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Peter Griffin

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Everything posted by Peter Griffin

  1. We've conceded 2 corners in the first 90 seconds and they are camped in our half
  2. I always get stupidly confident before kickoff. I fancy us for the win now
  3. A hard fought 3 points would be even lovelier
  4. aka, the correct tactical approach against this Chelsea side at the Bridge
  5. It would probably test our back 5 a little too
  6. Yep, we played about 3 games with it if my memory works. But I agree the switch was made during that game that Wes and Heaton got injured. Jan 1st last year
  7. I like the look of that team. I am happy that DS has the balls to change formation, I often fear he doesn't have the balls for the big call. Would love to see Archer come on and score the winner
  8. I'd accept an 8-0. Ings and Ollie with a hattrick each and a couple for Bailey. Job done and 3 points in the bag
  9. Ligament damage usually takes longer than 5 months for an athlete and also an athlete's recovery period will be longer than an ordinary Joe as they need it to recovery to a greater extent. Also, the club said a 'twisted knee', it is the ACL that controls the twisting movement of the knee. That kept Wes out for about 15 months
  10. I really hope you win, 11/1 in a three horse race is nice odds
  11. Its very early to be on the sauce
  12. Okay, you're crazy. But I really hope you are right UTV
  13. Hard to disagree with that. I think the only chance to get anything out of this game unless one of players does something very special and Chelsea have a bad day
  14. I take it you don't want to answer so. Have a nice evening and hopefully 3 points tomorrow evening
  15. I suppose that is easier than answering the question
  16. I am saying what I think is the best outcome for Villa, this is based on what I believe about our transfer strategy and I am recognising that your thoughts are also plausible. You are saying mine are not plausible and thus your's are right LOL. I have seen Tammy's stats and I have read a fair amount of your posts on the Tammy thread. What is clear is that Ings stats are better than Tammy's. And I am not comparing for their age, I am talking about now, hence I believe it is plausible that we bought Tammy for 'now' as he is more proven than Tammy
  17. Yep, I am sure lots of other teams supporters are not happy with what Villa is doing. We are definitely on the way up and it is great to be a Villa fan at the moment (well it is always great to be a Villa fan) but clubs like Everton, Saints, Toon etc are not happy with what we are doing and Baggies and Blues are seriously upset
  18. Do u believe that City bought Jack to restrict AVFC's progress?
  19. It is quite shortsighted not to see that as plausible, you appear to be letting your feeling influence your judgement. I see all the options we discussed of why we signed Ings as opposed to Tammy as plausible. But then it comes down to personal opinion as which I see as most plausible, and obviously I feel my suggestion is most plausible, otherwise I wouldn't be suggesting it. No problem disagreeing on that but I am basing my thoughts on how both Tammy and Ings have performed in the PL, I am not basing them on a subjective view of Tammy or my thoughts of how he will develop as a player this season
  20. I really don't think so. City bough Jack to win the Champions League as KDB is getting older and has injury problems. There isn't one iota of a chance that City bought Jack to restrict our advancement.
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