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Everything posted by HeroesAndVillans

  1. Agreed, always happens in that kind of scenario. Do think we'd put up a good fight in the UCL, though, and I think we will have a good go at domestic cups next season.
  2. Should be a win with all their injuries as others have said, surely? Also, how far in the competition does everyone think we'd go next season?
  3. Proper up for this one now... Really think the boys will rise to the occasion.
  4. Beautiful thread, love reading about the memories everyone has and hopefully there are many more to be made in the Emery era! Thanks to everyone who has shared, really touching stuff.
  5. Cheers for that mate. Was very keen on it when I saw it, Adidas make very good kits as well so I'm hoping we are in for some classics!
  6. Bit out of the loop with the badge thing right now, does anyone know if the one with the very detailed lion meant to be on a kit is/could be real? Saw it via Footyheadlines and liked it.
  7. Best manager I have ever seen at our club since I started following 5/6 years ago. He is doing great things and I hope he will continue to do so. I also hope that he turns out to be one of the best managers we ever have. I genuinely believe that we will win a few trophies during his era. I'm not jumping the gun and saying that I am expecting it right now, or that we will win the title with Unai etc, but I do think we can go on to grab some domestic cups under him. As a Villa supporter I have learned to manage unrealistic expectations! I think we will win the Conference League this year, though. I do have a sinking feeling that he is/will be a bit of a "shooting star" for us, a blink and you'll miss it type thing.
  8. Think we need the points here and I believe we will snatch a win. It'll be tight but I think we can do it.
  9. Just want to stick my nose in and say I do think we are in with a solid chance of winning the Conference. That's obviously quite a common belief lol. Never seen us win a trophy so I'm really hoping we do, I think we'll have a go at the FA Cup next season as well.
  10. Hi everyone, been looking for a Villa forum to talk to other supporters on for a while now and decided to join here. I started casually following Villa in the 18/19 season because I had never really settled on a club and thought I'd feel a connection. I was right. Since then, I've just fallen more and more in love with Villa and it is one of the best things to ever happen to me. I'd now consider myself a very passionate supporter. I recently moved up to the West Midlands from London and knew it'd allow me to become more involved with the club- I'm only around half an hour from Villa Park now so I'm planning on regularly going to home games. Really happy to be here and I hope to have some great conversations with everyone!
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