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Peter Griffin

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Everything posted by Peter Griffin

  1. Lange does have to look for a CB and if he doesn't have a short list now then he should be sacked. What happens if Mings has a serious injury and is out for a year. It is the same for every position at Villa. We always need to be prepared for a serious injury and or a bid which is too big to turn down. Do you really expect Lange to only then start scouting for a player when we are desperate? Wow
  2. It is not a cop out. Its Lange's job to do that and the reason he earns a good salary. It is nonsense to think or believe that these players do not exist.
  3. And there are far far more CBs that go off the boil in their 30s. Also, my point is more about him decreasing in value, which he will do, which I have made clear I believe. I also said there are other positions in the first XI that need upgrading ahead of CB. That doesn't change that it makes sense to sell Mings next summer
  4. You have raised a number of different issues there. I will try and address them - The reason I am saying he is the right player to sell is due to age and declining value. It is not that I personally want him sold. - Losing him from the dressing room is not ideal but that is why I repeatedly say we need the appropriate replacement and the replacement must have leadership skills. We need to replace the non footballing aspect Mings brings to Villa and not just the footballing ones -Yes a 50m player will come on a serious wage and similar to what Mings is on. That is the ideal scenario - There is always risk with buying a new player, it is not justification not to buy one though, if we applied that logic we would never buy anyone. But we need to have confidence in our recruitment team to get the right players. If we don't trust Lange we need to sack him and get someone in that we do trust - A player transfer won't normally have a huge signing on fee if there is a large transfer fee. Signing on fees are for 'free' transfers Edit: I didn't address one of your points - If no club will buy Mings for 25m then clearly we wont sell him for 25m and what I am saying could not happen. It does raise an interesting point though. If no club is prepared to pay 25m for him then it questions how good he actually is and the Villa Fans view of Mings. The other night someone said they wouldn't take 60m/70m for him
  5. I disagree. Mings will be 29 in March. After that we lose our ability to make a meaningful profit on him. I think he is exactly the right player to sell. Who else do we have that is at their peak value and only going south from now. If we sell Mings for 25m next summer we will make an accounting profit of about 20m. We buy a player for 50m of a 5 year contract to replace him. He will cost us about a 10m loss in the same accounting period. So from a financial perspective we are 10m in profit and we have upgraded an ageing player that only lose value with a younger player that will probably increase in value.
  6. My comments on Mings just about all say that to sell him we need an appropriate replacement. I also say that it is not just footballing skills but also leadership skills. I am not saying we should sell Mings and replace him with crap. I am saying sell Mings and replace him with equal with potential or better. I would like to see us sell him for 25m and spend 50m on a replacement. I am at a loss as to why people would not want an improvement on Mings and to be able to realise an accounting profit in the process
  7. I obviously have no idea who we would sell Mings to but if we got an offer of 25m+ I would happily take it. And no, I do not want to sell everyone at 29. Ings was bought to score goals for the next 2 to 3 years with the understanding that we will more than likely lose at least 20m on him, if not the full 25m. The strategy for Mings was to get us goals this season and next. With Mings we bought him to help our leaky defence, help get us promoted and help us stay in the PL. He delivered all he was asked to deliver. He was a great buy and we should all be happy. But we need to be realistic about where Villa is trying to go and we must become profitable in order to be able to buy better players and pay higher wages due to FFP/P&S constraints. Transfer and retaining player is unfortunately not just about the player, we need to take into account the financial implications. Selling Mings will help Villa pay higher wages and pay for better quality players. This is what we need to do in order to push up the table for European and Champions League qualification
  8. Mings is a great CB and has been brilliant for Villa. But he is not a top 6 CB. The reason he is in the England setup is because he is left footed. I love the guy and what he has done for Villa but equally we have made him a very very wealthy man. I hope, when the time comes, we part ways with both parties happy. We all loved Gabby at times when he was a Villa player and towards the end of his career the same fans that loved him were saying he was stealing a living. I really don't want to see that ever again with any of our players. Its bad for the fans, bad for the player and very bad for the club
  9. Nice post and fair play to u for volunteering to work. I too remember exactly where I was at the time and how I first heard about it. My wife phoned me at work and told me a plane crashed into the WTC. My mental picture was a light aircraft had technical issues and the people on board had died and maybe some people on the streets below were very unfortunate. I went to our work restaurant to see it on TV and was just dumbstruck and what unfolded for the rest of the day. I spent the entire day glued to the TV. Luckily, I had no friends or family directly involved. I have also visited NY many times and have visited the site on multiple times. Flying over NY, I always feel emotional at the gap in the skyline. And this Sir, is the most important part of your comment
  10. The player at Villa I would least want to read that we have accepted an offer for is Konsa and in second place Martinez. Hopefully, in 12 months time I will be adding Emi B, Bailey and Ollie as joint top two. And if I am greedy, a few youth and a couple of others
  11. That is my view and always has been. There is no player I would be upset about selling if it is the right thing for Villa. In 10 years time we will have most likely have none of the current players still with us. That is just how football works. For us to be successful we need to rid ourselves of sentimentally and think of what is the right thing to do. My opinion is the right thing to do is to sell players at a premium and reinvest in better quality.
