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Posts posted by red5

  1. Well I actually did an instance tonight and enjoyed it. Even if Sam appears to have moved his toilet to another town and we only got one boss down.


    It was good doing an instance with you guys again, it's been too long (not as long as Sam going for a pee in the west wing of his mansion) :lol:

    Nays you mentioned doing the Ring of Blood of done some of it today but wiped on the lst but one so any chance of a hand?

    Muahhahaha.The courtesy bus was broken

    Don't mock me,I'm ill !!


  2. Well I actually did an instance tonight and enjoyed it. Even if Sam appears to have moved his toilet to another town and we only got one boss down.


    Sorry mate.only 5 weeks to go (approx) before cut and shut. :-)

  3. Paladins are a defensive class!


    I got an 1800 shadow word death on me earlier too, nerf priests.

    You can do that kind of damage to me from behind your girly bubble. What goes around comes around!

    Dan has a bubble?

  4. Well,Lierox,Bujin and JTM/Dojan gone.fair points made by them.

    Not sure I want to be part of a love-in where Shack can do no wrong.In fact I don't.

    Stupid statement,stupid way to give a unfair ultimatum and as far as I can see,divide and destroy the community of people who make up the Dashers.

    I see no way back from his statement.I expect more polarisation within guild,and more people to leave.Unbelievable,self-centred,crass stupidity.

  5. Should have seen our quality pull in SH today. Or was more down to the fact that the bastard was allowed to summon more, but we killed 9 elites in one go. Brilliant stuff...

    only one died... guess who... :lol:

    Eeerrr.It was me wasn't it?

  6. Sam I'd love to have a 60 toon to take up to 70 and make shit loads of gold with, unfortunately the grind to 60 is slow and tedious.

    Its not the gold Dan,just having a tank available for when 'we' want really.

    Would it really be that bad with some 70 help in q-ing?.Am willing to give it a go,but really need your help.

    Ha! all time posting record broken.

    * Currently listening to Parallel Lines instead of working*

  7. I'm on the way to getting my karazhan key (2/3 got) and have a question for you guys. How hard is it? Could it ever be puggable or do you need a good team who knows what everyone is doing?

    Well,last key part is easy to get in a reasonable group.Arcatraz?

    The final part in Black Morass can be tricky...not recommended to PuG that one.Unless its a experienced group of course.

  8. And in an attempt to double this weeks posts...

    Any ideas on how long to lvl from 28 to 58 (TBC entrance lvl?) lads?

    And do you think you would be able to assist in boosting said warrior.Am coming round to the idea of having all eventualities covered,even if its a poor substitute for an experienced tank?

    'come over all dizzy what with typing etc'


  9. Im still having the "cant find a group because i cant sheep stuff and a mage can" problem that i was talking about a few days ago.

    Im genuinely starting to wonder where all the **** tanks are when i try to start my own groups. Usually in a group with a Mage i expect.

    Well,I have no problem being in a 5man without a mage (hurry up limpid!) mate.You can always overcome lack of sheeping imho - and sometimes it seems to be the ' E Z Moade' approach to instances.

    I do wonder if sometimes we could do without a traditional 'tank' drood/warr? esp if our dps/crowd control is good enough.Wouldn't work in all cases of course...

    Blimey.A whole post and everything.


  10. Just whisper one of us or add us to your friends list.

    Nayson - me

    Evildan - ED

    Trl - Mr Angry

    Rissok - Risso

    Limpid - er, Limpid

    Samisdead - man who never posts on these forums!

    Also type /join vt and you will join our private chat channel.

    If you catch Limpid online he has a Hunter character so he could probably offer some advice.

    Im playing on a low level character, a Paladin, who is level 13 at the moment. Im sure we could meet ingame though im not sure you have twigged just how huge this World of Warcaft actually is yet! From where i am on my Paladin to where i imagine you are on your Hunter is quite some distance!

    Anyway, look forward to seeing you ingame.

    'never posts'

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