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Posts posted by red5

  1. Can't really see Redemptus's problem last night. Arrival time in Brackenwall was the uaual 7.30 (6.30 UK) and he arrived at 7.45 when the raid was full.

    I'd be far more pissed off if I was Limpid, and turned up, didn't get a spot, and then watched as everybody just headed off without a word.

    Sinthal made a good point, the very least that could happen is that someone could announce all spots are closed, and thanks for coming, or words to that effect.

    Not just him Riss.

    Nice watching raid wander off.With priests who turn up when there's a sniff of a boss kill.


  2. Cheers for the help in Scholo Sam, we blitzed that quest with ease, despite Dan's biting remarks on Vent!

    I've now got nearly 30% chance of critting with lightning, which is nice!

    Imba !! :-)

    Anytime matey.Shadow heals rule.

    now,who want to help me actually finish the ony chain?

  3. I've migrated, i signed the guild charter. Will be around tomorrow spamming invites and promoting people so we can fill up the guild quickly.

    Nays, be on tomorrow morning please, the sooner i get another officer to replace me and start invites the better, as I have a job, see ;)

    EDIT: Sam, if you migrate now you'll get an invite, thats pretty much what one of the officers said last night. For instance last night we got a lvl 60 rogue to sign the charter, and he got kept in the guild because we're a rogue short, thats how casual it is at the moment, you need not even apply.

    Am migrating now then matey.or as soon as poss.


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