  12. There is a massive caveat in my view on selling Mings. Lange must be able to find the appropriate replacement. If we unintentionally downgrade it is a disaster. But, I do think we have to have faith and confidence in our people to do their job well. If we don't have faith in Lange then he is the wrong man for the job
  13. Because he will be 29 in March and his value is only going to go down from here. The is also a possibility he will lose pace and rather than continue to improve he will get worse with age. Next summer we could command a decent fee for him. With FFP/P&S constraints we need the club to show as high an accounting profit as possible to allow us to invest in more expensive players and pay higher wages. If we want to get to be a Champions League team we must be able to invest in players and pay higher wages. Hanging on to Mings past his sell by date is a bad idea. Selling him at a significant profit is a good idea. We just need Lange to made sure we get the right replacement
  14. I agree about the leadership. There are very few strong leaders (from what I can see) at Villa, it is a weakness in our recruitment in the last few years. I am hoping Ings will be a bit of a leader in the team. I think he has it in him to do so. But we do need a strong leader at CB and if Mings was to go we would have to get a new CB in that is a leader
  15. I don't know. That is Lange's job to identify with the help of his team. It would be naive to think there is not better out there (and that applies to all of our players) and it would make an awful lot of sense for AVFC to replace Mings while he has value as opposed to waiting till he is worth nothing or worse, waiting till he is an overpaid unused player unable to get in the first XI and unable to sell
  16. I got my 4 quid too. May put it on us to beat Chelsea 3-1
  17. Not fuelled by boredom. I think we should sell him if we can find a buyer and a suitable replacement.
  18. Carlton Palmer probably thinks he would be the right man for us. He is not short of a bit of inflated self confidence
  19. Ah great, I take it we no longer have to strictly stick to the Jan transfer window as long as we are discussing Villa players and transfers. Oh wait!
  20. Has anyone on here got a VW ID.4 or got one on order?
  21. I had an S-Type. Lovely car to drive, kept it about 5 years. Other than regular servicing the issues I had was a new radiator and parking sensor failure due to water ingress which are both known problems with the S. It was expensive to run and maintain though
  22. Danny D cost Chelsea 34m, 5 year contract on 6.5m a year is 32.5m in wages. That is 66.5m. He has played a total of 12 PL games for Chelsea in his entire Chelsea career and will not add to that. He must have a bloody good agent. If I was a young pro footballer I would be looking to get his agent
  23. In hindsight 6m is steep for a loan fee. But if his value as a player was actually 30m then 6m is probably a fair loan fee. The problem we had is that he didn't deliver on the pitch which is reflective of a 30m player. Chelsea made some poor signings and contract extensions in the past. Danny Drinkwater got a 5 year contract on 6.5m a year. He is now at Reading and they are probably only paying about 10k in wages
  24. His salary at Chelsea is 5m a year and we paid a 6m loan fee I believe. If his market value is say 30m, then 6m loan fee is probably reasonable. He was great for a few games and got us the win against Leicester but overall he was a bit of a dud
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