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Everything posted by spiezels

  1. Yeah I’d agree with that, it wasn’t negative at all, it wasn’t grumbling or getting on players backs. was just… silence. I stopped watching the game at points to stare at the Holte to see what was going on. so much of that game was special, a huge game for all of us, for new players, the atmosphere just didn’t meet the expectations at all. i really would go as far to say as the most dull atmosphere I’ve seen at VP. It wasn’t toxic in anyway. Just, dull. maybe I built it up to be too much and had too much expectation of it. But still, I was dumbfounded. I really wanted today to be a showcase of VP to players like cash, and especially Buendia and ings, who, no disrespect to their olds clubs have quieter fans than us. At home and away. was glad to hear the claps and cheers massively outweigh the few boo’s of the lads taking the knee. anways, BIG win. Can’t wait for MOTD.
  2. Agreed we didn’t mate, and I’m not saying it for no reason or to stir shit. but with due respect to you, you weren’t there. As a fan that’s been going since I was a little kid, and sat all over the ground, watched us in shit games, relegation games, championship games, on a roll games. it was one of if not the worst I’ve been at. The Holte didn’t make a noise, as I said not even the initial yippee aye ey or anything. The main reason I noticed it was I was buzzing for the new lads that hadn’t played in front of a full VP to experience it. Much like Wesley etc first night back in Prem against Everton (possibly best Atmos I’ve ever experienced) but also get that was a Friday night. I don’t really know what my question is, other than, did anyone else notice how quiet it was, and what your thoughts are as to why. it was noticeable.
  3. Second half was ok, but first half I can’t remember a quieter atmosphere. Assumed new season nerves, but it was REALLY quite. like I said, not even the initial yippee aye ey. Just deathly silence.
  4. Was sat in a trinity for first time since 2-0 everton first home game back in the prem and was shocked at how quiet it all was. Holte didn’t make a peep (loud enough to travel the ground) until late second half, not even a yippee aye eye before or during KO that normally kicks it off. Dead silence, did anyone else notice it? New season nerves? to be fair Newcastle fans although they sang a lot more, didn’t take over. but I was shocked.
  5. He was injured when we bought him right? So he’s had no where near enough minutes yet. won’t start
  6. One thing I would say, is you see alot Of shit foreign footy, but those German games look as close Home As you get. full houses, fans going ballistic. can’t **** wait
  7. We’ve been shit at set pieces for donkeys years. Changes us completely. SIGN HIM UP
  8. Lad with a connection to the club told me he thought grealish was gone and contact had been made a few weeks back and that we had one secret signing ready (was too secret even in club) was ings. Says we still have one big one incoming. Hoping it’s JWP
  9. Is what it is. It’s happened, I’ve been told, I’ve passed it on.
  10. I’m with you as I think most are unless it comes from the established few we know. All I’m saying is, I’ve had first hand info so it’s not from someone who knows someone. And they’re saying people have met. Doesn’t mean he’s going, just means his people have met theirs. Guess now it’s upto Villa to make him see staying is the best option.
  11. Guess it’s how discussions happen. Whats on the table as a deal, then go back the other way. First hand source unfortunately.
  12. He’s met with city in the last few days. That’s 100% ITK. Only hope is, he now meets with the villa and we can sway him to stay.
  13. Over whelming negativity toward a player that we owe a lot too, a guy that loves the club too, one that’s going through a bad patch... along with most of the squad. We are a mid table team ffs. Laughable to move him on, think a few people think our start to the season and standing is where we have a right to be... we absolutely do not.
  14. Remember when people wanted Hause to start over him.
  15. I love him, but he nowhere near the player Mings is. Great in the air, but terrible at playing the ball forward, almost Clark esque in shit floated balls forward. Mings stays and starts
  16. Jesus what a day, however, I’ll never forgive them playing **** shit music over us singing at the end, really ruined it for me, proper took a shine off it. **** corporate bollocks. How not to read a room.
  17. spiezels

    Ezri Konsa

    As much as I like Hause, his distribution is nowhere near that of Mings and we suffer going forward when it’s hause and konsa. Mings is a hugely important player to the way to play and are set up.
  18. She actually also gave some insightful punditry. Much better than some of the old favourites.
  19. I bet it from the end of promotion season. They all **** off to Marbs and Ibiza didn’t they.
  20. Thinking it’s probably from end of season we got promoted when they all went off to Ibiza and Marbs. CHILL THE **** OUT
  21. God, if trez could hit the target we’d be laughing
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