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Big Salad

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Posts posted by Big Salad

  1. Anyone else a big fan of Half-Life?

    Recently pulled out my PS2 from storage and beat the first one. Bought back some good memories and plan on getting the second on ebay and beating it again as well.

    Hopefully they release another one at some point.

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  2. More highlights i watch and the more I read about this guy I am very very happy with this signing.

    Think his fee will be an absolute bargain if he does what I think he can.

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  3. For me it was Friedel.

    When I think about the 3 best US GK's I have ever seen play (Friedel, Keller, and Howard) I just got the most out of watching Brad play for Villa and how he commanded his troops if you will. I think he had a lot left to give us. I have met him before and he such a down to earth dude.

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