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Posts posted by red5

  1. Okay, four and a quater hours in Gruuls Lair.

    For two and a half hours we had the Shaman mob doing massive AOE knockbacks for 2k on half the raid knocking tanks out of position, knocking crowd controllers out of position, giving healers lots of extra work.

    About five times the guys tanking him (2 hunters, Bigun and Tatonka) were asked if they knew what was causing it as the Shammy only does his AOE if something gets aggro in his melee range. Bigun had his pet on defensive with taunt on auto cast the whole time. He must have been told to turn it off every time but continued to do so.

    When one person can continually do so much damage to a raid by being lazy/stupid its annoying isnt it?

    So what was done about it? I take it people became aware of it?

  2. Re-roll is old terminolagy from D&D days, it means just create a new character on the Tarren Mill server, and you'll find a whole heap of people happy to help you and provide advice, items, show you around ect ect..

    Even me.

    The one who never posts.

    (can't miss me,am usually dropping on Alliance while translucent ;-) )

  3. server is up btw. Buffed epix! overnight ive gained 180hp, 135 mana and 37 spellpower. Id imagine with the amount of purple Sam has its about 500hp, 1000mana and 5k spellpower!

    And FWIW looking at your post time, this is the fastest ive ever seen a patch getting implemented.

    Lol.nerf me :-)

  4. I got a box with a smallish pie in it.


    I know it was a 'trial run' really,for the FA cup final....but people who could understand English would be a help I think.Also perhaps starting to cook food at 1.00pm when the Stadium opens at 12.15 is probably not the best idea.Especially as they 'request' you to be seated 30mins before game starts.....

  5. If any of you 70's can accompany me through some of the Hillsbrad quests over the next few days that would be great. I always found until you hit mid 30 - 40 that area was a pain in the arse to quest in due to ganking alliance words removed.

    I'll help when i can Si.

    not at all angling for help with my warrior of course...


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