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Everything posted by MSvillain

  1. MSvillain

    Tyler Adams

    I agree with a lot of stuff you say but this isn’t the typical Brighton signing tbf
  2. I thinks it’s claret and blue
  3. I thought certain EU clubs had to sell before June 30th for FFP purposes so i thought we may see some signings due to that...
  4. I think he'll be like David Goggins where he counts showers and meal times as mini-holidays
  5. Yeah you’re correct, no one has ever left Bilbao
  6. Also imagine that the previous links to Luiz Henrique from Betis are because he is our plan B in this scenario
  7. Terrible source but so is every one that has written a story
  8. more surprised at you being negative, rarely happens!
  9. Transfer window is ruined mate, haven’t you heard?
  10. Southgate will be gone soon enough
  11. but he used two flame emoji's?? if that's not legitimacy I don't know what is!
  12. i'd love to know how West Ham are valued at almost double what we are, especially as they don't even have a stadium
  13. Jesus, they love a soap opera over there don't they ffs
  14. But again, we can be as secretive as we want, Spanish and French clubs in particular leak like a sieve
  15. Probably like Robles to replace Olsen or some rubbish
  16. lets see how he fairs for a big club under a proper manager
  17. Even if we are paying him £200k/week (i imagine it would be more of a big signing on fee to not blow our wage structure) the deal over 4 years still only amounts to just over £40m, which someone would have probably paid for him as a fee last summer
  18. Apologies if this has been posted already but an interesting watch... Seems to indicate this season he's been playing as more of a 6 rather than an 8 so could explain why he's been poor (sounds very similar to Dougie)
  19. Fab reporting that Unai took matters into his own hands to get this over the line but still people complaining about it
  20. Maybe we feel we can offer a lower wage if he's a bit more desperate for a club
  21. Pretty sure Ty actually alluded to this when talking about what he and Emery discussed when Unai first arrived! Agree with the point about CMs too
  22. We do things privately when dealing with clubs in England, stuff abroad almost always leaks beforehand because of the foreign press
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