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Peter Griffin

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Everything posted by Peter Griffin

  1. They changed the ruling on dodgy stadium to close that loophole. Just like the changed the ruling on the dodgy practice of club owners buying their own stadium to get around FFP/P&S. It is not the 'Sky 6', lots of clubs, including Aston Villa are trying to find ways around FFP. We are just as bad as the rest
  2. Maybe this is why we had a profit on player sales this summer. We are probably keeping our money to bring Haaland to Villa Park next summer. He would be a good backup to Ollie and Ings
  3. I agree with what you are saying and if DS plays Ings and Ollie together and can't get it to work then it would be a justified stick to beat him with. If they do not work together then one has to be dropped. Watkins is the better footballer but Ings the better finisher. Difficult decisions for DS. If I recall correctly did he say that he is going to play the two together and that you can't have the quality of the two of them and leave one on the bench (not intended as a quote but the jist of what he said)
  4. I think parachute arrival is reserved for Arsenal games only
  5. Dwight Gayle and Graeme Jones had to be pulled apart for fighting during training. They have a tendency to fight amongst themselves.
  6. I agree, I am just joking with you . I am a very very strong believer in building from the back. Must have is a great GK, then learn to defend and then start looking further up the pitch. I think DS has done just that but he has probably improved our attacking players to a degree I hadn't expected. Assuming there are no necessary purchases / replacements (injury or player sale), I hope and expect to see our next few new players be more defensive than attacking
  7. Sounds like you want a little more than a clean sheet
  8. Rooney is apparently on 2.6m a year a DCFC, that's about twice what Dean Smith reportedly earns.
  9. I think it is more that he spent money Derby didn't have as opposed to Mel not having. He has the cash but FFP restrictions didn't allow him to spend it. I am not saying he would have wanted to spend it if he was allowed but it is the decision making and accounting practices at DCFC that have resulted in them getting in this mess
  10. I don't think NSWE would have bought us if we were in the PL. The bought us a few hours before defaulting on a tax bill and going into administration soon after losing the playoff final. That is when AVFC was at its most vulnerable and at a very low valuation considering the assets that were up for grabs. That is not NSWE having a love for Villa, that is NSWE having an eye for a bargain
  11. But the purchase of Ings, Buendia and Bailey may help
  12. Everton brought in 3 new first team players and have a new manager. We brought in 5 new players that could be considered 1st team, one of which played for us as a CB a couple of years ago and played alongside Mings at the back and Smith has been our manager for the last 3 years. Why would u think Everton have more synergy and it is wrong to think that half our team never played together and have barely trained together. If anything we should be hitting the ground running quicker than Everton.
  13. Absolutely, and the big problem was the lack of cash. If we had beaten Fulham then I doubt very much NSWE would have bought us. Xia would have hung on with the PL cash and Bruce would have played Bruceball and considered finishing 17th as a superb season. He would have bought old players with no resale value and had two expensive loan players. Christ! it sends shivers down my spine just writing this
  14. How do you come up with us going backwards?
  15. Even if they broke their own points total they would have got about 130m+ and a minimum of 2 years parachute payments. They would probably be back in the Championship now but with money in the bank and clear of FFP concerns.
  16. FFP would help against things like this if the clubs complied with FFP. Derby didn't comply with FFP and got themselves into a mess. The embargo and points deduction is just the penalty for breaking the rules. However, there is an argument to say that the penalties just cause more damage to the club but if the bottom line is that they cheated over the last number of years and this impacted the other clubs that were relegated. Like for us, the play off final was huge as the PL cash would have solved their problems
  17. I like him but I can't see him leaving Man Utd for less than 35m/40m and very high wages. I am not sure he would be the type of player Lange is looking for. He is the sort of transfer that I would be happy if we got him and equally not unhappy if we didn't
  18. I agree, if Jack was to play Champions League for Villa it would most likely be at the end of his career. He did the right thing leaving imo. Regarding Leicester they did break FFP the year they got promoted and negotiated a settlement of about 3.1m which was paid in 2018.
  19. Yeah, a lot of those posters now praising Grealish for leaving Villa will also be the same ones defending Smith like their lives depend on it. Can't have much faith in the manager if they believe Grealish had to leave Villa because we weren't going anywhere. I won't be one of them. Smith is doing a good job but he is very much under the spotlight. I won't be shedding to many tears when he leaves but he I do respect the man for what he is doing. A poor season this year and we could be looking for his replacement. As for Grealish leaving Villa because we weren't going anywhere. I don't believe he ever said that and nor do I believe he believes it. Anyone that follows football can see Villa is on the rise, it is just the speed of that rise would not suit Grealish at his stage in his career
  20. That doesn't make sense. Of course he can respect Smith while thinking he will not get the opportunities at Villa as he is getting at City.
  21. A lot of us have grown up and matured a little since leaving school, it tends to help put a different perspective on things, that could possibly be the reason
  22. Deeney scored a consolation pen. They will focus on that while their sisters get warmed up
  23. Because it is a ridiculously hypothetical question. If those 99.9% were world class footballers capable of playing at the highest level of club football then I suspect the vast majority of them would leave. Villa couldn't offer this football to Jack and given his age we probably would not be able to during his short career as a pro footballer
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