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Posts posted by red5

  1. Scoobs is gonna quit the Dashers.

    Oh, and if anyone can figure out how i can get +2 spell damage from somewhere for free, id love to know. If i can get it my Curse of Agony will hit for 1337 every single time. :)

    I can send you a 'little something' that might be right up your street matey.


  2. Dots = dead rouge.

    Silence = no dots/fear/shield etc....

    As Nays said,beats the crap out of poison etc.

    Most pvps i lose are through silence effects of some sort.

    It's the only way i beat you tbh Dan when we duel.

    Well,that and my uber skills of course :-)

  3. Ive decided, I'm ditching skinning, I no longer go anywhere where skinnable mobs drop, I grind in Silithus, and we have a designated guild skinner in Ahnfeldt. I hadly do UBRS anymore, so I'm not making money there either.

    I'm going to become a disenchanter.

    That was 8 days ago, and I'm 300 gold richer! Epic mount in a week methinks!

    Seriously Dan? 300g in 8 days?

    best change profession....

  4. So with migration on Monday then, who's going and staying? I know all the Dashers contingent are shifting, what about the rest of you?

    If i apply how soon before acceptance (assuming i meet requirements)


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