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Posts posted by david-avfc

  1. We need a homegrown player / UEFA squad rules thread and pin it, otherwise we’re going to be having the same stuff repeated ever couple of pages on every player thread 

  2. 1 minute ago, Jas10 said:

    Tbf to Marv, he’s put a fair bit of that to good use. Good on him 👏 

    Does a lot of charitable work.

    Yeah I have no problem with him at all, just surprised that the wages are apparently such a deal breaker 

  3. Just now, The_Steve said:

    Marv’s on a much bigger salary than what Luton can offer if you believe the Zimbabwean media (£55k pw). 

    He’s out of contract in a year so is going to have to get used to the idea of not earning £2.5m a year (poor him) pretty soon anyway. Surely though that’s not bonkers wages and there’s a negotiation to be had, even if we contribute £1m to his wages for a year

  4. 2 hours ago, Jas10 said:

    No one’s gonna offer us a reasonable enough fee and he has a lot more to offer…

    it’s madness to make a loss on these players, they haven’t even been with us for long and especially not under Emery.

    I think I previously read Ajax were interested in Bailey last summer, they previously bought Haller from West Ham for £20m before selling him to Dortmund for a big profit so they are prepared to pay reasonably big fees if they think they can turn a player around. Bailey was a CL player in the Bundesliga so a club like Ajax might take a punt on him. It isn’t going to be for what we paid for him but it might be good enough for us to cash in. 

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  5. Worth noting on FFP, for the last 4 years or whatever we’ve been building a PL squad, our transfer amortisation has been increasing every year. But we’re now at the stage where the first group of players to sign are starting to roll off the books so our transfer amortisation won’t be moving as fast in one sole direction. Next summer Wesley, Traore, Nakamba will be released, that’s at least £50m of transfers off the book in one go, and if we sell any of them this year then even better for the accounts. Also when we renew contracts like Mings and Watkins (when it inevitably happens), the annual amortisation calculation gets reset against a lower initial book value so a reduced FFP cost

  6. 28 minutes ago, zab6359 said:

    Right so I guess AJ, Archer, Tim O and JJ tick that box.

    Tim Iroegbunam isn’t home grown, he was signed from West Brom and then loaned out so not trained by Villa for 3years before turning 21. 

    Not sure AJ is ready to step up to PL level, could do with another spell in the championship as last year was disrupted with injuries and changes clubs, unless he has a brilliant preseason of course.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if we have a smaller squad than people are expecting, 23 named players (Ramsey + Archer as homegrown (I think I read Sinasalo is being loaned out - he would class as a HG player)), with Marschall as 3rd choice keeper as an underage player along with a few other kids on the bench 

  7. 10 hours ago, Jas10 said:

    Why did we turn the lion the other way and why is the new/temporary badge not even as good as the “original” (below)?

    And it’s supposed to be claret not frigging purple.

    Update the lion, smarten up and miniaturise the text, and it’s better than the one they’ve come up with.

    The gold enhances and brightens it. I think the new one is quite poor and dull on reflection. Claret on claret (or even purple on purple) is too dull anyway. 


    I think we’ll just end up with a stand-alone lion in the end anyway.

    Yeah I never really noticed the gold / yellow inner and outer ring before until I saw the new kit and realised something just didn’t look right, I think the gold enhances parts of the badge which makes it all stand out more. The new badge just looks washed out somehow, it just doesn’t stand out - I also don’t think the proportions help, the claret lion looks too big and the text is too small which makes it blend in further to the claret shirt

    • Like 1
  8. 8 minutes ago, useless said:

    Ramsey will be rested,

    it's more strange that Archer isn't getting a start considering he's the only striker in the squad, no one else in the squad has scored more goals than him despite him playing much less than everyone else, and when he came off the bench in the last game he provided the kind of assist the other players weren't providing because they were trying to do everything themselves.

    Archer can't feel great about the fact that he's not getting a start despite being the only striker in the squad, Carsley seems to think he's Guardiola with these strange formations, as soon as come up against a good team will come unstuck.

    Ramsey and Archer were the two players that essentially won the last game, Ramsey with a brilliant solo goal, and Archer's run and unselfishness put in on a plate for Smith Rowe to get the winner, so whilst I can understand the logic in resting Ramsey if that's what has happened, it still seems strange that neither are starting in a must win game.

