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Posts posted by MSvillain

  1. 1 minute ago, lexicon said:

    Who knows? I'm not sure it'll be this big revolutionary thing that some are claiming. I think they'll get bored after not too long. 

    Agreed, i cant imagine its the most pleasant place to live to boot, but maybe i'm being ignorant as I've got no desire to visit Dubai either!

  2. Most players will know they can have a proper career and then move to Saudi when they hit 32/33, still allowing them to accumulate wealth for generations to come

  3. 13 minutes ago, KMitch said:

    Which is why I'm scared...  Whenever we seem to have a great window we never seem to meet expectations afterward.  

    We've never had Unai and Monchi before....

  4. 17 minutes ago, villanmac said:

    In the age of data and analytics, when you look at the top 4 players in that list it does seem like clubs are happy to pay obscene amounts based on a speed rating.

    He got 10+ goal contributions too though, not bad for his first season in the prem

  5. 28 minutes ago, jacketspuds said:


    I think it's all a ruse by the club to not actually sign anyone for a transfer fee.

    Pau Torres didn't even want to get married but the club pushed him to do it so that they could use his honeymoon as an excuse as to why he's going to "choose" PSG over us.

    If anything, I don't even think he knows the woman he married.

    These kind of posts are my absolute favourite

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  6. 1 minute ago, Delphinho123 said:

    It’s a weird thing for him to post given he knows a LOT of people will see that. He also comes across as a top bloke and he’s a massive villa fan. I doubt he’d post that, knowing the reaction, if he hadn’t heard something. 

    Yeah I agree, i just know how most people here feel about twitter itk!

  7. So Nathan Dawe (DJ and ambassador for Villa, if anyone is wondering wtf he is) has had some inside info in the past I believe, hinting at Bailey a couple of days before it was announced. 

    Posted this last night:


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  8. 10 minutes ago, Delphinho123 said:

    Look, you’ve all been arguing amongst yourselves lately and quite frankly, it’s starting to piss me off. So, relax and let’s discuss this random link…


    worthy of a new thread surely...? 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Tayls said:

    God! This doesn’t fit my negative agenda! Quick, where’s PSG when I need them?! 

    There's a lesson in here somewhere mate

  10. 25 minutes ago, Herman22 said:

    Pau has very low aerial % for such a big guy! Seems strange! 

    Those stats represent percentile amongst CB, its not the actual % of duels he has won/lost

    • Thanks 1
  11. 53 minutes ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

    In the Premier League that 95.5% Aerials dual won is priceless. 

    Mings really only won 15% of defensive duals? I find that hard to believe. 

    Its percentile amongst CB, not the underlying statistic

    I.e. Torres has more progressive carries than 99.8% of CB's

    • Thanks 1
  12. 5 minutes ago, Indigo said:

    Apparently the guy those quotes are coming from is pretty legit when it comes to Villarreal stuff.

    but a few people on here have said its 100% not going to happen...

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