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Peter Griffin

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Everything posted by Peter Griffin

  1. Clearly I don't. The hint is where I said 'I think'. But I try to look at what is plausible for different scenarios. I am sure Tammy would have liked to join Villa and we could afford him but we went for the shorter term solution instead. It could be that we didn't want him or it could be we wanted him and didn't like the buy back clause. But I think the most plausible is that we wanted as close as we could get to guaranteed goals
  2. If you think we are competing with Chelsea for league position this season I want some of what you are smoking. They are miles ahead of us
  3. Come on. Chelsea is not worried about Villa. They are European Champions and they are trying to win the Premier League this season. Maybe Tammy would have elevated us, as I said I would love him at Villa with Ollie and Ings but Ings will score more goals this season imo, I think that is why we bought Ings ahead of Tammy
  4. So there would have been no problem selling him to Villa
  5. Absolutely, that would be the dream but I would very much doubt that we would be banking on that coming to fruition, hopefully it will.
  6. I never said we should limit ourselves to one striker. As for Tammy becoming an extra striker with Ollie and Ings, then yes I would love him at Villa. I was just ruling out buying Tammy and Ings. But I would prefer to see 34m spent on upgrading Targett or Nakamba He was also very useful at defending set pieces. He helped out or CBs a lot
  7. I do believe if we wanted Tammy he would be a Villa player now, we would have overcome the obstacles. We are not going to make a profit on Ings, that is clear. So the strategy behind buying Ings is clearly that we want as close as we can get to guaranteed goals this season and next. I think this is for a push to qualify for the Europa. Goals are expensive and we are obviously happy to pay 15m a year for them
  8. If we tried to get him why didn't we succeed? I can't believe we couldn't have spent the few quid extra. I think a more plausible theory is that Villa wanted a goal scorer and would deliver goals int he next 2 seasons and Ings was seen as a much safer bet. I really like Tammy, we are indebted to him for helping us to promotion. I get it was a team effort and all that but if Tammy wasn't in the team we would not have got promoted. But for where we are now and where we are going I don't think Tammy is the right man for us.
  9. If the people at Villa believed that then surely we would have bought him this summer
  10. I agree with that. I really don't rate him as a manager and imo he cost England the Euros this year
  11. But Tammy isn't good enough for Villa. We can do better than Tammy and he wouldn't get a game ahead of Ings or Ollie
  12. For Konsa, due to his age and potential. IMO, Konsa is going to be an elite CB and will be one of the first names on the England team sheet in the coming years. I believe Konsa will be worth a lot more more in the coming years so we shouldn't sell him. Targett, I like Targett but I feel he has reached his ceiling, I can't see him getting much better than he currently is. If we got an offer for him I would have no issue selling him but I don't think he would command much of a fee, maybe 10m?
  13. It does, it shows we have different opinions and that we are viewing it from a different perspective
  14. Or perhaps 'Everyone else wants to keep Mings'
  15. The market will be quite different next summer and there could be many things that could happen for us to receive a bid for Mings e.g. Fofana's injury forced Leicester to buy a new CB a few weeks ago. As regards there being zero chance it hasn't crossed the minds of people at the club. I would say there is zero chance it hasn't been discussed and continues to be discussed. They will need to assess every player for a potential sale and a potential contract renewal. I believe CP is managing AV very well and he will definitely have made sure these discussions have taken place so that we are prepared if a bid comes in and also we are preparing if we want to sell Mings or if we want to tie him to a longer contract. It will not have been a 10 second conversation of 'We love Mings, he is going nowhere', it will have been assessed from a football and a financial perspective and the implications to the club
  16. I doubt we rate him differently. He is an extremely good player but he could be improved upon. It just happens that if we don't make it happen next summer the likelihood is that we never will and that particular opportunity to increase our profitability goes. I want Villa to challenge for Europe and for Champions League and I believe we will not be able to do this without being able to pay higher wages to more of the team. We need to register accounting profits to enable us to pay more.
  17. I think that selling a good player who fits into the team nicely will always have some pain (and risk), but it is selling these players that will give us most profitability and therefore more scope to improve. The ability to pay higher wages and to more of the 1st team is really important. I think that is absolutely necessary for us to break into the top 4. This will be a gradual process and not a one season fix. If there was no FFP then I would say keep Mings for a few more years but unfortunately we need to take into account the financial aspect of football and not just the dressing room or pitch. This is particularly true if, as expected, the FFP/P&S model moves to a wage as a % of revenue. It is absolutely critical to our future success that we can make some significant accounting profit on player sales.
  18. Yep Fortnite and Minecraft in my house too but there has been a move to PC games as opposed to console games. I am not sure if that is because my kids are older now or whether it is the market, it is probably a bit of both
  19. I rate Mings, he is a good player. But like every other player at Villa, he could be replaced with better. To achieve success we must always try to improve. Using Mings as my example is, imo, the perfect player to use. We can realise a decent profit by selling and replace him with better. Although he is very good I don't believe for one second that we could not attract better.
  20. No idea, I have neither and have never played Football Manager. My kids have a PS though
  21. I am with you on that. I have liked Mings from the very start. I think it was his second game for us and he played brilliantly and it could be seen he was destined to be a fans favourite.
  22. Why? It is the principle of what I am saying is important and not the individual.
  23. No, that's only on the PlayStation that would work. But in the real world it is an absolutely vital component of a strategy for a club with aspirations of Europe.
  24. I agree, he will have help but it is a very clear message from the club that Lange is responsible. Definitely Konsa and Ollie were Smith recommendations but I don't know and Buendia. but Lange will have to have approved them (Suso in the case of Konsa) I have no issue with that, we all have different opinions. My opinion is that I think we would be better off cashing in. If we allow players to leave on a free they can take a large portion of a future transfer window to replace and this could potentially weaken our ability to improve the team in that window. I think we are much better off upgrading players on our terms when we are not forced to upgrade. We were forced to upgrades a lot of players when we came back up to the PL and it forced us to shop at a certain level (10m/15m players). We are still feeling the pain of this today (ElGhazi, Trez, Nakamba and many Goal Keepers). I would like to see Villa keep the team very fresh and sell players when it appears that we don't need to sell. This tends to mean we get a premium for our player sale. This profitability will, imo, give us the leverage to reach top 6 and then top4
  25. Is it not both? He needs to find value in players that will fit into our team. Whether a player costs 5m or 50m they can still be value. We paid about 30m each for 4 transfers recently and each of them look like they are players that will increase in value. The lower we pay for a player the better it is for us as it helps towards profitability. It is absolutely vital we are able to churn players for an accounting profit. It will help us to break into Europe and Champions League spots.
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