    I read an article about how England are losing their edge at producing strikers, although the average technical ability of academy players has skyrocketed the specialist skills of a centre forward are being lost. So it seems mad that we have a great opportunity to bring through a young striker and instead are going with a false 9

  9. On 24/06/2023 at 12:45, Chine said:

    Regarding JJ and Mount currently I agree although they are very close, but with almost 2 years between them age wise I’m in little doubt that JJ will become the much better player during that time , he’s flying 

    Wow I’m really surprised Mount is only 2 years older than JJ, feels like he’s been around a quite a while already,. To be fair Mount is better than he gets some credit for, though he has had a poor season it has to be said. I think the negativity towards him stems from Southgate, 36 senior caps already, he’s on course to be one of the top 10 most capped players for England of all time which doesn’t fit with how good he actually is even though he is pretty decent.

  10. 27 minutes ago, alreadyexists said:

    From the UEFA regs…


    So does it mean it doesn’t matter how old they are now providing they were with us for 3 years between age 15 and 21? Or do they have to be still between those ages now to qualify? 

    Once they have attained homegrown status it’s permanent no matter how old they are, or even if they move clubs and then come back so for example if we re-signed Grealish he’d still be a homegrown club player for us

    • Thanks 1
  11. 35 minutes ago, Tom13 said:

    Will he by 2024 (assuming he's then been with us for three years between the ages of 18-21?) Or will he have had to be with us from a younger age?

    I think because he’s been loaned out so technically won’t have been at the club for the required 3 years, not 100% sure though. But in theory you could buy a player at 18 and after 3 years they’d  become homegrown

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Tom13 said:

    Not sure, according to this, they don't have to be trained by your own club, as long as it's a club in the same country? So off the top of my head, Martinez, Watkins, Konsa, Mings, Ramsey and Cash would all fit this criteria.


    There’s separate rules for homegrown by country and homegrown by club. For a full Europa squad 8 homegrown players are required, of which at least 4 need to be home grown by the club 

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  13. 2 hours ago, HKP90 said:

    I raise you a leandro bacuna? Any better? I mean not better, but...

    Perhaps for every Suarez there's an Alfonso Alves, Memphis Depay, Jurgen Locadia, Mateja Kezman or Ven De Beek is a better (or worse) analogy! But every now and again there's a Tadic or an Eriksen thrown in. Unfortunately there seems to be more misses than hits for PL clubs shopping in the Eredivisie, especially when it comes to the more expensive signings, despite it being such a hotbed for developing talent, something just doesn't translate over particularly well. 

  14. I know the name Meunier but looking at his basic stats online, since he first moved to PSG 7 years ago or so he's only averaged 15 league starts per season. At 31 years old to go from years of being a squad player it would be tough for him to be step up to a stronger and more intense league as an immediate step up in quality from our current right back. I was hoping right back would be a priority position with a big transfer to nail down that position for good.

  15. 1 hour ago, burchy said:

    His stats are good out there in Brazil but he’s about 27 or something isn’t he?

    24 goals in 30 games this season according to transfermarkt in all competitions, although I can never work out the competition structure in Brazil as he’s played in 8 different club tournaments. 

    Recently turned 26 so a reasonable age but not a youngster. Looked like he flopped at Fiorentina a few years ago.

  16. 1 hour ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

    Because he’s shit and will be sold. It amazes me everyone wants to get rid of someone like Bailey who is actually a half decent footballer yet want to keep a lump like Dendonker.  

    I’ll be amazed if Donk is a Villa player come the end of the window. 

    I don’t think he’s shit but agree there are parts of his game which are limited. He’s a decent back up player and a useful tactical option to bring on considering his physical profile compared to our other midfielders. He could be upgraded but ultimately that would cost a lot of money, and not guaranteed to be an improvement either so really I just don’t see it as a priority position to change right now 

  17. 8 minutes ago, Zatman said:

    Luton record signing was 2 million and will be shopping in that market this summer like Blackpool did

    They apparently have only ever bought 2 players for over a million. 

    They’ll obviously have more money to spend than that now they’re in the premier league but I don’t think they will go mad like Forest did last season. £5m + a couple of mil add one in the miraculous event they stay up, would be a decent deal for all parties. 

  18. Since we signed Tielemans I think we’re well stocked for midfielders now. Luiz and Tielemans, Kamara and Dendoncker, McGinn and Ramsey, enough cover for key positions and complimentary options to change things up. I’m not sure we need Tyler Adams, maybe he was a back up option if we didn’t land Tielemans and the links are just slow getting out

  19. 3 hours ago, GREAT_BEARD_OF_ZEUS said:



    Don't have these guys down as the type to do ITK bullsh*t.

    Favourite interpretation is Harvey Barnes (as in Barn Owl 😆)

    Can only assume a Villa branded range of Furby’s is incoming 



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