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Peter Griffin

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Everything posted by Peter Griffin

  1. I think there is a very high likelihood that we will sign nobody in Jan. A bad injury could change that but I can't see us trying to improve the team unless we get another unexpected player like Sanson that is considered to be available at the right price and below market value
  2. Fair point and yeah Ash is older but I think he is different. He is much needed cover for our full backs, he had a completely different career to JL in that he has performed every season and he is ex Villa. He is brought in for experience, dressing room and backup and we know it is his retirement. Also, 'only' 50k a week, JL would want more than double that and JL would have a hefty transfer fee
  3. He would be 29 if we were to get him on loan and then if we were to convert that loan to a permanent at the end of the season he would 30. I think that would be too old to be signing a permanent player. We signed Ings at 29 but he is proven and it was only a 3 year contract
  4. Yes he is having a purple patch in his football this year but he has blown hot and cold. This is his last chance for a big contract and he would probably want 4 years on 120k+. I don't think he is coming to Villa and nor would I like him to. Yes, he would probably be good this season and next season. But after that we could have a 120k a week bench warmer that we simply can't get off the payroll.
  5. I think the money has a lot to do with it. Axel keeps signing a contract extension and then immediately going out on loan. If Axel was really determined to play 1st team football I would have expected him not to sign a contract renewal last month and try and force through a permanent deal as he would have been a very cheap purchase.
  6. Ideally in Jan we would be able to get a loan player in with an option to buy in the summer. I would take any of the following DM, FB, or CB as players for the first team and in that priority order. However, the next few months will direct us for our transfer activity insofar as how the promoted kids work out, injuries and form. There are no other positions I would look at for the first team and any other purchases would be youth
  7. The challenge clubs like Villa have is that we are aspiring to compete at the top. The FFP/P&S regulations force us to operate with particular financial constraints regardless how how much money our owners are will to invest. We have already amortised circa 10m of Mings purchase price and by next summer this will be closer to 15m meaning we still have about 5m left to amortise. Any price we sell him for that is in excess of 5m would be deemed a profit. If we could sell him for 25m then we would make an accounting profit of 20m on his sale. We need to be able to make these type of 'profitable' sales to push our P&S profits higher as this enables us to invest more in player purchases and pay higher wages.
  8. I don't understand the joke re multiple loan players from a single club and Januzaj but it does get a few references. But just in case this is not another joke, we can't loan more than 1 player from a PL team and we already have Axel on loan from Man U
  9. Absolutely, he is pure class. Has been brilliant against Portugal too. I can't see City parting with him and I would say he would be very expensive. Would love him at Villa but he will be pushing for 1st team play in the PL very soon. It will be difficult for City to keep him happy but I guess a proper pro contract salary may help
  10. Why direct this at me? I simply replied to a comment which listed the potential free transfers next summer. Should I not engage with people that reply to me? Should u not post to those people telling them not to reply to me?
  11. It is a very interesting time for us with shirt sponsorship. Yes we are in a better position for negotiation a better deal next summer but, and assuming the club is confident in its strategy of getting into Europe and pushing up the league, we will probably only be looking for a short term shirt sponsor deal. Our value isn't there yet and it is we won't get too much financial commitment based on potential. So if we sign a medium to long term deal we could be underselling ourselves. I expect we may sign a 2 or 3 year deal with the hope that following that we will be in Europe and in a much better negotiating position. We will no doubt build in some clauses to increase the sponsorship based on Euro qualification etc but we would get a much better deal if we already have Europe
  12. I am sure he would make an introduction to the relevant people at Adidas but I would be absolutely shocked if he didn't completely remove himself from all negotiations, from both a Villa and an Adidas perspective. He would leave it to Purslow to Nicola Ibbetson to agree any deal with Adidas and only if a mutually beneficial deal could be agreed
  13. In my experience none of that changes as you get older
  14. That's not going to happen. Adidas is not going to give a preferential deal to a company owned by a 6% shareholder. The other 94% may not be too impressed and it would not be ethical. NS would not tarnish his integrity trying to achieve a sweetheart deal for Villa
  15. But as a club we don't own Villa Park, we only rent it from the owners. The rent has to reflect a fair market rate. If we are permitted to use it for other purposes than football which generate more revenue I would suspect that may need to be reflected in the rent. We have to be very careful with this as the FA clearly do not like club owners selling the stadium to themselves to avoid FFP issues as they have closed this loophole. We would need to be squeaky clean with revenue generation from the stadium. It would be nice if we got ourselves in a position to buy VP back
  16. We brought in about 110m and we paid out about 95m while increasing the amount of first XI players and the first XI payroll. That looks like we are reinvesting the money. We can't simply spend 100m+ on players each summer with a revenue of about 130m and overheads of about 100m and stay within FFP. The more profitable we are (or less loss making) the more scope we have to invest in new players. Selling Mings would be very good for our P&L and thus give Smith and Lange more muscle in the transfer market. Also, NSWE and CP said the strategy is to be sustainable. Having a squad with Mings is not necessarily better than a squad without him. If we get a better CB in to replace Mings then our squad would be better
  17. It would be an excellent bit of business, I can't see it happening though unfortunately
  18. Yeah, there are positions that would be a priority over CB. The problem with Mings is that after next summer the likelihood is that is value will start to reduce significantly
  19. How can you say Mings isn't the best and say that thinking of selling him is not the way forward. He does have other leadership skills and it will not be easy to replace him but it is Lange's job to identify the correct players with the correct skills. Accepting players we believe are not the best is a sure fire way to delay progress.
  20. I am not suggesting we buy him, after all Spurs just bought him, was the discussion not using him as the type of player and the fact that he was coming from a CL club? You are completely missing the point I am making.
  21. Because we have very ambitious owners, are investing heavily in the squad, pay high wages and are looking like we are only going to get better.
  22. If those in charge think we could not improve on Mings then I think those in charge would be dumbassess. And I expect those in charge also see the benefit of selling players as opposed to letting them leave on a free
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