illegal done. Really isn’t a big issue, aside from him not isolating, which again isn’t illegal.
  9. Yeah you can leave the car if you give details so he hasn’t broken the law there. But it is odd, why not just drive home. That’s the normal procedure.
  10. Listen if he was pissed he deserved punishment... But have some perspective ffs, innocent until proven guilty and We don’t know he was pissed or not. The facts are... he had a minor crash left details went home. that isn’t illegal.
  11. Played the best 11 we had, they bottled it. That wasn’t on smith, the players bottled that big time. Pathetic performance
  12. Most individual errors of any team I’m sure I read. Like to see our points tally without those. Incredibly frustrating.
  13. Warm weather training and R&R, we’ve had some tough cup games so they deserve the rest, we’ve got some battles coming up.
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