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Peter Griffin

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Everything posted by Peter Griffin

  1. Norwich have lost their first 5 and also lost their last 10 when they were in the PL the season before last. Farke is the first manager to ever lose 15 top flight games on the spin, albeit he had a good Championship season in the middle of it
  2. The strength in depth and quality across the team as opposed to being coming from one player showed today. If we can get our 1st XI selection right then we could be on to something very good here.
  3. We played well for sections of the game. Bailey made a massive difference. But there are weaknesses there. In the first half they could have scored a few times on the counter. Our defence looked a little lost at times and if DCL was on the pitch instead of Rondon it could have been a completely different game.
  4. The ref should have booked Konsa and Cash. Konsa was also at risk as the last man. When our team loses the ref tends to be awful, when we win the ref tends to be much better. Clear lack of objectivity
  5. Good to see Bailey on the pitch after final whistle, must only be a knock
  6. If this is an unfit Bailey I am looking forward to seeing him when he is match fit
  7. This is the sort of game where Smith brings a huge amount of unnecessary pressure on himself. He needs to react to what is happening on the pitch and use the quality he has on the bench
  8. He only arrived back in England this morning
  9. The 50m in debt is a huge concern and who this is owed to and what it is secured against. And that doesn't even include new debt for the last few years. If Mel has gambled the club on debt that is owed to him and then puts the club in admin to recover X pence in the £, that will be a horrible thing to do and fans will be rightly peed off.
  10. If I was his manager I would want to kick him up the hole
  11. Our result against Bees with a weakened side is not looking a bad as some make it out to be
  12. However, what is not clear yet as they have published accounts is quite a while is if the money Mel put into the club was in the form of debt or equity and if debt i.e. a loan from Mel to DCFC was the debt secured against the club's assets. If it has been a Mel gets paid off by the administrators then the fans will not be a happy bunch. We are so lucky with NSWE as all of the cash they put in to date has been equity and AVFC doesn't owe them any money.
  13. I think Konsa is the better CB and would be more suited to the centre position and it helps that Tuanzebe has played RB during his career too. So it would still be playing players in a natural position (very unlike our time with Bruce). PS: I do think Konsa in the middle is the better option but it was not my idea, someone mentioned it on here the other day
  14. It was a good line up and we played some nice football. If we are to do it again I would prefer Tuanzebe at RB and Konsa in the centre
  15. It would effectively give Baggies 2 points if they go out of business
  16. It is a difficult one. On one hand the clubs are businesses and the EFL or anyone else can't interfere on the running of a business. They do try with fit and proper owner checking and FFP/P&S should force the club to live within its means. In the case of DCFC they broke the FFP rules, if they had complied with FFP they would probably not be in this mess. A further complication was the loophole of selling the stadium to cover up FFP losses. DCFC did this but this loophole has now been closed too. It was a benefit for AVFC as we got promoted and have wealthy owners that invested money as equity and not as debt. But DCFC are up to their neck in it and the fact that the club no longer owns its stadium puts it in even greater peril. I suspect that Morris is exploiting the points deduction for FFP breaches to enter admin. Its a bit like changing the water pump when u change the timing belt. The EFL has the ability to cancel the -9 point FFP deduction if new owners come in. So it makes sense to take the -12 rather than the -9 and have the club in admin which would make it a much much more attractive purchase for an investor. It is high risk but when your back is against the wall you will try anything
  17. Smith had never managed above the Championship and when he joined us he was joining a Championship club. From what I read he was on about 400k and Brentford and we offered him 1m a year which he no doubt very happily accepted. Then his contract renewal gave him a 50% payrise to put him on 1.5m a year.
  18. They need some way to punish DCFC, if there is no punishment for the crime then there is no deterrent. Wycombe may also feel a bit hard done by and want to see them punished. It is probably too late but they should be put in League 1 now and Wycombe into the Championship.
  19. And I doubt Phillip Cocu was cheap. He had an excellent reputation before joining Derby. I actually fancied him for Villa when we sacked Bruce but didn't think it realistic that we could attract him or afford him (how things have changed). His wages and sacking fee would have cost a lot. Then the whole Richard Keogh disaster for them where they sacked Keogh and not the two younger players who were on lower wages. There was no way Keogh was not going to win his court case and he got awarded about 3m. Hopefully they will survive and a new owner will come in and try and restructure things for a challenge on League 1 next season
  20. Its a business, the product is sport and the value proposition is entertainment. Jack was an asset we sold at a profit. If CP or NSWE treat AVFC as a family and get sentimental about it we will fail.
  21. I would say DS is doing a good job but there is room for improvement
  22. Smith needs at least 10 games before his sacking would be considered imo. It would be crazy to sack him now, if they were to sack him now they should have sacked him at the end of last season. But they kept him and trusted him so he will stay for a bit longer at least. I am sure that CP and others have a list of potential replacements and if the time comes they will be prepared
  23. I am not trying to create a stick to beat DS with. I am just stating the facts. All too often people go to the extremes of Dean can't do any wrong or Dean is crap. He is at neither of these extremes. Everton have a lots of issues for this pre season. They had their equivalent of Jack (Richarlison) in South America and Japan with Dougie. They had 3 games in pre season, two of which were in Florida and they had a tough transfer window with a total spend of less than 2m which was late in the window too. Trying to say that Everton has more synergy than Villa is just trying to find a way to make excuses for Dean Smith rather than be objective
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