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Posts posted by red5

  1. So I was in the break room at work and the lads were all talking about MW2 and XBox etc, one of the only other girls that works in the same building as me was there and she mentioned she had got her son an XBox and someone joked about how he probably never gets a go as she (his mum) is always on it to which she immediately replied 'No, I play World of Warcraft' and I looked up at her and excitedly proclaimed 'You do?!' and we had a 20 minute geek sesh about World of Warcraft while all these men looked on in amazement they we played video games and were such complete nerds.

    My facade is ruined.

    I'm sure it's been asked before, but what Server do you play on ?

    And I regularly raid 25's with 4 or 5 ladies [insert boilerplate joke]. Our RL is a lady..

  2. sam!

    It's pretty strange how I have them as memories when they weren't memories at all, just pixels but I recall times in the game like they actually happened

    Dan you old rouge !

    See what I did there.

    How are you mate? What you up to ?

    And yeah, it's a strange concept when you look at it like that. Some of my best recent (relatively) memories are about a geeky interweb dragons game.

    Said it before and will say it again - damn good times.

    ps. ./roll™

  3. Again, we had at least four confirmed pregnancies at the height of our addiction!

    Not only did I get a lady pregnant on two seperate occasions, but I also held down a pretty good job and passed a load of exams.

    None of which were as satisfying as downing Neffy! ;)

    Well, someone did Riss :-)

    And I agree, what times they were.

  4. I think an evening of college basketball goes nicely with a six-pack of the Noble Pils.

    On the Pils my lord... :D :D :D

    It's allegedly 5.2%, but it seems to kick my arse more than other brews of that caliber. Perhaps it's because it's eminently quaffable.

    Quaffing - that's when 1/3 of it goes down your shirt instead on in your mouth ? :winkold:

    Mostly 1/2 pints of Shady Coke at the mo, just about to run dry of JD though...

  5. I had grand visions of leveling a priest to do that sorta thing off the Thandol Span (or whatever the bridge between the highlands and wetlands is) (note, this was back in the back when hordies used to bother hunting down alliance in menethil on a fairly regular basis)

    - because as fun as ganking someone is, nothing beats keeping them alive and making them decide whether they drown or spend 5 mins swimming back to land, only for you to do it again...

    I dont think the Horde ever really went there. Certainly not in great numbers anyway (and we were on the same server for several years!). If you wanted some mind control ganking, the best place outside of Blackrock Mountain was at the top of The Great Lift on the border between The Barrens and Thousand Needles. A very busy place with lowbies. I got some people with my Priest there. :twisted:

    I still wish the game was like it was at level 60 though. Not exactly the same game, but kept some of the same principles. Mostly, no flying mounts and no shared central city. It was awesome when Orgrimmar was the capital of the world. It was fun to go to Ironforge. You could waste entire evenings with shit like that. Defending the XR is something I never got bored of too. It must have been the single most raided place in the game before TBC launched. You rarely went more than a quarter of an hour between Alliance attacks on it. Given that you could do the Orgrimmar bank roof to casting a trinketed Soul Fire at the Alliancer within 90 seconds (including running to the flight master) I took it upon myself to be the champion of the XR. I dread to think how many people I set on fire there.

    Agreed mate, I had most of my HK's in Blackrock Mountain/XR in Vanilla. I really still don't like the idea of 'Sanctuary' cities, it seems to go against the basic principles of the game.

  6. Picasso, old shape ones are dirt cheap and mostly easier to fix. C4 versions fall apart around your ears. Or as you watch. 1.6 Hdi engine is a gem.

    Wouldn't touch the renault with the longest stick I could hold.

    VAG group stuff is very good, but don't stint on service history.

  7. Indeed Nays, a lad from Wales who was in BOTS. It's mad, you play with people, speak to them on Vent, then a while later they're dead.

    I think there's still a certain stigma attached to having "internet friends" despite the fact collecting friends on Facebook is probably the social phenomenon of the 21st century,

    Aye. Doomtrain. Very sad indeed. Quite a surreal moment for those of us who never actually met him in 'RL'. Had a rather solemn gathering for him ingame, which didn't seem as odd as it sounds.

  8. I really liked Ungoro, there were lots of decent quests, and it felt very different to everywhere else in WoW. I remember the first time I got attacked by the elite T-Rex, I nearly shat myself! I also really enjoyed Winterspring, as I liked the look and the music of the area. I'd defnitely head there before Outland.

    Umbongo was fecking ace. Loved the whole Jurassic Park feel to it.

    I remember when I was still in the exploring phase, trying to find the way out of Ungoro to Silithus whilst not agroing every sodding dinosaur in sight. Most difficult!

    I think part of the reason I like Winterspring so much was that it was the first area that most of the VTers did when we were around the same level. Nays, Sie and Si were always about twenty levels ahead of me, Tarj and Dan while we levelled up, so when we got there we did a lot of stuff together.

    Remember that evening in Silithus when you were rep grinding/questing? Getting pwnd and I , being a generous soul thought i'd throw that nub a shield/heal (for non-WoW'ers this is so rare as to be worthy of a thread on its own) - turned out to be Riss ! Prob density or something ^^

  9. I really liked Ungoro, there were lots of decent quests, and it felt very different to everywhere else in WoW. I remember the first time I got attacked by the elite T-Rex, I nearly shat myself! I also really enjoyed Winterspring, as I liked the look and the music of the area. I'd defnitely head there before Outland.

    Umbongo was fecking ace. Loved the whole Jurassic Park feel to it.

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